Poll: Does anybody enjoy reading my story Take on: Twilight Saga Negative Exposure? Vote Now!
Author has written 5 stories for Twilight, and Harry Potter. I think language is the most wondrous thing to ever be created. It has given us literature, intellect, and music. I finally decided to publish stories and I'm excited to try something I have never done before...I hope I inspire somebody to attempt a story too...If you are interested in another author's work check out k1mm1 and her story Finding Father Cullen. If you would be kind enough to review my work and let me know if you like what I am writing, or have any tips for me that would be great. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read my take on things. I wanna pre-warn everyone so that no parents are mad at me some of the content in my writing may be unsuitable for the younger reader/author. It's rated for a reason please respect that's as much as I could to do to ensure they didn't learn anything sooner than intended. Oh I also wanted to mention, rant if you will... Lol sorry I just wish more people would write stories that at least attempt to stick to the canon. If you read a book, and choose to write fanfic where the author left off. Don't rape the author's work haha. Oh yeah check out my Poll |
Annon.Owl (5) |