![]() Author has written 15 stories for Wrestling. I'm Demon-Junchuriki14 I hope you enjoy what I write, and I will take all suggestions and critiques to improve and attempt to put them to work :) Have a nice day :) I do not like Beta readers, (I have no time to work with one) so most of my stories will be unBetad, I have a friend that I have read over my stories before I post them normally and sometimes there are some silly mistakes in my stories, I am only human, you cannot expect much more from me then that, so mostly my stories are rather unbetad, and I don't mind if you point out mistakes that I have in them I do have muses that like to add in their two cents at the end of a chapter or a story sometimes, so you are forewarned. My muses are weird. You can find me on deviantARt at: http:/// and http:/// Tumblr: http:/// Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Demonjinchuriki I'm also over at fictionpress with my original stories, check them out if you want: http://www.fictionpress.info/u/890803/ If you've ever had a crush on a professional wrestler, copy and paste this onto your profile, add your penname, and the name(s) of the wrestlers you've crushed on: Demon-Jinchuriki14 (Justin Gabriel, Miz, Evan Bourne, Wade Barrett, Randy Orton, John Cena, John Morrison, Heath Slater, Daniel Bryan, Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, Zack Ryder, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Yoshi Tatsu, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Christian, Edge, Alex Riley, Goldberg, Rob Van Dam, Johnny Curtis, Derrick Bateman) Updates on stories that are either here already or will be here soon: Even The Immortal Can Be Very Human: Old Endings New Beginnings: VIP Passes: Curiosity kills the cat jealously kills the heart: Kiss Me In The Morning: From A Nobody To An Important Somebody: Busted up lips and Raging Englishmen : Why is it always the left?: Don't ask where he came from: Second To None: Contact is Essential: Mission accomplished: Here's Your Proof: That did not just happen: Sorry guys, I'm going to be on a little bit of a hiatus. School is starting to get overwhelming and I haven't really had anytime to write at all. So to all of you who actually check this section to get updates on my story statuses, then you know why there will be a hold on my stories for awhile. I'll let you guys know when I go back to full time writing but it will mostly be during my breaks or something. This Section has been brought to you by the letter J and the number 450. And all of my muses that either feel neglected or just wish for me to finish the story that they are in so I can start a new one. last updated on 12-25-12 |