"Hey Babe." Alex said walking into the hotel room and over to Dani, kissing her cheek.

"Hey." She smiled.

"I brought breakfast!" He sang holding up a bag in front of her face. She laughed and grabbed the bag, bringing it over to their table. She pulled out the contents and lined them on the table.

"NUTELLA!" She smiled. "How on earth did you find this?"

"Dedication, Love, Magic," He started.

Dani smiled and kissed him on the lips. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Alex smiled. He grabbed bread and the peanut butter and started to make a sandwich. "So, I thought for today we could just stay in. Relax and chill."

"Sounds good to me." Dani smiled taking a spoon and scooping out Nutella. She raised the spoon to her mouth and smiled as she devoured the chocolate.

Alex starred at her. "Some people would fine that utterly disgusting."

"Then don't watch. You will never break this habit. Ever. The Nutella… its mine." She said taking another spoonful into her mouth.

"That stuff makes you fat." Alex said.

"Well…. Bread makes you fat." Dani said in defense holding the Nutella container away from Alex. "And who are you calling fat Mr. Big Gut."

"I have a six pack."

"But you got love handles babe." Dani smirked.

"And you…." Alex started but quickly changed his sentence by the look on Dani's face. "You have the most rocking body I have ever seen."

Dani smiled. She walked over and patted his head. "Good husband." She kissed his cheek walking over to the couch and turning on the TV.


"Can you watch Kevin for a little while?" Gibbs said into the phone.

"Of course." Ziva said. "When do you need me too?"


Ziva rolled her eyes. Her boss was never one for warnings. "Am I going there, or are you coming here?"

"We are coming to you." Gibbs said. "And it might be a stay the night thing. Not totally sure yet."

"That is perfectly alright." Ziva said.


Ziva looked at the phone and laughed. Never one for goodbyes either.

"Tony," She said walking into the living room where he and Nettie were watching TV.

"Ya babe."

"Kevin is going to stay the night."Ziva said.

Tony looked up and smiled. "Yay!" He went straight to the kitchen and got to work.

"What was that about?" Nettie asked looking at the trail Tony left behind.

"Tony and Kevin have this thing where they stay up late and eat chocolate chip pancakes that they make together. They create all these funny pictures and the ones they don't eat are for the next morning." Ziva smiled.

"How adorable." Nettie said. "How old is Kevin?"

"6" Ziva smiled. "Well, 6 and ½ if you ever ask him."

"Ahh.." Nettie smiled.

"He is Alex's brother. Very cute and the exact replica of Alex." Ziva smiled. "I am sure you saw him at the wedding."

"I did." Nettie smiled. "He was the ring barrier, correct?"

"Yes." Ziva smiled.

"Zee?" Tony asked sticking his head out from the doorway. "Do we have anymore chocolate chips?"

Ziva sighed. "They should be right where you put them away."

Tony chuckled. "And where was that, exactly?"

She rolled her eyes and turned to look at him. "Top cabinet to the left, behind the peanut butter."

"Love you…" He smiled going back to the kitchen.

Ziva turned back to face Nettie.

"You know, you know more about this house than he does." Nettie smiled.

Ziva laughed. "Well, he is not one for tidying up. So it is just coincidence that I know where everything is, and the fact that he never knew where anything was even when I didn't live here."

Nettie smiled.

"We're here." Gibbs said opening the front door and walking into the house.

"Living room." Ziva said loudly. She smiled brightly when she heard the pitter patter of feet running on the hard wood towards her.

"Where is he?" Kevin asked with a bright smiling face.

"Hello to you too." Ziva smiled.

"Hello Ziva, Miss that I don't know." Kevin said then looked at her expectantly, waiting for an answer.

"He is in the kitchen." Ziva laughed.

"Thank You." He smiled and darted to the kitchen.

"Kevin, stop running in the house." Gibbs yelled walking into the living room. Kevin gave no response and Gibbs shook his head. "Thank s for such short notice." He placed Kevin's bag down beside the couch.

"No problem Gibbs, anytime." Ziva smiled.

"Hello Nettie." Gibbs smiled.

"Hi Jethro." She smiled and winked.

Ziva looked between the two of them. "Well, I will go check on the boys, I am sure they have made a mess by now." She got up and left the two alone and went to the kitchen. Kevin was sitting at the kitchen table swinging his legs and counting out chocolate chips while Tony stood at the counter with a mixing bowl in his hand.

"I hope we are not making a mess." Ziva said looking directly at Tony.

"Nothing we can't clean up." Tony smiled.

"What! I am not cleaning that up." Kevin said pointing to the mess on the counter.

"Kevin…" Tony warned.

"Yes Ziva, I will clean up every mess made." Kevin sighed in a robotic tone.

Ziva smiled. "That is what I like to hear."

She walked over and gave Tony a kiss on the cheek before going into the living room again. She grabbed Kevin's bag and brought it towards her room. She was sure that Kevin and Tony would be up all night watching movies on the couch and just fall asleep there.

She walked back and Gibbs was already gone and Nettie was at the kitchen table with Kevin and Tony as they designed the pancakes.


"Ya." He said looking over at her from his spot on the couch.

"Am I fat?" Dani asked. "And don't you dare lie to me. Don't tell me I am skinny if I am not."

He sighed. He really never should have made the comment about the Nutella. Lesson learned. "No. You are not fat. I would never consider you fat. You are perfect. You have all the curves in the right places and you can work a dress perfectly."

"Are you lying?"

"Dani." He said scooting over on the couch so that he was next to her. "I love you. I love you soo much. You are not fat."


"NO. Not fine." Alex said cupping her cheeks in his hands. "What is wrong? Why is this coming up? You aren't usually like this…"

Dani sighed and looked down at the floor. "It's just… you haven't had sex with me yet, I just thought that, maybe I wasn't attractive or something. I can put makeup on and buy sexy clothes or something."

Alex smiled and shook his head. He leaned his forehead against hers. "You 'not' being sexy is not the reason we haven't had sex yet."

"Oh so what is?"

Alex kissed her forehead, then her nose then places a gentle kiss on her lips. "I want it to be perfect. I don't know if that just makes me an idiot for not pouncing on you or what but, I just want our first time to be special."

Danielle looked up at him with a growing smile on her face.

"What, now you smile." Alex said. "Making fun of me."

"No," She smiled brightly trying to hold it back. "I just. You are so sensitive and compassionate and here I thought that there was something wrong with me when the whole time it was you."

"So what does that make me?" He asked looking at her.

She smiled and kissed him on the lips. "Perfect."

"Thank you for not pouncing on me. Thank you for caring about my feelings and my first time. Just, thank you." She smiled.

Alex wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He brought his lips to hers and held her tight against him. He laid them down on the couch with her under him and ran his hands down her sides bringing her tee shirt up to her chest. He drew circles on her stomach and continued to kiss her, trailing his lips down her neck then back up and landing on her lips.

"I love you." She whispered against his lips and wrapping her hands around his waist.

"I love you more." He smiled kissing her nose.

"Impossible." She laughed when he buried his face in her neck.

"No it's not." He smiled and planted one more kiss on her lips.