Author has written 23 stories for Kingdom Hearts, RWBY, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Brothers, Splatoon, Undertale, Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei, and Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり. Update 5/8/2016: I'll keep this update brief. I now have a bunch of dumb accounts on several sites so I can try (and most likely fail) to start a career on the internet, so you can check me out on other places on the web. Oh crap, that means I'm not so "anonymous" anymore, huh? Anyways, here are the links below, but you gotta copy and paste them in the URL to go to them because this site hates outgoing links (don't you just love whoever made that decision?). Since I assume you can read, you can tell that I'm called the Anonymous Contributer. To answer your first question, no, I have no affiliation to the group "Anonymous". I'm just an unknown figure who contributes to the site by writing stories. Mostly humor stories. In fact, nearly always humor stories. You also could probably tell by now, that I'm not shy about swearing. Well when you live long enough in this generation, you'll hear so many people cursing that it'll have lost all meaning to you and you won't even care anymore. If me swearing makes you uncomfortable, then I'm sorry, but this is who I choose to be. As for what kinds of stories I've been reading on this site, I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm reading all kinds of stories from the really well-written, to the stereotypical crap that fan fiction has unfortunately gained a reputation for. Why would I ever read the latter type you ask? Mainly because I'm insanely bored and I'm starting to suspect I might be some sort of masochist. However, I usually just end up lurking around and don't really leave reviews unless I feel the fic is good enough for me to leave a worthwhile criticism. And when I do leave a review, you might actually wanna take the time to read it, because I do try to give helpful pointers. Also, I tend to only leave the one review for a story, but that doesn't mean I've stopped reading. I'll always be there in the shadows. Always. Finally the writing projects I have planned. Let's be honest, you're only here for my Honest Trailers parodies, right. Well there is some good news and bad news about that. The good news is...I do have some more Honest Trailer ideas I want to write. Though most of them would be Honest Game Trailers as I am a gamer first and foremost. The bad news is...when you're growing up, life tends to be a lot less enjoyable and makes you really busy. It also doesn't help that I'm kind of lazy as well in all truthfulness. But I suppose it's more that I'm unmotivated more than I'm lazy, but it's hard to fix that when there's a good chance that no one will even give your story a thought (basically I'm still suffering from the failure of my first fic, which is still on this site). That being said, I really do appreciate all the reviews I've been given, as that can be a big help and get me to write more often. So far I've managed to keep up with a sort of bi-weekly schedule with my writing, so hopefully I can keep up with that. What's that? You're actually here for a story called Precocious Love? Oh yeah, that story! Yeah that originally started out as an experiment/thank you-gift that just ended up being wildly popular (by fanfic standards anyways). So I decided "What the hell, I can make more jokes and ideas for this." So I decided to continue the fic and turn it into a full-fledged series. I'm having fun with it, and since people seem to like that the most, I might as well work on that more than my other projects. So stay tuned. Other story ideas I have in mind include a "Fire Emblem: Awakening" fic based off of my oneshot "Happy Birthday Gerome". Basically, it's a "Slice of Life" fic primarily starring my FE:A OTP, GeromeXLucina (and as I've half-joked before, it probably won't do too well due to the main pairing isn't the ever eclipsing RobinXLucina). The basic summary: Since Gerome and Lucina aren't the best at social skills, Gerome's father/the Shepherds' eccentric tactician, Mikal, takes it upon himself to teach them how to adjust to society. Hilarity ensues. Status: Disbanded before it even began, due to realizing that no one would care. I also want to try my hand at an original story, so I'll most likely work on that first and post that on "Fiction Press"...once I actually make an account. That's all you're pretty much gonna hear about that for now. Status: Barely worked on. That's all I'm willing to share for the time being. If you really want to know more about me, just PM me and we can shoot the shit. We do enough of that with each other, maybe we can upgrade ourselves to Skype pals (Sheesh! I must be desperate if I'm advertising myself here). |