Path Of Logic
You know, some people would say it's incredibly stupid to make a fic about a game that we hardly know anything about and doesn't even come out until a few months in a completely different country than my own. But I was like "Fuck it. I have a funny idea, and I want to do it now!". And that's why we're here today.
So as you've read in the description, this is based off the second Fire Emblem if trailer that shows off that we'll have to choose a side in a war. Now while the majority of us are most likely gonna do both sides with different gendered Avatars for each playthrough, along with the "Third Path" DLC (which will probably be canon), it still begs the question of which path will you choose first/prefer. Hoshido or Nohr? I think we all know the answer to that, and this fic will demonstrate why/convince you otherwise. Enjoy.
Rating: T for strong language and mild sexual reference.
There he was, standing in the middle between two armies of warring nations. One that treated him like family, and one that literally was.
"This way!" exclaimed Ryoma, his biological brother.
"Brother." pleaded his Hoshidan sister.
"With us!" commanded Marx, his stepbrother.
"Big brother!" cried out his little sister from Nohr.
Kamui knew he had a choice to make. He would have to side with one family and turn his back on the other. But is his destiny tied to his bloodline, or is his fate bound to loyalty? In a way, he would've liked to say it was a hard decision. But to him, the choice was obvious.
"I'm sorry brother." Kamui sadly said while looking at the ground, before turning his head to face Ryoma. "But my allegiance lies with my family in Nohr."
All his siblings from Nohr looked elated at his announcement, while the ones from Hoshido looked absolutely devastated.
"I…I don't understand." Ryoma wondered aloud, voice cracking. "You are of Hoshidan descent. We are your real family. Do your blood ties mean nothing!?"
"Honestly, in this context, not really." Kamui bluntly admitted.
"What?" the blood brother breathed out, his expression begging for an explanation.
"Dude, these are the people I grew up with. The ones who raised me. I think that gives more merit than the fact that you and I popped out of the same woman."
"Don't you talk about your mother that way!" Ryoma tried to scold the prince.
"I'll talk about her however I want." defied Kamui. "Where was she when I went missing? Where were you when I went missing? Did you guys even try to find me?"
"Of course we did!" Ryoma stated confidently. However, he soon began to look guilty. "I mean…we did for the first five minutes. Look, you went missing at a bad time. The Sumo Championship was about to begin and we couldn't miss that. And it's a good thing we didn't. Such an awesome match, I'll never forget it. But what's important is that you always remained in our hearts."
"Yeah that's not going to cut it."
"Well then don't join us because we're family, join us because they're evil!"
"They're not evil!" Kamui let out an exasperated sigh. "Okay look, things are a lot more complicated than it seems. Yeah, there are some scumbags amongst our ranks, but I really feel I can fix that. I think I can revolutionize Nohr from within and change it for the better."
"They're still going to wipe out our peaceful nation just because of our Hoshidan blood. The very same blood that flows through your veins."
"Which just brings me back to my earlier point. They know of my true heritage, and they still treat me as one of their own. They love me for who I am. How many times do I have to explain this?"
"Will you at least try to convince them to not wage war against us?"
"I don't know, my compassion seems to have gone missing the same time I did. Think you can take time out of your sumo watching to find it?" Kamui snarked bitterly.
"That's just cold." remarked Ryoma. He knew he was losing his brother, so now was time for a change in tactics and try to appeal to his love for cool stuff. "Look it's not too late to change your mind. We've got ninjas and lightning katanas." He activated the electricity in his sword to show off his point.
"They've got dragon riders, including Camilla." countered Kamui.
Camilla walked up to behind the prince and draped her arms around him, pushing her endowed chest up against his head. "And my mount isn't the only dragon I'll ride." she purred.
Kamui simply embraced the feeling of the woman's bosom near his face. "Ohohoho yeah!"
"Dude, that's your sister." Ryoma pointed out, repulsed at the implications.
"Ah, but we've established that we're not related, which means I can now get with her." Kamui noted. "Sooo…bonus!"
"That's still disgusting that you want to bang your stepsister."
"And you wouldn't do the same if you were in my position?"
The Hoshidan blushed and shifted his eyes away from Kamui "Well…"
"That's what I thought. Sorry, but I've made my decision."
Ryoma knew his brother was about ready to leave him for good. However, maybe he still has one more chance to win him over. He just needed the right words. "…C'mon bro, don't be like this."
"I'm not your bro anymore!" Kamui declared. He raised his Yatogami sword high and proud. "Onwards to glory!" he shouted to Nohr's troops. The soldiers all let out a battle cry and charged forward.
"Oh shit." Ryoma swore, knowing now that his nation stood no chance now that his brother sided with their enemies.
So yeah, Nohr is the way to go. I think we can agree that the family that raised you means more to one than the family you're related to. Plus there are so many other reasons why everyone seems to be on board the Nohr bandwagon. It has the more interesting plot, hardcore players want more of a challenge, riding dragons is arguably cooler than being a ninja, and you get a busty chick as an ally (and maybe something more). Although in regards to that last reason, I will totally side with Hoshido if it means I can get a cutscene like this:
Camilla: Join the path of Nohr. We have boobs!
Kamui: Sorry, but I'm an ass man.
Yeah, that's what I want *laughs*. Actually, looking at it now, maybe I should've done all of this in script format. Well if you people want me to change it up, let me know.
And just so there's no hard feelings, it really doesn't matter what path you choose. All that matters is that the game is fun and awesome when it comes out, which I'm pretty sure we can guarantee.
That's it for now. What am I going to write next though? Will it be another Honest Trailer parody? Chapter 4 of Precocious Love? Or maybe one of those projects I mentioned on my profile that I really need to get started? Stay tuned to find out!