Author has written 4 stories for Super Smash Brothers, and Metroid. What to say... Basically, I'm a great fan of all things gaming and writing, which include reading/ writing fanfiction, playing Super Smash Bros Brawl and every single Legend of Zelda game in existence. Well, not all Legend of Zelda games. That would be slightly weird, seeing as I'm pretty young (not to attract stalkers or anything). My real name will always be a mystery...unless you find my house and happen to see me on my FanFic account and also happen to learn my name, which would also be slightly weird. Weirdness is fun. Moving on swiftly, I'll say that the characters I love the most have to be Ganondorf (best supervillian ever), Midna (best imp that secretly happens to be a princess ever), Zelda (best actual princess ever), Link (best hero ever), Toon Link (cutest hero ever), Pit (sweetest angel ever), Samus (just awesome), Ike (best headband ever) and Marth (also awesome). I don't know why my pename is what it is. I guess I sometimes feel upset sometimes about the stereotyping, racist, sexist and homophobic views of this world. We've moved forward, obviously, but it still feels like all of these problems should have been resolved by now. Oh well. Not a lot I can do. Time to move on to the random information section! (yay?) Age: 15 Writing Style: I normally use third person, but sometimes I like to write in present tense. My content is often dark, angsty stuff (blame my moodswings). I love action and adventure. I also love romance but can't write it too well. Still, I write stories mainly based on that genre, because I'm just that insane. Future plans: Nothing much, expect posting up a little something I've been working on for a few days now. Fav Pairings: IkeXMarth, LinkXZelda, SamusXZelda, IkeXLink, PitXLink, IkeXZelda (but I don't hate on people who have different beliefs in terms of pairings. There's nothing paticularly wrong with any pairing in my opinion) Review policy: I'm happy to recieve any kind of review, long or short (although long are generally more helpful, short are still fine. I know it's hard to think up of stuff to put in a review sometimes). The only kind of reviews that upset me are flames. You can flame my stories if that's what you like doing, but I hate seeing other people's stories getting flamed, especially fics of those who are younger and more likely to get hurt by critisicm. Concrit is fine, but when people mercilessly rip an author's confidence to shreds, it can have serious effects on the person long-term, too. Before you flame, just think, would you go up to that author and tell them how awful their story was in real life? I doubt it. Any other random information: No. Well, I'll probably think of something in the future, but I haven't got any worthless information to ramble on about at the moment, sadly. I'll probably put some copy and paste stuff on here soon, because you know you love it. In the for clicking on me in the first place, even though I'm a pointless and anonymous human being somewhere in the world who you will probably never meet... |