This is going to be a two-part oneshot (type) thing. This chapter is more introductary than anything else, whereas in the next one there will be some rapid plot progression. In case you didn't see the warning, this fic is SamusXZelda and so if that kind of thing frightens you, then I wouldn't read XD
Chapter 1- What We Used To Be
She had already lost her childhood, her family, her humanity. Respect was all that she lived for now, and even that was about to leave her.
I'm that unlovable.
Samus exhaled a melancholy half-laugh and closed her eyes, but sleep refused to follow. The bitter scent of anaesthetic lingered heavily in the air about her. She disliked it because it reminded her of why she was in the medical bay- it diverted her thoughts back to yesterday's match.
The elbow fracture she'd received from Link (the idiotic bastard) wasn't the worst part of the situation in itself. Physical pain wasn't just something she was used to; it was in her job description. To her, it was more like the dull pang of a lost childhood fear, arousing nothing but a scrap of the emotion it had once caused.
If only that were the full story.
Today she couldn't sleep because of a different kind of pain. It was an unrelenting ache in her lungs and heart. It racked her mind and tied knots of anger and despair in her stomach.
It was the knowledge that her injury would not heal before the end of the tournament. It was the lament of her dying pride. It was the realisation that she no longer held a place in society (nobody had liked her to begin with, and now they wouldn't fear her either). Her power was gone, and with it, her existence at Smash Mansion.
And all thanks to Link. I swear that if he wins the tournament now...
She growled under her breath, pretty sure that, injury or no, she would knock the Hero cold as soon her icy pupils caught sight of him next (if not, kill him. It would be fair that way- a life for a life).
Hours passed before her rage eventually died in her veins; washed from them by exhaustion. She slumped back against her pillow, defeated and tired by the world.
Moments later, as the moonlight streaming in through the window was swallowed away by the night clouds, and the room fell into pitch blackness, she was out like a light (one that was barely on in the first place).
"So..." The blonde princess announced, as always, with excessive enthusiasm, " you and Link get on?"
Zelda tensed, somehow irked at the question. Still, she replied as she had been trained to: steadily. "I would say that our relationship is friendly to a degree. He is a good man; courageous and with an excellent sense of right and wrong-"
"So you do like him." Peach's statement carried an infuriatingly victorious note with it.
"Yes, I like him," Zelda replied, amusement masking the annoyance in her voice. "As a friend. Nothing more."
"Then why..." Peach's eyes playfully regarded the brunette as she spoke, "...did you kiss?"
The Hylian's fork slipped from her hand and clattered noisily on the table. Peach's eyes swept their surroundings to check if the act had snagged anyone's attention, before they returned to Zelda, wide like those of a startled rabbit.
Zelda ignored her question. "We did anything of the sort!"
"I've never seen you this flustered! Honestly Zelda, a kiss is nothing, you've no reason to be ashamed..."
"Ashamed...? How can I be ashamed when it never even happened?"
"That's not what Link told me. He said that-"
"I am not interested in what he said, Peach. I want to know why. In fact..." The Hylian bolted to her feet. "...I know where he will be. I might as well ask him now."
The blonde princess watched her companion leave the cafeteria with confusion, and a slight sense of anxiety for Link's wellbeing.
The greed-clad hero flew forward, swinging the Master Sword with brute force into the side of the sandbag. It flipped into the air and he followed it, leaping swiftly before slamming his boot into it's top. As it plummeted back to the floor, he rotated the sword in his grip so that it pointed downwards, and finished his attack combo by plunging the blade through the soft fabric of the sandbag as he landed. It's content hissed as it spilled from the rip in the fabric and skittered across the marble floor.
Link stooped to scoop up the limp remains of his target, just as the sound of somebody clearing their throat echoed through the large hall to meet him. He stiffened, released the sandbag, and rose again.
"I'm not interrupting anything important, I trust?"
Link pivoted to face the princess. The sight of her shadowy expression sent dread shuddering through him. "Not at all, your Majesty."
Zelda flinched slightly. She constantly reminded him that she was to be referred to by her name, not her title. Though recently he had slipped back into his old habit of addressing her as a princess rather than an acquaintance, something she could not understand.
She did not correct him, however. Today she wasn't feeling particularly kind.
"Good," she replied smoothly. "Perhaps then, I may take this opportunity to ask why you have been spreading rumours on the subject of my apparent affection towards you?"
The fierce aqua in the hero's eyes dulled. For a while his mouth opened and closed, before he finally stuttered: "I...that...that's ridiculous..."
"My thoughts exactly."
Link had never heard someone pronounce a sentence with such venom. "I swear on my life, Princess, I would never do that...somebody else must have a part in this."
Zelda's irritation slowly dissipated as she picked up the desperation in Link's features and voice. He was one of the most trustworthy people she knew, and the idea that he had been speaking lies to those around him was almost unthinkable. Suddenly she began to regret hurling accusations at the man who had saved her kingdom from eternal ruin.
"Ah...yes. That is certainly a possibility- after all, Peach isn't exactly the saint many make her out to be. She's kind, but a frightful liar..." Zelda muttered, chuckling softly. As soon as Link sighted her mood change, a wave of relief appeared to wash over him.
"I'm not on the execution list, then?" he said.
"Not yet." Zelda smiled back, although remorse still tingled inside her, prompting her to change the subject. "Anyway, I should probably leave you to continue training in peace."
Link turned back to the empty sandbag and snatched it up, before holding it out in front of him. "I think my training session is over, at least, until I find another sandbag. My fighting style has improved because of this extra work I'm putting in, though. Did it show in my last match?"
"That was two days ago, wasn't it?"
The hero nodded eagerly. "Samus and I were in sudden death-"
"Yes, I remember it." Link wasn't sure why her tone came across as more upset than congratulatory. "You certainly did well to win, she's a very strong opponent. I hear that she was hurt, though."
There was a short silence before Link muttered a quiet, "Oh."
"The injury was too complex to be sorted out by those odd contraptions- the ones that usually heal a person after a brawl. She is due to have surgery, but even that may not entirely fix the problem..."
Link gazed at her suspiciously. "How do you know all of that?"
"I spoke with one of the doctors that was assigned to her."
It looked as if words were trying to break through the hero's pursed lips, but he managed to hold them in. A questioning look remained in his eyes, but he allowed Zelda to continue.
"Although it was not your intention to injure her in the long term, apology would be in order," she said; kindly, but with sincerity all the same. Link's brow furrowed.
"I can't see why I should have to do that, to be honest. I was trying to win, after all. Heck, I don't even remember what I did to hurt her that badly," he said, throwing his hands up in exasperation.
"I am aware that you dislike her, but apologizing is simply an act of honour. Are you not renowned for such acts?"
"Aren't I allowed to have my off days?"
"Everyone is capable of common courtesy, Link, even when they're having an off day, which you didn't even seem to be having a minute ago."
"You tell me what to do as if you're my guardian. That's not what you are, Zelda. You're-" The dialogue seemed to get stuck in his throat. Link quickly managed to choke out the final part of his sentence, although the words sounded strained, "you're my friend."
"Maybe; but I'm not sure how long I'll be able to stay that way," Zelda said with an bitterness lining her tone, and left.
Peach beamed at the wilted hero as he entered the cafeteria and settled into the chair beside her. "How did it go?"
"Badly," Link mumbled, and averted his gaze.
"Don't worry, sweetie. She's just in denial."
"Denial of what?"
Peach giggled. "Oh, you Hylians really don't understand things, do you?" When Link raised an eyebrow at this, she continued. "Zelda in simply in a state of panic and confusion. She's frightened by the prospect of a relationship with you- after all, I doubt she's ever been in one before."
Link nodded. "She's never mentioned being in one at least."
"Then there we have it. I know she loves you, Link. I can see it in her eyes."
"Oh really...?" Link muttered, somewhat half-heartedly. "She just doesn't seem interested in me, though. When I told her about my victory against Samus, she was more concerned about Samus' wellbeing than the fact that I'd actually won-"
"Don't worry, Link. Stay at it," Peach cut in. She stood up and swept her plate from the table. "I know you'll get her long as you're prepared to do whatever you have to."
And with a wink, she turned and headed off. Link's brow furrowed with determination.
Whatever I have to do...
I'll update at some time, I promise! The next chapter will definitely be longer than this one, though, so it could take a while.
If I even get a single review, that will be seriously awesome. I know people on this site generally don't read slash, so I'll be amazed if anyone actually comments ^_^
'til next time, peace out ;)