Author has written 7 stories for American Horror Story, Bleach, and Once Upon a Time.
Hiya! I'm Aria, future superheroine nurse in training. House Targaryen all the way. I ship too many things and I make everything harder than it has to be, but it's okay because I thrive on chaos. If you wanna talk to me feel free to visit my Tumblr and say hi!
Pen name is named after the pairing of Swan Thief (Neal/Emma) in the Once Upon a Time fandom. The meaning behind it is that the thief (Neal) stole the swan's (Emma's) heart. My former pen name is AiiWoKoete.
Story Progress
Last Updated: 06/08/13
Hello everyone! Long time! Life's still a rollercoaster but what can you do? As you can see I've deleted quite a few stories, but I have many on the way including the continuations of the ones I have now. Thank you everyone who's still around! I hope everyone is well!
In Progress:
Fallen Embers
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Genre: Romance/Drama/Angst/Supernatural
Pairings: Neal/Emma
Current Progress: 5% of Chapter Two
Come What May
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Genre: Romance/Drama/Angst
Pairings: Neal/Emma
Current Progress: 0% of Chapter Two
On Hiatus:
Heavier Than Heaven
Fandom: Bleach
Genre: Romance/Drama/Angst/Supernatural
Pairings: Ichigo/Orihime
Current Progress: On Hiatus
Comments: I know you guys are probably wondering what the heck is happening with this story and why I've been writing on other stuff. I haven't lost interest in this story by any means, it is one of my very favorite stories I've ever written. However, due to a bad falling out with an ex recently, I've been having a hard time returning to write on it because Bleach digs up so many of those memories, as it was one of the things we enjoyed together. I thank you so much for your patience and I hope everyone understands. It'll be back soon I promise, I just need to get it together is all.
Fandom: American Horror Story
Genre: Romance/Drama/Horror/Supernatural
Pairings: Violet/Tate
Current Progress: On Hiatus
Comments: Okay, I have so many people begging me to bring this back, so I'm really going to try- stay tuned! But be warned, it might take season three for my interest to reignite.
True Love's Kiss
Fandom: Bleach
Comments: Sorry for deleting this; I didn't really care for how it turned out, and truthfully it wasn't my best writing, it was rushed and not very well thought out. I was supposed to be focusing on IchiHime but it turned into half IshiHime which I didn't really want. So yeah, my apologies; I'm a perfectionist at heart so I don't wanna keep something up I don't feel was my best work.
Written In the Stars
Fandom: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Comments: This really was a hard decision, because I really did love this story- but life has a way of reshuffling priorities and I just couldn't give this story the attention it deserved, and it seems my reawakened interest got overtaken by other things. Not only that it was my first story back in a long time and I really don't think I wrote it very well. It may come back when the new anime comes back we'll see! Thank you to everyone who did support it though, I love you!
To the Edge of Dawn
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Comments: Same story as above- life took over and so did other interests/ships. That and I am transferring some of the ideas I was going to use for it to a different story I want to write in the future and I don't want to be redundant.
The Dragon and the Phoenix
Fandom: Bleach
Comments: I always had this fun grandiose story in my head, but I was never sure on the details and in light of recent events I no longer wish to continue.
Dearly Beloved
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Comments: As I stated, my continuation would largely depend on the kind of feedback I got. While I got some very wonderful comments, there just aren't enough people who are familiar with Kingdom Hearts in the Once Upon a Time fandom. I may come back to it one day, but for now my energy will be in other projects.