![]() Author has written 10 stories for Pokémon, Eternal Sonata, Tales of Symphonia, and Persona Series. For the sake of being even a little modest, I'd like to think of this account as nothing more then a vessel for my lackluster writing. It's a shame I'm terrible at being modest. For the record, I suffer a terrible disease called 'procrastination' so most (if not everything) will come at a slowpokes pace. Sorry -_- Also, since I have no artistic skills I 'borrowed' this avatar from a wonderful artist named Pequedark-Velvet on Deviantart. Man, I hope I'm not sued... Name: At first I was known as "Two-Tails". Then I was known as the "Artist Formally Known as Two-Tails". But you can just call me Tails~ My favorite past times are calculating long division, drooling over smexy pixels on a computer screen, writing/drawing anything related to various fandoms to spread the cult and convert more innocent souls, and making really weird and obscure hand motions that only a select few will understand. If I was normal I'd also write that I love swimming, reading, listening to music, breathing (It's a nasty addiction that I really need to cut down on) and playing video games of every shape and size. Of course I'm not normal so the last sentence has been stricken from the record. My favorite music usually consists of Rock, Pop, Japanese, and even on a few faint occasions Techno. I love romance and humor with a sprinkle of drama but I can't stand angst or death. I have an irrational love for everything fluffy, be it stuffed animal or story, and I usually lean towards one-shots and short stories since I don't have the brain capacity to read a multi-chaptered story. The day I write something with more then two chapters is the day I die of spaghettification. List of characters who I adore: -Everyone from Pokemon Adventures (I was going to make a full list, but it took up to much space) Personal, I don't understand the need for these lists and I honestly think they're a little cliche since every other account on this bloody site has one, but since I have absolutely nothing else to write here and I can't stand a blank page this list has been provided. If I really wanted to get into it a little more I could also write a biography of my life (I see them from time-to-time, self-absorbed bastards) or a list of every single game I've ever played and why I love them, but again, I try and picture myself as not being to self-absorbed, so I'll refrain from doing so. Oh, and Grace, I didn't use the accents when I wrote Pokemon. What are ya gonna do about it?!? |