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![]() Author has written 12 stories for Okami, Generator Rex, and WALL-E. It's been a long time... The stories you'll find on this profile are old and the product of a 16/17-year-old mind with maybe one to two years of experience at best. Since then, I like to think my writing ability has improved significantly. Maybe someday I'll show you all what I can do now, but truth be told, I have had little to no inspiration to create and flesh out an actual story worth anything more than a oneshot. If I am ever struck with an idea that could really hold my attention, then I would definitely think about writing fanfiction again and posting it here. As it is, though, I haven't written any in a long while. But one thing I have noticed is that I still get favorites, follows, and the occasional review on my old stories, and it makes me so glad to see that you all still enjoy them, even though I feel like I could do so much better now. That's why I left this profile intact, I guess. I leave these stories up so that you may read and enjoy, and so that I can look back and see how far I've come. Like I said, maybe someday I'll come back and post some new fanfiction for y'all. But for now, I'll keep these old stories here. I still offer beta reading services, if anyone might still be interested in that; especially now that I have considerably more experience and might actually know what I'm talking about, haha. The list below is the descriptions of my old OCs as they appear in my stories, as written by my younger self since I have not touched any of the text below this paragraph. Mostly so I can look back and consider my ability to create good original characters now compared to then. Kiyoko (formerly Kuchiano) Seen in: Return of the Dark Lord, One Day to Live, The Prank Profile: She is the daughter of Susano and Kushi. She has strong spiritual powers and is acutely aware of the nature around her. She's very happy-go-lucky, is resilient and recovers quickly. Underneath that carefree persona, though, lies the heart of a warrior. She can be fiery and fierce, especially when in battle. She is a tomboy, but becomes a girly romantic when it comes to matters of the heart. With a winning combination of stubbornness and simple-mindedness, she ends up getting herself into more trouble than one would expect. She's usually clumsy, but somehow finds extreme grace in battle and occasionally at other times as well. No one ever knows what to expect next from this unpredictable lady. Appearance: She is beautiful like her mother, Kushi. She's very petite, with delicate features and a slim physique. Her eyes are a purple color that can be considered either violet or amethyst. She wears somewhat tomboyish clothes, typically purple. She has long black hair that falls to about halfway down her back, when not in the ponytail she usually wears, which is almost always tied back with a small piece of purple ribbon that she considers precious, as it was given to her by her mother when she was young. Nushi Seen in: Return of the Dark Lord Profile: He is Kiyoko's older brother by 5 years; he is 20, she is 15. Unlike his sister, he is not very spiritual. In fact, he does not believe in the gods or anything to do with them; he can't even see Ammy's true form. He's highly competitive with his sister, leading to many sibling quarrels. To most people, he comes off as arrogant and cold, but truth is he is kind and caring like his mother. He cares for his sister deeply and would do anything to protect her. Appearance: He has shoulder-length black hair that is loosely pulled back in a ponytail. He has violet-amethyst eyes, as well. He dresses similarly to his father, Susano. He also carries a sword on his back, which is similar to Susano's sword. Kinkou Seen in: The Dog Days of Okami Amaterasu Profile: She is a young wolf, a first-time mother. It just so happens she is mother to the chosen vessel of reincarnation of a long-dead goddess: Shiranui. She is naturally kind and nuturing, making her a great mother. She prefers not to fight, but will stand up and protect those she loves. She considers Shiranui a gift from the heavens, and is proud to be Shiranui's mother. Appearance: She has fur the color of pure gold, evoking jealousy in many. Her eyes are a beautiful cobalt blue. And that's pretty much it. Mizuki Seen in: The Dog Days of Okami Amaterasu Profile: A close friend of Kinkou's. She feigns to have a disdainful attitude about everything, but is actually very kind and caring. She is also very strong. Where others abandon hope, she stays loyal and faithful to her friends, standing up for them no matter what. Appearance: Her fur is a shade lighter than Kinkou's gold fur - a shimmering, light amber color. Her eyes are sky-blue. Rinmari Seen in: The Dog Days of Okami Amaterasu Profile: The alpha female and leader of the Lunar Pack. Superstitious and set rigidly in the ways of old, she rejects the presence of young Shiranui, claiming that Shiranui is a demon in disguise. She has a short fuse, willing to fight just for the heck of it and going off on the littlest, most insignificant things. She has a soft spot for her mate, Hiroshi. Appearance: She possesses a coat of fur that is the darkest amber, as dark as it can get, being a Lunar wolf. Her dark fur accentuates her icy-blue eyes, amplifying the effect of her intimidatingly cold stare. Hiroshi Seen in: The Dog Days of Okami Amaterasu Profile: The alpha male of the Lunar Pack and Rinmari's mate. He acts as second-in-command, but for the most part, he plays the role of peacekeeper, breaking up the many fights that occur among the tempermental females of the pack. He is infinitely patient, mostly from dealing with Rinmari all the time. He is also very generous and forgiving, and never holds a grudge. Appearance: His fur is dark like Rinmari's except it's just a shade lighter. His eyes are a calm, deep ocean blue. Tsukiko Seen in: The Dog Days of Okami Amaterasu Profile: Mizuki's daughter. Unlike her mother, Tsukiko is superstitious like Rinmari, and is loathe to Shiranui's presence. She is highly aggressive and will attack for no reason at times. Mizuki is constantly apologetic for Tsukiko's behavior. Appearance: Her fur is the on the opposite end of the range of Lunar Wolf colors as Rinmari - the lightest blond. Her eyes are like her mother's, sky-blue. Talon Seen in: Special Profile: A unique type of EVO - half human and half EVO. Originally a hawk, Talon took human form in the course of an experiment that attempted to do what seemed impossible - control the unpredictable nanites. This was done by infusing her own nanites with human DNA, thus the human half. She has moderate control over her nanites, but can't quite control them like Rex can. Personality-wise, she's quiet and soft-spoken. Her animal half gives her a view of the world that is purer than that of most others. She sees things as they are, and is very innocent in the ways of human society. Hates Bobo and possibly has a crush on Rex. Appearance: She looks mostly human, except for the white feathers that cover her torso. She can call her wings, which are also white, at will. Her hair falls below her waist and, like her feathers, is white. Her eyes are a steel gray color. She is considerably small, standing no taller than 4'5''. Nikki Seen in: Auto's Revenge Profile: The descendant of John and Mary, Nikki is a young mechanic who works to keep all the robots of Earth in working order. A very logical person, she is skeptical of any and all legends, including that of the little robot WALL-E. She is very kind and caring towards her robot friends, but tends to get an attitude when with other humans. She is firm in the belief that robots, even sentient ones, cannot experience emotions like humans do. Like her ancestors, her world is turned upside down by her encounter with WALL-E. Appearance: She often wears a red jumpsuit, one emblazoned with the B-n'-L logo, though she doesn't know anout this logo. Her hair, which she almost always wears in a ponytail, is curly and red, and falls to her chest. Her eyes are hazel. She is lean and trim from many years of hard work, and is about 5'4''. Colin B. McCrea Seen in: Auto's Revenge Profile: He is the descendant of the last captain of the Axiom. He is a kind man who can assume command when necessary. He sometimes likes to poke fun at Nikki, but in truth, he cares for her like a little sister. He always does his best to help Nikki whenever he can, and always listens to her concerns. He admires her fierceness and willingness to help any robot in need, no matter what. Appearance: He typically wears salvaged jeans and t-shirts, along with the cap the captain once wore. His hair is spiked and dark, and his eyes are dark, as well. He stands at 5'7''. I will keep this profile updated on the OC's as I keep writing fanficitons. (Note: I will only add a character I create onto here if that character appears in more than one fanfiction chapter) Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, IwuvMyKenshyPoo, Heidiplease, iNsOmNiAc BiLlIe JoE lOvEr, thnku4thevenom, Ceriadara, Arsinen, Winterblazewolf, DayDreamer95. |