I have an announcement to make, and I apologize for waiting so long.

I am officially setting down the quill for a indefinite time. My reasons are a bit of what you see in the contents of these dreaded types of chapters you occasionally see. School, work, family, personal life, laziness, not feeling the writing spark etc etc.

But the problem is that I am actually proud of what I have created in the fanfiction universe, so I am officially putting up all my stories up for adoption in the hopes that they might continue on...eventually.

Now I'm not gonna lay out ground rules about how you must write them if someone decides to, but I will ask that you keep the concept the same, pairings, if any, are up to you, but please don't rush them, and make it good…hopefully.

If someone does decide to adopt any of my stories, please PM me to tell me so that I can at least look out for the story in the future.

I'll still hang around the site to read the stories, offer constructive criticism, and even try to help when people need input.

As for this "chapter" flame or criticize me if you must (I did wait this long before dropping this bomb on any of my subscribers).

But please for the love of all that is holy, don't leave reviews like:

"Don't quit, ur writing is soooo good!11!" (I don't need to say why)

"I'm sorry that is has come to this and I hope you continue again someday." (It's not going to change my mind)

If someone pms me to adopt my story, I will post the news as a chapter so that any curious readers can see for themselves.

Once again, I'm sorry for waiting so long before dropping this bomb on everyone and I wish everyone the best.