Author has written 13 stories for Twilight. Sometime known as Mel'ao, HeyKarin, & Sing To Me. i'm Yellowglue's beloved. Playlist for Little Shames can be found here: https:///user/lovelybrutal/playlist/3zsqSR6Jx8UOupSDwVhMOp So, if you can believe it, shelter won 1st place in the public vote and 2nd place in the Judges' vote in A Love Like Fire contest! Thank you so much to everyone who voted and to the judges, who collectively were probably the most distinguished & talented judges ever to hold a contest. i can kiss their ases now that the contest is over. Shut up. The contest's C2 can still be found here, please read and review these juicy, angsty, wonderful stories: And my award blinkie, OMG i have a blinkie, is here: http:///lFTuHr Then the amazing eddiebell69 went and made me two amazing banners for my stories and i just love them, i can't thank her enough! If you haven't already, check out her stories here: ... start with White Lies, it's my favorite: surprising and will totally knock your socks off! So here's the one for shelter: http:///post/10337961786/made-a-new-banner-for-lovelybrutals And here's what she made for purple: http:///post/10243865617/check-out-the-new-banner-i-made-for-lovelybrutal Come find me on Twitter. Same name. |
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