![]() Author has written 4 stories for Death Note, Naruto, and Durarara!!/デュラララ!!. I can't be bothered writing stuff about my self!!! But since I know you guys wanna hear this I will tell you stuff!!! :D Well first thing you need to know is that I'm awesome My favourite colour is green My favourite bands: are Linkin Park, Mindless self indulgence, Fall out boy, Sum 41, my chemical romance, Basshunter, Hollywood Undead, Evanescence, Breaking benjamin and alot more I just can't remember them right now. Anime's I like: Bleach, Black Cat, Darker than Black, No. 6, Mirai Nikki, Deadman Wonderland, Nabari, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Naruto, Naruto Shippuuden, Angel Beats, Death Note, Elfen Lied, Highschool of the Dead, Higurashi, Hetalia, Durarara, Air Gear, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Digimon, Pokemon, Final Fantasy 7 movie (if that counts), Tales from Earthsea, Apple Seed, Spirted away, Soul Eater, Kuroshitsuji. My name is... I am 13 years old If any of my many, many fans wanna email me to tell me anything awesome heres my email hobomara@ youtube account: epicbuyadweeb http://www.youtube.com/user/epicbuyadweeb#p/a The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on. Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings. Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... Men are like parking spots, the good ones are taken and the free ones are handicapped. Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway. I told my wife that a husband is like a fine wine; he gets better with age. The next day, she locked me in the cellar. Girls are like phones. We love to be held, talked too but if you press the wrong button you'll be disconnected! The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think. There are no stupid questions, just stupid people. When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car. Behind every successful man is a surprised woman Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers. You laugh because I'm different... I laugh cause I just farted! What are the three words guaranteed to humiliate men everywhere? 'Hold my purse.' Men are like bank accounts. Without a lot of money they don't generate a lot of interest. What you call dog with no legs? Don't matter what you call him, he ain't gonna come. Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance? Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the fuck is the ceiling. I love you, you love me, Barney gave me HIV, It started with a hug, and ended on the floor, I was raped by a DINOSAUR Put this on your page if you've ever been raped by a dinosaur!!! LOL ...l Put this on your '''( \ / )''' This is the evil plot bunny. pick up line comebacks, add to it Man: Where have you been all my life? Man: Haven't I seen you someplace before? Man: Is this seat empty? Man: Your place or mine? Man: So, what do you do for a living? Man: Hey baby, what's your sign? Man: How do you like your eggs in the morning? Man: Your body is like a temple. Man: I would go to the end of the world for you. Man: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy. Man: If I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put u and i together Man: Your eyes they're amazing. If you repost this you will get a phone call 37 minutes after you repost GIRLS REPOST THIS AS "female comebacks" Guidelines of life: not introduce self as roleplaying character in public. not talk to fictional characters in public. not answer fictional characters in public. not talk to inanimate objects in public. not go out in public. 6.Disregard above note.Perform numbers 1 to 4. 7.Note expressions. 8.Don't die alone. Take many people with you. 9.Floor is slippery when wet. 10.Lake is slippery when dry. 11.Only talk to strangers you know. 12.Strangers you don't know are spies... Kill them all. 13.For legal purposes be sure to delete above note. 14.Tell people about the spies that are trying to kill you. 15.Kill them for security purposes. 16.Crying does not solve anything. Try violent mood swings. 17.Make a scene whenever humanly possible. 18.The men in white coats are not your friends. 19.Ask them for a room with lots of sharp, pointy objects. 20.When that doesn't work, ask for a designer jacket. 21.Chicken soup, although good for colds, is not the best cure for drowning. 22.Flammable and inflammable mean the same thing. 23.Unlike fine wine, milk does not get better with age. 24.Always remember, um... um... Damn. 25.Train army of flying monkeys. 26.Goldfish don't like milk. not maim people. If you already have, kill them to avoid lawsuits. 28.Find out who invented the word "pianist". 29.People are staring at you. act insane. 31.People are weird, but not as weird as me. not taunt animals at zoo. They have feelings... And teeth. 33.Little people are aggressive. Stay away from little people. 34.Going through other people's stuff is a bonding experiance. Do this as much as possible. 'll sometimes notice shadows late at night. Don't worry. It's only me... Bonding. 36.Never pet a burning dog. 37.Never make eye contact with a naked man. Especially if you are wearing a parka. 38.Naked men dig parkas. 39.Beware the naked man who offers you his parka. know what would look good on you? 41.Immolated cockroaches. 42.Don't worry. It's only a harmless pimento bug. 43.The size of Danny DeVito. 44.Making an amusing facial expression. Like this. 45.Numbers are evil. Count in clovers. 46.Stalking is fun. Do it more. 47.Make a large sign saying, "Look at me, I'm a gumnut tree!" matter what anyone says, there is a way to get to your fantasy world. 49.That way is rum. 50.Constipated people don't give a sh-t. cannot kill the snow. 53.The snow can kill you. 54.Grass can also kill you. 55.The leprechaun on the cereal box said I can't get his lucky charms... 56.Catch and castrate leprechaun. 57.HE is real... No matter what the men in white coats say. 58.Staple paper in the middle of the page. case of blank looks, laugh maniacally. are not haxxor l337 or an uberhacker or anything like that. 61.Pretend to be so around the n00bs. not go out with voice #7. He is a sadistic, soul sucking demon. 63.Disregard last note. Go out with demon. Who needs a soul anyway? 64.Ask Senior Diablo for a bigger pitchfork. 65.Remember to kill HIM... 66.Tell the small children in Toys 'R' Us that the dolls have an insatiable thirst for blood. 67.Note reactions. Avoid parents. 68.The blood of infants gives unholy superpowers according to Jhonen C. Vasquez. Test theory. 69.Scream, the doctors don't like it, they'll give you a shot of something nice. 70.Hide the bodies, otherwise people ask embarrassing questions. the evidence. 72.But not if it's broken glass. 73.When in the presence of someone much wiser than you, point in a random direction and yell, "Look, a distraction!" Then run. not tell children that Santa is fat because he eats kids. 75.Disregard last note. 76.Note reactions. 77.On average, 100 people choke to death on ball point pens every year. 78.Stock up on ball point pens. 79.Learn to fly. Tell no one. 80.The secret to flying is throwing yourself at the ground and missing. not stick fingers into blender. 82.Blender... Bad... Ouch. 83.Blood loss is bad. 84.Find way to re-attatch fingers. 85.Scream as much as humanly possible at 2AM. 86.Answer every question with a question. 87.Ask people what gender they are. 88.Note reactions. 89.Refer to people as "mortal". 90.The Seagull From Hell is out to get me. 91.Kill all enemies in most disturbing way possible. 92.Start by drowning them in fire ants. 93.Find the creators of pop-up messages. 94.Kill them. 95.Brutally. 96.Teachers don't like finding notes on world domination. 97.Dunk head in boiling water. 98.Disregard last note. Was written by Voice #7. 99.Gullible IS written on the ceiling! 100.Investigate this whole "critical mass" thing when the klaxon dies down... 1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE. Girls Don't realize these things; I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry But most of all I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm Sorry I'm sorry Ladies always complain and gripe to their friends that there is never any good guys out there, and they always end up with assholes who mistreat them. Well ladies, next time you're complaining, maybe look up to see who you're complaining to, maybe that special someone is right there hanging on your every word as usual, screaming in his head "Why won't you give me a chance?" If you're a guy and you agree with this letter, copy and paste into your profile as 'I'm sorry' If You're one of the FEW girls with enough BALLS to copy and paste this into your profile, and you would never make your guy feel this way, copy and paste into your profile as 'Girls Don't Realize These Things' Break my Heart I break your neck Flying is easy just throw yourself at the floor and miss (Not responsible for any injuries sustained from throwing self at floor) Sometimes violence is the only way to get what you want. Life isn't passing me by it's trying to run me over I know I seem mean but it's because I don't like you. Everybody wants to go to heaven; but nobody wants to die. A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. There are no stupid questions, just stupid people. Therapist = The/rapist...scary thought You say I'm not cool. But cool is another word for cold. If I'm not cold, I'm hot. I know I'm hot. Thanks for embracing it. Officer, I swear to Drunk I'm not God! Come to the dark side. We have COOKIES! I don't obsess! I think intensely. If life hands you lemons today, smile and give thanks. Then, when life isn't looking, give him a quick knee to the groin. That'll teach 'em. "Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot at them?" Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, There are three kinds of people in the world; ones that can count and ones that can't count. They say "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." Well I think the guns help. If you stood there and yelled BANG, I don't think you'd kill too many people. Amatures built the ark. Professionals built the titanic...(and look how that turned out) Those who dont learn from history are doomed to repeat it. There's nothing wrong with talking to random objects, its when they start to talk back that you need to worry. Who ever said that words never hurt obviously has never got hit by a dictionary. Who ever says 'as easy as taking candy from a baby' has never tried to. It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt Parents spend the first part of our lives teaching us how to walk and talk, the rest of our lives they tell us to just sit down and shut up If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving isn't for you! You're just jealous because the voices are talking to me I'm not insensitive, I just don't care. I'm not tense. I'm just terribly, terribly alert. The voices in my head don't like you. My imaginary friend thinks you have some serious problems Some people are like slinkies...they're not good for anything but it's fun to watch them fall down the stairs. You can't make somebody love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope for the best! War doesn't determine who's right. War determines who's left. Before you critisize someone, walk a mile in their shoes, that way you'll be a mile away and have their shoes! The statistics of insanty is that 1 of every 4 people have a mental illness. Look at your three best friends, if they're ok, then it's you! Yup, it's me. Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional! Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it. You say I've lost my sanity. Well I have news for you. You can't lose what you never have. According to the latest figures, 43 percent of all statistics are utterly worthless. Don't steal. The government hates the competition. If at first you don't succeed, change the rules. Tell the truth and run. Smile! It makes them wonder what you're up to. Friends come, and friends go, but enemies accumulate. Just like rubbish does. Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat. Generally, generalizations are wrong. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make ye mad. All things considered, insanity may be the only reasonable alternative. If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be research. If you can't beat them, join them. Then take over. You can never underestimate the stupidity of the general public. The difficulty is not so great as to die for a friend, as to find a friend worth dying for. If you try to fail and succeed, what have you done? Enjoy every minute of life. There's plenty of time to be dead. And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years. We don't live in the world of reality, we live in the world of how we perceive reality. If God had intended Man to smoke, he would have set him on fire. A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic. Have the courage to live. Anyone can die. Education is important. School, however, is another matter. When a finger points at the moon, the imbecile looks at the finger. Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to change it every 2 months. Cynics are made, not born. Be OPTIMISTIC... all the people you hate are eventually going to die!! Sometimes I Wonder, "Why is that Frisbee getting bigger?" and then it hits me!! Boys: can’t live with em, and it’s illegal to shoot em. What happens if you get scared half to death... twice? Heh. I'm looking forward to regretting this. I have PMS and a gun... now what were you saying? It's always the last place you look. Of course it is. Why the heck would I keep looking after I found it? When life gives you lemons, make apple juice, then sit back and enjoy while others try to figure out how you did it. When life hands you a lemon, squirt life in the eye and run like hell. Never knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run away. He hates that. I'm in no condition to drive...wait! I shouldn't listen to myself, I'm drunk. Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side, and it holds the universe together If a Turtle lost it's shell, is it homeless or naked? If your name is Will, and you´re in the army, do you get worried when people say "fire at will"? Maybe this world is another planet's hell. A boy gave a girl 12 roses and one fake one and said "I will love you until the last rose dies" I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out. I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder. You know the speed of light, so what's the speed of dark? Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Doctors say I have multiple personalities. We disagree with that. Girls Don't realize these things; I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry But most of all I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm Sorry I'm sorry Ladies always complain and gripe to their friends that there is never any good guys out there, and they always end up with assholes who mistreat them. Well ladies, next time you're complaining, maybe look up to see who you're complaining to, maybe that special someone is right there hanging on your every word as usual, screaming in his head "Why won't you give me a chance?" If you're a guy and you agree with this letter, copy and paste into your profile as 'I'm sorry' If You're one of the FEW girls with enough BALLS to copy and paste this into your profile, and you would never make your guy feel this way, copy and paste into your profile as 'Girls Don't Realize These Things' |