![]() Author has written 11 stories for Twilight, and Bible. At this point, I'm no longer writing fan fiction. I want to write and e-publish my own work, and I don't have time for the fan fiction stories. Sorry if I led you down the thorny path and then abandoned you. I don't know why I write romance, since I don't believe in many of the tropes of romance. I don't believe in love at first sight. I don't believe your love completes you, and I get nauseous at the mention of soul mates. I don't write, nor do I want to read about true, perfect, magical, once-in-a-lifetime, he must be made for me, love. But I do believe people need and thrive on love. Not the superficial, butterflies kind of infatuation that thinks you're beautiful, but the real kind that runs to the pharmacy to fill your prescription when you've got the flu. Real love doesn't try to change you; it encourages you, and it doesn't obsessively need to be glued to your side to reassure itself. Real love can be selfish, ugly, unsympathetic, forgetful, and rude. But it always stays true. Butterflies and infatuation may flutter away with a change in the wind. But real love is like that sweatshirt you've had since high school. It's a little worn, the collar's out of shape, and the logo's peeling. But it wraps you snug and keeps you warm, and it's always there when you need it. Constant. I try to write with an eye to reality. Even though my stories are populated with vampires and werewolves, my characters are not Twilight cut-outs. They have problems, fears and issues, and they make mistakes. None are perfect. There are eleven stories on my list, and I'm proud of each of them in their own way. Please, if you've read and enjoyed one of mine, give one of the others a try; I guarantee they're not typical. Leah's Changes: Even if you're on the vamp team all the way you should enjoy my Leah story. It's canon and I pull in many favorite characters to interact with her and her new man. It was my first posting here and the chapters are long. If you're tired of Leah with a bad attitude, always whining over Sam, this is for you. I also get into some deep thoughts about shape shifting. It's been nominated for a couple awards. Dark Roots: Stefan's Loves: is an epic romance that travels from Romania to Greece, Italy, and finally America. Learn why the Romanians hate the Volturi. Meet the woman who makes Stefan question his existence. See how the Cullen's interact with them when they show up on their doorstep. May/December Divide: Removed from site. Reposted in its entirety on The Writer's Coffee Shop Library What Alice Won't Remember: is a chilling one shot about Alice. I'm dissatisfied with how most writers portray her as a cute girl with shopping and parties on her mind. She has the most awesome ability, and a mysterious history, and I wanted to give her some depth. Secrets of the Mind Reader: is an Edward story before Twilight. Why isn't the seventeen year-old mind-reader attracted to the drop-dead gorgeous, blonde Carlisle brings home in hopes of creating a mate for him? I think there may be some revisionist history going on. This story explores a lot of the pro's and con's of being a mind reader. It's not exactly canon, but it's really close. I've been accused of ruining a "perfect" love story with this one, and I'm quite proud of that title. As I mentioned above, I don't believe in perfect. If you only read one of mine, read this one, as it's my favorite child. Cold Fragile Hearts: is angst filled from the beginning, as it explores death, loss, despair, and the pain of looking at forever alone. But it does turn around and come up from the pits when Bella finds a new hope and can finally live again. I've finally just labeled it as a Bella/Carlisle pairing. But I've been careful to pay respects to their past loves. Edited and reposted on TWCS Library. Aro's Cold Heart: is an outtake from Cold Fragile Hearts. I explore his character a bit, from history all the way through where CFH takes place. He's such a devious, conniving, fun character. I've enjoyed trying to capture his voice. This one is on Hiatus--I hate that! Sent From Heaven: is a fanfiction from the Bible, though I guess that's a mislabel since I don't consider the Bible to be fiction. My story is a fiction, with Biblical concepts mixed in with my own way of relating to God. It's a very gentle story, and definitely not Twilight. Dragons at Twilight: is set in a medieval fantasy world, and Bella (Be'lah) is a novice sorceress who is prophesied to save the world from the dragons threatening to tear it apart. My first alternate universe story, though the characters are not all human - not even close. Fairies in Moonlight: Sequel to Dragons at Twilight, and part of a planned trilogy, this one is also AU, and set in the realm of Fey. Alice and Jasper take the lead in this story, as the prophesy affects them as well. I recommend reading Dragons first, though both could stand alone. On Hiatus -- Finished on The Writer's Coffee Shop Library Crimson Rose of Texas: I wanted to explore Jasper's life before his change, and before he met Alice. I'm having fun challenging some of the popular notions about him. On hiatus -- maybe permanently. I'm continuing this story on TWCS Library. If you'd like to check out my original work, I'm CorinnA Tate on fictionpress. Be warned, I don't write pretty love stories there, and they have quite a bit of smut in their chapters. They're all rated M for a very good reason. I'd like to ask that you readers make more effort to review. Not for me, but for those out there who still crave that precious feedback. It's all in the details. Tell one specific thing you loved, or one specific reason it's not your cup of tea before you move on. Feed the muse! The writers on this site receive nothing for their work. Some even take loads of criticism. The only reason we post here is to hear what you think of our writing. I've learned a lot more from criticism than I have from silence or "Loved it, update soon!" Thanks to everyone who told me how I could improve. I owe a great deal of appreciation to Renee Aubin, absolutely the best reviewer I've seen on this site. You make me a better writer and reader-reviewer myself. I'd like to add Reader Adrift to this short but amazing list of fabulous reviewers. Maybe it's those R.A. initials that just mean "Really Awesome!" |