Author has written 20 stories for House, M.D.. Lymond is back. An illicit cargo, and a man the Sea-Catte should not have carried. Best anonymous review EVAR: "This doesn't have anything to do with anything, but that CollarVerse fic upset me more than any other fic in the fandom, and I've read everything by DIYSheep and every rape/torture/whatever fic ever." YAY. I love getting reviews! But if you ask me questions in anonymous reviews, I have no way to answer them... Just to say: I welcome spin-offs, remixes, AUs, and all other fic responses to fic. But let me know! Post them on and there could even be a CollarRedux community... *hmmm* Never tried pubbing anything on before this. Got into a discussion with another writer who took all her stories down because she was tired of pple reading but not commenting. Didn't agree with her (still don't!) but gotta admit: kinda frustrating to see all of those ppl who have the stories on Alert (so obv want to READ) but don't wanna leave Reviews! Love it that you want to read, guys, but would love YOU if you left a review... cause RAL! (Reviews Are Love) "Six Days of Christmas" is #4 on 's "6 Craziest Pieces of Christmas Fan Fiction". bows* Will try to do better: next year, #1! |