Reviews for Broken Contract
AmethystSiri chapter 67 . 4/11/2014
Brilliant story!
Guest chapter 67 . 7/5/2013
BabalooBlue chapter 67 . 5/18/2013
I know it's unlikely but I'm going to say this anyway - please, please give us at least one more chapter to finish this?

It's such a great story, I've been hooked ever since I started. Just one more chapter, is what I kept telling myself and now I'm done.

I love the insight into how House's mind works, how from the very beginning, as he begins to claw his way back, there is still that spark, that 'thing' that makes House House. He's not giving up, as battered as he may be, his mind won't let him.
What's also nice to see, through the progression of chapters, is how his personality begins to peek out bit by bit. How he is finally able to say No again, to resist something, to make a demand - the House we know is not dead, he is still there.

You've done such an excellent job with this story, it would be a pity if there was no conclusion. Pretty please?
OldSFfan chapter 40 . 2/13/2013
House playing a keyboard again is an enormous relief, like resolving a chord.
Guest chapter 67 . 10/25/2012
Please keep going with this story. It is great.
Guest chapter 64 . 9/18/2012
"Ira Adler" the elusive, nafarious lawyer. Is that a reference to 'Irean Adler' from Sherlock Holmes?
If it is, nice touch.
OldSFfan chapter 41 . 9/5/2012
A grand chapter. I wish you'd let the Saint Crispen's day speech stand and have the allergic reaction occur next chapter, because the speech was so powerful in the context.
OldSFfan chapter 24 . 9/4/2012
The thesis is a nice touch.
RCraig chapter 14 . 6/10/2012
This is the best chapter. I write John abuse stories, but this was something really special, a wonderful relationship between father and son. I almost cried. This is the sign of a good author. Well done xx
Brighid45 chapter 67 . 6/14/2011
I sat down this afternoon and read the entire story all the way to the chapter to date. This is really excellent. My apologies for giving you only one review-you deserve many more for such a terrific fic.

This is an absorbing and satisfying look inside House's mind and psyche. From the moment of rescue to the moment of crisis of conscience, the focus is exactly where it should be-on House's slow, sometimes difficult and hard-won recovery. I like the fact that it hasn't been a steady progression; there have been setbacks, but with the help of good and loving family and friends and House's own innate courage, he's able to take one faltering step after another toward wholeness.

It's been some time since you updated, and I'm hoping that the last chapter isn't the end because it seems as though House needs to work through his rage at and fear of Ira Adler, and through him Thompson as well. If you've been discouraged by the canon storyline, I don't blame you for losing heart-but please consider at least one last chapter to resolve the story. This fic is so good, it deserves a great ending.
docZo chapter 67 . 6/5/2011
I just read this whole story in it's totality, in less time than I am willing to admit. I just couldn't put it down. It is so well-written, so vividly captures House's mental state and the loving relationships with his friends. I'm a sucker for House-Wilson friendship and Hurt/Comfort so of course this was perfect for me. Watching Wilson gently guide House back to health was really beautiful. You also painted a really accurate picture of acute PTSD, and Kate was a fun addition to the mix. But the one thing I really didn't like was the ending. I get House standing over the lawyer and scaring him, temporarily preventing him from speaking, even giving him the drug to overload his pain receptors. But causing permanent damage with the epidural? That was really stooping to the lawyer's level. I would like to think House would be above that. And I don't like the idea of House living with that on his conscience for the rest of his life. I would have much rather seen House show/tell the lawyer that he could do whatever he wanted to him, let the lawyer experience the sheer terror, and then tell the lawyer that he (House) is better than him, so he won't do it, and then walk away.
Kae chapter 67 . 10/20/2010
Really emotional update (as are all the chapters). House taking his revenge on Adler is something I can totally imagine the House we all know and more or less love doing, and that last line, "Felt good" is so chilling, because how fulfilling can it be to actually sink to that level? Very nicely handled.

I hope to see more from you soon!
AnniZA chapter 27 . 10/2/2010
Thank you for a great story!
The Dread Pirate Roberts chapter 32 . 9/17/2010
Dude you really REALLY need a beta. Your writing is good but your spelling sucks and you misuse some words. It's a crime to leave such easily fixable mistakes uncorrected. Here are some of your more obvious mistakes to wit:

than instead of then, I keep finding sentences that go something like this, Than he went to bed. The sentence should be THEN he went to bed. than implies some sort of comparison i.e. His meal was larger THAN hers.

sync instead of sink, (sunc is actually a word, but it doesn't mean what you think it means),

dependant instead of dependent.

Anyway these are all very basic mistakes and quite frankly, look really bad. In fact, to some anal retentive readers aka me (sorry) mistakes like these are the literary equivalent of nails scraping down a chalk board. which is a shame because stupid typos aside, this fic is really well written. So please, please, please get a beta.
FranFan91 chapter 1 . 8/10/2010
Very heartwrenching story. It was good :)
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