I want to know the world, and make my own little one.
I believe in only what I can see and what I can't.
I am full of Ambition and Dreams. Truths are in half of them.
I like to avoid reality. A lot.
I love to read and gain new knowledge.
I enjoy Independent films, Musicals, and shows that push the envelope;
anything artistic, quirky, and a little left of center like myself.
I am heart over head over heels in love with romance.
My favorite pairings: (QAF US) Britin, (P&P) Lizzie/Mr. Darcy, (Merlin) Arlin, Arwen, (Teen Wolf) Sterek, Stydia,
(Fringe) Polivia, (Being Human UK) Mitchell/Annie, Halex, Hal/Cutler, Hal/Other, (Firefly) Mal/Inara, Simon/Kaylee,
(Hemlock Grove) Romancek, (Glee) Klaine, (The Mortal Instruments) Clace, Malec, (The Vampire Diaries) Delena, Klaroline, Steroline,
(Doctor Who) Ten & Rose, (Once Upon A Time) Snowing, Captain Swan, Rumbelle, (Roswell) Max/Liz, (The Fosters) Jonnor,
(Sherlock) JohnLock, (Hart Of Dixie) Zade, (The Mindy Project) Dandy, (The Originals) Elijah/Hayley, (Murdoch Mysteries) William/Julia
(The 100) Murphamy Linctavia, (Outlander) Jamie/Claire, (Poldark) Romelza, (Game of Thrones) Snow/Other, Jamie/Brianne
I find it relaxing to write songs. Singing is my second language.
I wish I could say I was perfect, but not all of us can steal smiles forever.
I am simply, just, Me.
Other QAF stories I enjoy:
Trapeze, Boys of Summer, IrishHunk has logged on, All's Fair in Love & War, In the Shadows of the Pyramids,
From Utter Hell to Delicious Torment, Morning side of the Mountain, Femininity, Treading on Water in the Deep End,
The Walls Within, Officer Kinney & The Runaway, Masked Lover, Duplicity, The Bet, Rustle me Up, Brian Wouldn't Say That,
What Everyone Else Doesn't Know About Us, My First..., For the Rest of my Life, Classique Companion, Haunted Manor,
Wrong Number, Private Dancer, My Dirty Little Secret, Lights! Camera! Action!, No More Ugly Naked Guy, Not like Everyone Else,
Behind the Fifth Moon, Lies, Lust, & Love, Angel in Disguise, Moonlight Magic, Sangre Azul, Seduction of the Willing,
Chickens Don't Lay Eggnog, Pictionary, The Spy Who Loved Me, Survival of the Horniest, The Simplest Gift, Image is Everything,
The Cradle Will Rock, The Justin Taylor Picture Show, Something Right, Five Coins, Broken Open, A Light Shining Through the Darkness,
Forever Young, Kiss my Kilt, The List, Mine..., Changing Destiny, To Make the Wounded Whole, Decidedly So, A Wanted Man, Omnos,
Promises You Can't Keep, But the Strangest of Feelings, Ain't no Time to go to Sleep, Superman is Dead, Kryptonite with a Big C,
Until the End Starts, Catch Me When I Fall, Gus' Story, Postcards from the Heart, Ma' Can I Keep Him?, Blissed, With my Body,
The Loft, Exhale Anew, 6 fueller/Corner of Tremont, Package Deal, The Lucky One, Primordial Passion Redux , Darkness, Darkness,
Oddest Couple, The Measure of Things, Psychosis, Foolish Wishes, The Duke of Tremont, The Duke of Tremont II, Decadence, In His Kiss,
Life Saving Measures, Sip The Wine, The Kinney Collection - Haiku by Justin Taylor, A Little Madness in Spring, Too Busy to Fcuk, Seasons,
Dreaming About Us, Sympathy for the Devil, Bewitched & Bewildered, Misty Moonlight, Amends, Alien, P-Town, Brian Kinney: Matchmaker,
Insomnia, The Proposal, Beyond the Wyoming Skies, Imperfections, What If?, Membership Has It's Privileges, Dandelion, The Measure of Things,
Colder in My Skin, Actions Speak Louder, Ranch Vacation, Jagged Destiny, Cohorts In Crime, Three's a Crowd, 2025, Teddy Gus, Psycho Fic,
The Grand Hotel, Whenever you're ready, The Long Road, Charmed Life, My Lover's The Sunlight, The Dawn..., Across the Hall, Bedtime Stories,
Saint Joan, Happiness, Love's Not Time's Fool, pf's Britin Challenge, First and Last, Dante's Prayer, The King's Will, Clearly, It's All A Mystery,
One More Time, Letters to Sunshine, The Dog Star,
Read more QAF Fic here:
homepage, MidnightWhispers, MW Archives, qafvault, brianjustinlove, bjfic LJ,
qaf_fiction LJ, GetItHere LJ, AcrossThePond, The Moonshadow Tribe, queerasfics LJ, qafhereandnow, Suzvoy, archiveofourown, QAF Halloween Zip file
Other Favorite QAF Authors:
Moonshadow Woman, Mandagrammy, Sapphire, Tagsit, NoChaser, Draccone, edom, peacefrog, Annie Eliza,