This is it for the moment. The end of part one.

There was a storm coming, something dark brewing on the horizon and Brian could feel it. Couldn't identify what it was, what was happening, but could feel the heaviness in his chest as he made his way to his office, Justin's hand clasped in his own. They had stopped a number of times, Justin pulling Brian close, his hands pressing into skin, whining into Brian's mouth.

"Justin, I have to..." Brian said, pulled away from Justin, ignored the pleading look on his face, the desperate need that seemed to roll off him as he arched his hips upwards.

"Have to what?" he asked and Brian groaned, cupped his face and kissed him hard, pressing him back into the wall.

"You're doing it on purpose," he growled against Justin's jaw line and Justin laughed lightly, fingers clutching at his waist band, skin against skin and his neck smelled of Roman and Brian himself.

"Doing what?" he asked again and Brian growled once more, licking at the bite on Justin's neck, the laughter in Justin's voice dying into a gasp.

"I have to see you safe Sunshine, then I will fuck you wherever the hell you want me too, ok?" He said and Justin's eyes glaze over for a second, images of them together flooding his mind and Brian smirked down at him. Justin shook his head and glared up at Brian.

"I wish you wouldn't do that," he sulked, crossing his arms, but there was a smile dancing on the corner of his mouth and Brian wanted nothing more than to kiss it off, trap his wrists above his head, his pulse strong against Brian's fingers.

"It's not all me," he replied, letting himself kiss Justin, feeling himself getting lost in the feel of him under his hands. There was a still a hint of paleness on Justin's face, and Brian ignored the way Justin's heart beat sounded in his ear.

There were things he needed to do, he could afford to get lost in Justin right now, not when Ethan was still in his office and Roman was probably plotting revenge, or killing some innocent twink, or both. He kissed Justin again, just a press of lips, a hint of tongue and Justin melted into him. If Brian had time, he would have explored the way in which Justin responded to gentle touches, designed to drive him crazy, to bring him to his knees and turn him into a gibbering wreck with just words and barely there hands, but he couldn't. Not now. He needed to sort Ethan out, to protect Justin properly. He pulled away and ignored the whine from Justin as he pulled them both down the corridor.

The door to his office was open and Brian cursed, worry colouring his words, Ethan was out.

"What?" Justin asked, his fingers laced into the belt loop of Brian's jeans, such a simple connection, like he felt he needed it, needed to be touching Brian. Brian narrowed his eyes as Mikey appeared in the doorway of his office, running a hand through his hair. He jumped when Brian closed his hand around his t-shirt, pulling him close.

"What the fuck happened?" He asked and Mikey's eyes went dark slightly, there was a fight in them, but he knew his place and went limp in Brian's grip. Justin's fingers tightened slightly.

"I don't know," Mikey replied, his fingers pressing into Brian's hand, pulling slightly and Brian let him go. Mikey shrugged, pulling at his t-shirt, pulling it back into place. "I got back up here, Rich was hurt, Ethan was gone..."

"Rich was hurt?" Brian asked and Mikey frowned.

"Yeah, not badly, but looks like Ethan did a number on him. He's probably pissed, got the upper hand with anger and surprise," Mikey said and Justin's fingers tugged on Brian's jeans.

"How is he so fucking strong?" Brian asked, almost to himself and Justin let go of his jeans, walked around in front of him, his hands pressing into Brian's chest. There was an idea forming in his blond head, Brian could feel it, and it made his stomach clench as he gripped at Justin's arms.

"No," he said and Justin frowned. "You are not coming, you are staying here."

"You can't stop me," Justin replied and Brian raised an eyebrow, pressing his tongue into the inside of his cheek and Justin glared.

"I can and I will sunshine," he replied, pushing Justin away.


"Justin. Don't push me. You are staying here, you understand? The isecond/i you walk out of this building, people will be after you. Whilst you're under this roof, Roman can't hurt you, unless you let him," Justin frowned as he picked up the jealousy Brian couldn't stop from creeping into his words, "neither can Ethan," he continued and Justin scoffed, crossed his arms over his chest as Mikey cleared his throat awkwardly. Brian wound his fingers around Justin's arm, pulled him into the office and slammed the door, blocking out everything as he centred in on Justin, the almost blind panic he felt at the thought that something could happen to him. "Stop being so fucking stubborn and just trust me," he snapped and Justin uncrossed his arms, balling them at his sides.

"Stop treating me like a fucking child then," he shouted.

"You are a fucking child, you have no idea how dangerous is it out there for you right now, if you aren't here I can't stop things from hurting you, and I am inot/i going through that again," as soon as he said it, he realised it was the wrong thing to say and Justin's anger kicked up a notch, washed over Brian like water.

"So that's all I am? Another blond twink that's your responsibility?" Justin demanded and Brian couldn't help but close his eyes, press his fingers into his forehead because hadn't he shown the kid anything?

"Fuck Justin, no," he started and Justin wrenched his hand away from his forehead, staring straight at him with blue eyes that held so much more than they should for someone his age.

"I'm not Dale, Brian," he said, his voice quiet, going for soothing, and most of the anger was gone, but Brian could still feel a hint of it clawing at the back of his neck.

"I know," he snapped, "Dale wouldn't have argued with me," Justin stared at him, his face unreadable, but Brian didn't have to read it, he could feel the hurt in him, the anger boiling under his skin. "Shit," Brian cursed, running a hand across his face as Justin closed off. "Would you just..." he began, unsure of what he was asking for.

"Just what?" Justin asked, throwing the words at Brian in fury.

"Just stay here. Please?" Justin stilled, the fury draining from his body at the word iplease/i and he crossed his arms again, throwing himself down into the chair in front of Brian's desk.

"Fine," he muttered and Brian would have laughed at him had his stomach not been churning in worry.

"Fine," he replied and Justin frowned. Brian took a step forward, running his fingers down the side of Justin's face. Justin resisted for a few seconds before leaning into the touch and Brian cupped his face, his fingers curling into the hair at the back of Justin's neck. He leaned down and brushed his lips over Justin's. "I'll be back soon," he said and didn't wait to hear Justin's response.

"Mikey, watch him," Brian ordered as he shut the door. Mikey frowned.

"Brian, you need..."

"I don't need help Mikey, the Wolves are not going to be happy I tried to keep Ethan here, and the less Vampires they have knocking at their door, the better," he said and Mikey frowned again, worried this time, the feel of it bleeding out between them.

"What are you going to do?" he asked and Brian patted his shoulder.

"Whatever I have to," he replied.

To say Justin was pissed would have been an understatement.

Not only was he hurt, his wrists still tingling with the sensations of the ropes, his head throbbing at the temples, but he also felt weak from lack of blood and Brian's touches, and helpless. There was also a lingering sense of lust, from both Brian and Roman and Justin hated the fact that Roman, of all people, could invoke that in him, the dark need, and it fuelled both him and Brian. Justin felt dirty, his skin itching, too small for him as he shifted, then stood, started pacing across the floor of Brian's office.

Ethan had handed him over to Roman. And the knowledge of that was weighing heavily on his mind, as was the betrayal. He had shared so much with Ethan, not just his bed, but his story, his fears of being different, and Ethan had listened, his fingers wrapped in Justin's hair holding him close. He hadn't felt the amount of affection he felt for Brian with him, but it was near enough, and he would still be there with Ethan if Brian's hadn't appeared in his life and turned it upside down.

Not only had he left Ethan, but he had left the pack too. The family he thought he would never have again after his own had turned their back on him, ignoring his plea for help, for understanding. His mothers eyes sad as his father had pushed him out of the door. He had thought his mother would stand up for him but she had given him a brief hug, far from the prying eyes of his father, and told him to take care of himself, that she was sorry. That had been the last he had seen of his family, as he'd stolen into the night. His family had turned their back and now no doubt the pack had too. Ethan was probably spouting lies about him right now and Justin felt trapped, lost and alone. Pissed at the world that had seemed to forsake him.

Justin felt him as soon as the door opened, hit by a wave of emotions, mostly anger and he spun around to face Roman.

"What do you want?" he asked, despite not wanting to show Roman weakness he backed away until his thighs hit Brian's desk.

"I want to talk to you," he said, still standing half in the doorway, one side of him blocked by the door, "oh and I wanted to show you something," he said, stepping into the office pulling a slumped body with him.

"It's not going to work again Roman," Justin said, his fear betraying him as his voice shook slightly. He took a deep breath and clutched at the desk behind him. Roman laughed slightly and shifted the body in his grasp.

"Oh I know. Anyway, this one's already dead. I just killed him," Roman licked at his lips as he threw the body on the floor between them. "I think his name was Matt, not that it matters," Roman said, pulling one of his fingers into his mouth. Justin shut his eyes against the dead look on the guy's, Matt's, face. The way they focused on nothing, had gone slightly glassy made Justin's stomach turn. "But what's interesting is, little one, that fact you look like him...or he looks like you, doesn't matter. But look at his eyes," Roman said, grasping Justin's chin in his hand and forcing his gaze downwards, "they look like yours." Justin swallowed hard as he stared down at the body, his eyes taking in the similarities between them. It was true, he did look like Justin. Justin fought the sting of tears in his eyes.

"Get the fuck off me," Justin snapped, wrenching his chin out of Roman's grasp.

"Hit a nerve have I little one?"

"I know what you're trying to do and it wont work," he said, his hands shaking and Roman's gaze settled on his neck and Justin felt his pulse speed up.

"What am I trying to do?" Roman asked, stroking a hand along Justin's arm, his cold fingers playing over his knuckles.

"You're trying to get me to leave Brian," Justin replied, ignoring the cold fingers at his throat now, pressing into the bite mark. Roman's eyes darkened.

"Why would I be interested in doing that? He'll grow bored of you soon enough. Can't you see he has a type little one?" he asked, gesturing at Matt lying on the floor. His skin was so pale, his dead eyes staring almost accusingly at Justin, like it was his fault that Roman had killed him. "You know where I found this one? In Brian's office, slumped on the couch," Roman continued, his breath hot against Justin's neck as he leaned down, sniffed at the skin and Justin swallowed hard against the lump of fear and lust in his throat.

"You're lying," Justin said and Roman chuckled, pulled away and ran his fingers through Justin's hair, pulling his head back.

"You know I'm not," he said and he was right, Justin did know that, he could smell the truth. "He has a type, and he will grow bored. He always does. And either kills them, turns them, or hands them over to me to kill when his scruples get too much for him, that way he can't blame himself for their death," Roman leaned down again, brushing his lips against Justin's briefly before he pulled away completely, leaving Justin shaking slightly from confusion and fear.

"Why should I trust you?"

"You shouldn't, but I'm telling you the truth, Brian will hurt you, he might even kill you."

"You can't hurt me, he gave me his protection," Justin said and Roman laughed, the sound dark and dangerous in the small room.

"Technically I can, it's not breaking any laws if I do because he hasn't invoked iCustodia/i, its just frowned upon. But you're right, you're under his protection until he grows bored of you, then maybe I will kill you, bleed you dry like I should have downstairs. You think you're the first pet he's ever had Justin? You think Dale was the first? You're just the latest in a long line of blond twinks he keeps until they either turn, run or die. So I suggest you run, little one, whilst you still can. Because there is no way in iHell/i that I am letting some half breed into my clan," Roman was too close, Justin felt his anger, the hatred he felt for Justin, the blind rage under the surface that Roman had spent hundreds of years keeping down. It was threatening to boil over now and Justin knew he was playing with fire.

"No, Brian lo..."

"He loves you? He will never love you, not like you want him to. He's not capable of it. None of us are," Roman said, the finality in his tone heavy as he walked out and slammed the door.

Brian had never actually been to the mansion before. The smell of Lycanthrope had always been enough to keep him away, until now. Until Justin was in trouble and the only way to help him was to go through the door.

Brian didn't have to knock. The law against entering uninvited didn't work with other supernatural creatures. He just pushed the door open, the wood warm against his palms.

"You think we didn't smell you coming?" said a voice as he stepped into the hallway. The whole pack was assembled, faces wearing frowns and scowls and arms crossed over chests. Brian raised an eyebrow at Nick, the Beta Male of the pack as he stood at the top of the stairs.

"I was counting on it," Brian replied, his eyes taking in the defensive stances of the rest of the pack, the way they shifted around him till he was completely surrounded. If it had been closer to the full moon there may have been a flicker of worry in him, but it was far enough way and he moved fast enough when he needed to that he remained calm as Nick descended the stairs. Nick was dark like Ethan, but that's where the similarities ended. His face was open, and even though he hated Brian and all the other vampires in the city, Brian usually saw him with a warm smile on his face. He was honest too, something that Brian could smell even over the overwhelming stench of Lycanthrope. His blue were wide and clear and reminded Brian briefly of Justin's.

"Where's Ethan?" he asked, his worry, as well as the rest of the packs, evident in his tone. Brian knew the way they worked, their missing Alpha would have been a huge worry to them and to Nick especially who was now left protecting a pack that would fall apart unless he either claimed leadership or found Ethan.

"I was hoping you could tell me," Brian replied and there was a flicker of unrest from the pack.

"You don't have him?" Nick frowned as he reached the bottom of the stairs, his knuckles going white as he gripped the rail tightly.

"I don't have him, I did, but I don't now," Brian replied.

"But you have the traitor?" It was posed as a question and Brian picked up the worry from one of the pack members, the genuine concern for whoever it was Nick was talking about, but he kept his eyes firmly fixed on Nick.

"What traitor?"

"Justin," Nick said simply and Brian's stomach knotted.

"He's no traitor," he said and Nick scoffed.

"Yes he is. No matter what happens he should side with us, and he didn't, he ran away to you."

"He was handed over to Roman by your leader, Nick, that doesn't make him a traitor," Brian replied and surprise danced over Nick's face for a second as he looked as another pack member, a girl who smelled like the Alpha Female, put her hand gently over his on the stair rail, lending him comfort and strength that Brian picked up on. Nick looked back at Brian, his face set.

"He let you feed from him Brian, according to our laws that makes him a traitor," he said, as if it was that simple, as if it was black and white with no shades of grey. There was no point explaining it to them, that Brian was wounded and weak and had needed Justin's blood, that Justin had cared enough to give it willingly. They wouldn't have cared about the life of a vampire enough to understand. Brian sighed, ignoring the sick feeling in his stomach that this was going to amount to nothing other than perhaps angering the whole pack.

"He's under my protection now, from you, from Roman, and especially from Ethan," he said and Nick took a step back, the shock of Brian protecting Justin evident on his face. His resolve slipped for a second and Brian felt the cracks, the tiny hairline fractures within the pack, the ones that sided with Ethan out of duty, and the ones that sided with him because they truly believed him. Nick was the former, and it would just be a case of working doubt into those cracks to split the pack away from Ethan. "You stay away from Justin."

"You want us to just roll over and let you keep him? Let you command us like that? Let you rule us?" Nick asked, anger growing under the surface.

"I don't want to rule you Nick," Brian said, shaking his head.

"Yes you do."

"No, Roman does. I don't. We have co-existed for too long now for us to just take control, it shouldn't work like that. Justin is innocent in this, Ethan is a liar and he's leading your pack down the wrong path. He's working with Roman. Now tell me, doesn't that make ihim/i the traitor?" Brian replied, sowing the seed of doubt. Nick's hand tightened slightly around the stair rail but he let go, and took a step towards Brian, his gaze dragging over him.

"You're lying," he said darkly, his voice low like he didn't want the others to hear.

"You know I'm not," Brian countered, dropping his voice low also, taking a step towards Nick and letting the truth of what he said flow between them. Nick closed his eyes briefly as he felt it, wavered minutely. "If Roman gets what he wants, Nick, we are both in danger. You think just because you can pass as normal the humans will leave you alone? You think you wont have lynch mobs banging on the doors?" Nick took a step back, his hands balled into fists at his side as Brian felt the walls come up between them. Brian just hoped he had said enough to keep Justin safe and to let the Wolves know they couldn't trust Roman.

"We do not work with vampires," Nick said and Brian had to admit the relief he felt at that. Nick strongly believed that and that meant that he would never side with Roman.

"Tell that to your leader, when you find him," Brian said. Nick glared, snarling slightly as he gestured towards the door. The girl who had placated him earlier wrapped her fingers around his wrist and tugged gently. Nick calmed almost instantly.

"You will be leaving now," he said and Brian nodded as he took a step towards the door, the pack closing in around him.

"You don't want this Nick," he said as he pulled the door opened and paused, turning back to Nick, "neither of us do," Brian took a step forward and dropped his voice low, speaking directly into Nick's ear, "take the pack from Ethan, take it and stand up for yourselves for once," he pulled away and caught the look on Nick's face, the one of consideration before he closed up again and just held the door open. Brian nodded again, closing his eyes as the door slammed behind him. He pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath of the cool night air.

"Brian..." The voice was timid, with a hint of defiance though and Brian looked up to see a girl about Justin's age staring at him, her face was in shadow but Brian could see it well enough. She stepped out from behind one of the pillars on the front porch, her hands shaking slightly as she twisted them together in front of her. Brian raised as eyebrow, recognising the same sense of worry he had felt for Justin inside. "Will you..." she began, clearing her throat as her voice cracked, "will you tell Justin, tell him I still care," she finished, looking up at Brian with big eyes.

"Is that allowed?" Brian asked and the girl looked worried for a second, glancing around as she shook her head.

"No, but Justin was my friend and I miss him, and I want him to know that. Tell him Daphne says, tell him I say take care," she said, pressing an envelope into Brian's hands. Brian looked down at Justin's name and Daphne's warm fingers curling around his own.

"I will," he replied and she smiled briefly, letting go of his hands and taking a step back.

"Thank you," she said, slipping back into the shadow of the porch.

Justin felt cold, his body shook as Roman shut the door, smirk fixed on his face. There was a truth in Roman's words, Justin knew it. Deep down in his bones he knew that Brian would never love him the way he wanted him to, the way he needed him to. But part of him wanted to fight that, to make Brian love him, to ignore the tiny ache in his stomach whenever Brian touched him, the one that seemed to taunt him even after Brian took his hands away. He had never felt more alive than he did with Brian, never felt more like he belonged anywhere else other than by Brian's side. It was stupid really, he hadn't known him long, could count the words they had actually said to each other on both hands and he was a creature of the night after all, but Justin couldn't deny the way Brian's touches made him feel, the way he felt when he was in Brian's arms.

But Roman's words were playing in his head. Was he just another twink? Another notch in the bed post? Or were they something more than that? Justin tried to weight it up in his head, all the times Brian had look at him, touched him, the words he had said. They all felt more than just empty promises, the way he had whispered "mine" into Justin's ear felt more than just a meaningless thing to say, more than just Brian's natural possessive manner coming through.

But then he had pushed Justin away so easily. Let him walk out the door to possible danger and hadn't even tried to see how he was. And there was the way that Brian sometimes looked at him like he wasn't really seeing Justin, he was seeing someone else and his gaze would go hooded and haunted.

His gaze landed on Matt's crumpled body that Roman had left, his eyes still staring dead at Justin and Justin shuddered. He took a deep breath. He couldn't stay here and end up like Matt, or spend the rest of his life wishing that Brian loved him, and watching himself get older as Brian stayed young. He wouldn't put himself through that.

He was halfway down the corridor when Mikey stepped out from a doorway causing Justin to jump.

"Where are you going?" he asked and Justin crossed his arms guiltily over his chest.

"Will he ever love me like I want him to?" Justin asked and Mikey frowned and sighed.

"No," he said finally after what seemed like an age to Justin. Justin nodded, his heart aching in his chest at the truth. "But he may love you in the only way he can," he continued, wrapping his fingers around Justin's arm as Justin went to side step him, "the thing you need to remember Justin is that we don't feel normal human emotions. It more complicated than that, it goes deeper and lasts longer and Brian holds out on purpose because of that," Mikey let him go and Justin rubbed absently at his arm. Mikey and Brian both had a tendency to hold on just that little bit too tight.

"I can't wait for that," Justin said and Mikey frowned.

"I can't let you leave," he said. Justin crossed his arms, truthfully he had been expecting this, the possessiveness Brian showed when he had Justin naked under him was continuing even when he wasn't there.

"So I'm a prisoner?" he asked and Mikey shook his head.

"No, but Brian told me to keep you here, at least till he got back," Mikey shifted, crossing his arms over his chest. He might have looked small and easy to get past but Justin knew differently, he had felt Mikey's strong grip around his throat before and Justin wasn't angry enough to get past him. Justin wasn't angry at all, he was hurt, and resigned.

"Mikey, I can't wait for him," Justin said. He heard the pleading in his own voice for Mikey to understand. Mikey had Ben, but before he had been in love with Brian, Debbie had told him, and Mikey of all people, knew how hopeless it was to wait for Brian.

"Justin..." Mikey stopped as hurried footsteps sounded on the stairs leading up to the corridor and Rich appeared around the corner, looking worried. Justin felt the concern rolling off him.

"Mikey, you need to come now. Ben's attacked Roman's guys," Justin felt Mikey's instant panic, and he stole a look at him. His face was whiter than normal and he took a step towards Rich.

"What happened?" He demanded and Rich ran a hand through his hair.

"Roman told them to attack Ben for disobeying and Ben, know Ben, he stood up for himself," Justin felt sick. He had caused all this. Inadvertently he had made Ben disobey Roman and Ben had been punished for it.

"Shit, fuck. Justin, don't go anywhere," Mikey snapped as he ran down the corridor.

Half of Justin wanted to listen, wanted to go back to Brian's office and wait it out, wait for Brian to come back. His fingers twitched with the need to touch him, to feel that pale, smooth skin beneath his palms. But then the other half was screaming at him to get out, to leave the Pitts, start anew somewhere where no one knew him. He didn't need a pack, he didn't need a family. He had survived on his own before he came to the Pitts.

He just wasn't sure he could breathe without Brian.

"Mikey what the fuck is going on?" Brian asked as he stepped through the doors into Babylon. The place looked like a bomb had gone off, bar stools were upturned, broken on the floor, bits of bottles and glasses lay scattered and Mikey looked like he was having a small heart attack. He seemed to slump in relief as he caught sight of Brian. Ben sat in the corner, pressing his hand to his arm and Brian caught the scent of blood in the room.

"Ben attack Roman's guys," Mikey said and Brian stiffened.

"They attacked me first, and I lost control," Ben offered, standing up on slightly shaky legs. Mikey was by his side in an instant and Brian noticed the way he tried to shake him off but gave up. Mikey was nothing if not persistent at giving his love.

"Ok someone explain," Brian demanded and Mikey sighed.

"Roman got his guys to "punish" Ben for disobeying his order about getting rid of Justin," at Justin's name Brian stiffened again, feeling a swell of something in his belly at the thought of blond hair and blue eyes, "Ben obviously fought back," Mikey finished, lowering Ben back to the seat he had been sitting on and walking towards Brian.

"Did you…" Brian asked Ben and Ben shook his head.

"They'll live," he answered and Brian nodded, grateful for small mercies. "But still, there'll be repercussions from this. You know that," Brian nodded as Ben took his hand away from his arm, inspected the blood on his palm and licked gently at it. The desire in the room kicked up a notch from everyone and Brian shut his eyes briefly.

"It wasn't his fault Brian, " Mikey said, his eyes darker than normal and Brian knew it was because of the scent of blood and the aftermath of the fight.

"I know Mikey, I'll sort it out," he said, patting Mikey's shoulder, "where is Roman?" He asked and Mikey shrugged.

"He's gone, somewhere," Ben said, standing up again, this time staying up on his own.

"Ok," Brian replied, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose.

"Brian…um…" Mikey began and Brian picked up the worry in him. He looked down at him and waited for the next bout of bad news. "Justin's gone."

Of all the things Brian was not expecting that. His blood ran cold.

"What?" He demanded, wrapping his hands around Mikey's arms, snarling slightly. Ben snarled back, moving fast to stand behind Mikey.

"He left," Mikey said and Brian let him go. Ben pulled him close, his back to Ben's chest.

"And you let him? Fuck Mikey, you know how fucking dangerous it is out there for him," Brian shouted.

"I didn't let him Brian, I had more important things going on right here, in case you can't smell the fucking blood," Mikey shouted back, twisting out of Ben's grasp and taking a step towards Brian.

"Where the fuck has he gone?"

"I don't know," Mikey admitted, the fight draining from him. "But Roman knows he can't hurt him and Justin's not about to let Roman feed from him again," he said.

"It's not Roman I worried about Mikey. He's made his point. The wolves are out for blood and Ethan is missing too," Brian snapped as he headed towards the doors.

"Where are you going?" Mikey called after him. Brian stopped in the doorway.

"To go find him, Mikey. I can't…I can't loose him."

Justin hitched his bag higher on his shoulder, rolling it to ease the ache that had settled in deep. The coach he had booked himself on to, the farthest destination he could get to with what money had, would be another hour and Justin sighed.

There was an ache in his chest too, one that Justin knew was from the lack of Brian, one that he also knew would take a while to ease. But he had to leave, he couldn't wait for Brian, he could live his life with someone who didn't care as much as he did, no matter how much he wanted him too.

He understood, he really did. It didn't make it hurt any less though.

He should have smelled him before he slid onto the bench beside him but Justin's mind was on Brian, on memorising the way his hands felt on him, the way his cock felt buried deep inside.

"Where are you going?" Ethan asked and Justin jumped, shifted away from him. Ethan's expression was unreadable and Justin stood.

"Does it matter?" he replied and Ethan stood too.

"It me it does," he said and Justin frowned. What Justin had wanted had never mattered to Ethan, the only thing that had matter to Ethan was if Justin was by his side or not, if he was controlled.

"I gave up caring what matters to you Ethan," he snapped and Ethan seemed to flinch, he ran a hand through his black hair.


"You know, I don't really want to hear it Ethan, ok?" he said, running a hand through his hair and shouldering his bag again. Ethan's hand closed around his wrist as he turned away and Justin glared at him, wrenched his hand away.

"Can I explain?" Ethan asked and Justin shook his head.

"No, you'll only lie," he said and Ethan frowned.

"That's not fair," he said and Justin snorted.

"Really? You've lied about everything since I came here. You handed me over to Roman and you just want me to forget that? Forgive it? He nearly killed me Ethan, if Brian hadn't..."

"Oh its always about fucking Brian," Ethan snapped and Justin dropped his bag, took a step closer to Ethan.

"Yes its about him, because he has never lied to me. You have done nothing but lie, you lied about Brian, you lied about Dale, you tried to get me killed and now you want me to listen to you?" Justin said and Ethan frowned again, anger beginning to bubble under the surface and Justin felt it, closed his eyes briefly and hoped that he could keep his own in check.

"You can't trust him Justin," Ethan said and Justin scoffed again.

"Oh and I suppose I can't trust you?"

"He'll never love you," Ethan said, ignoring the question because they both knew the answer anyway and Justin sighed. He was so tired of people telling him that, of people trying to make his mind up for him. He loved Brian, he knew that Brian wouldn't love him the same way back but it was his decision, no one else's.

"I know. I know ok, why the fuck do you think I'm leaving? There's nothing here for me, not you, not Brian, not the fucking Pack who obviously have no idea what you've been up to. You think they would appreciate you working with Roman? You think Nick would like it?" Ethan's anger flashed when he mentioned Nick and Justin took a step back, preparing himself for whatever Ethan wanted to throw back in his face for that comment.

"Fuck you Justin, everything I did, I did for you," Justin laughed wryly. Everything Ethan had done had been for his own good, to better Ethan, it had nothing to do with Justin and never had.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You gave me to Roman for my own good? What is wrong with you Ethan?"

"Justin I…"

"I love Brian. I don't love you. I've never loved you. You're weak, you have no right to be Alpha, and I hope Nick grows a pair and takes the pack from you," Justin snapped, turning away. Ethan's hand closed around his wrist again and Justin felt something dark under the anger, something barely contained and he turned, glared at Ethan. "Get your fucking hands off me," he said as we pulled his wrist out of Ethan's grip, "you don't get to touch me again," he said. Ethan bared his teeth and Justin felt him swallow down the anger, the wolf, as he felt Brian nearing. He closed his eyes against the two conflicting feelings, Brian's worry and Ethan's anger and turned towards Brian. He smiled at him sadly, not wanting to have to say goodbye to him, hating the pain that bloomed in his chest when Brian sent an image of them together, Brian's hands wrapped around his wrists, Brian's voice low, whispering right into his ear.

"Brian…" Justin started, taking a step towards him, wanting nothing more than to wrap himself in those arms and just hold on forever.

Brian's face flickered with panic and he started to run towards Justin.


Pain bloomed at the back of his head then everything went black.

Brian reached him in an instant, moving faster than even he realised, certainly faster than Ethan realised as Ethan stumbled backwards, the baseball bat he'd seemed to have pulled out of thin air clattering to the floor.

Brian ignored Justin, the blind rage in his blood, the red of his vision taking over as he reached out and gripped Ethan's throat between his hands.

"Don't…" Ethan pleaded and Brian snarled, tightened his grip and felt the bones snap under his fingers. Ethan's pupils expanded and his body slumped to the floor as Brian dropped him, his life extinguished in an instant, and threw himself at Justin.

There was blood, Brian smelled it, ignored the stirring in his stomach at the scent of Justin and pushed his hands to the cut on Justin's head, the blood was warm between his fingers, slick as he pulled one hand away to press his fingers to Justin's neck. His pulse fluttered weakly under his touch, a gently but distance thumb against Brian's fingers and Brian felt a small flood of relief.

"Don't you fucking dare Justin, you stay with me," he ordered as he pulled Justin into his arms and stood, hating the limp way Justin's hand hung by his side.

He didn't remember how he got back to Babylon. All he remembered was the feel of Justin in his arms, the way Justin didn't move, the paleness of his skin as Brian kicked open the door.

"Fuck Brian, what the fuck happened?" Mikey asked.

"Get Debbie," Brian snapped and Mikey shot a worried look at Justin as he darted out of the door.

He felt Roman before he saw him, the dark presence of him seeming to fill up whatever room his was in and Brian stiffened, clutched Justin closer to him as Roman walked down the stairs from Brian's office.

"I see someone did my dirty work for me," Roman noted, glancing at Justin's practically lifeless body. "Pity, I was looking forward to drinking from him again."

"I invoke Custodia," Roman's face was the picture of surprise, rage bleeding into the shock as Brian grew closer. "You touch him again, I will kill you," Brian said and he meant it. He'd never meant anything more in his entire life and Roman knew that, Brian felt the anger from him.

"You're making the biggest mistake of your life Brian," Roman said, his voice low and Brian snarled at him.

"The biggest mistake I ever made was ever feeling anything for you other than contempt. Get out of my way," hurt flashed across Roman's face for an instant before he closed off again, nodded and took a step aside.

"You disappoint me Brian, I thought you were stronger than this, falling for a wolf, its pathetic," Brian growled at him, his fingers pressing into Justin's arm.

"I'm stronger than you'll ever know," he replied as he walked up the stairs. He didn't wait to hear Roman's reply, laying Justin on the couch and slamming his door shut. Justin's breath was shallow, pulse still weak beneath his fingers and Brian felt the rage boiling in him again. His only regret was not taking time to kill Ethan, to make it hurt, to make him beg for his life and watch as it drained out of him. He ran his hand down Justin's face, smudging some blood across his skin. Brian lifted his fingers, stared at his hand. He was shaking and he didn't know if it was rage or panic.

He only knew that Justin needed to open his eyes.

"What happened?" Debbie demanded as she blustered through the door, throwing her jacket onto Brian's chair as she rolled up her sleeves.

"Ethan," he said simply and Debbie frowned, "I can't take him to a hospital Debbie, fix him," he said, leaving the please unsaid. The desperation in his voice was enough. Debbie nodded and ran her hands over Justin's body.

"You invoked Custodia?" Debbie asked and Brian nodded. He'd given up a long time ago wondering how Debbie knew things. "You think that's wise?" She asked.

"I don't fucking care right now, fix him Deb, I need him." Debbie nodded and pushed Brian out of the office.

Brian felt himself give up as the door closed, felt himself slide down the wall onto the floor. It was all his fault, he's put Justin in danger, he'd not shown the kid enough feelings to keep him under the one safe roof in the whole fucking city. He'd driven Justin away.

There was a tentative hand on his neck, and Mikey sat down next to him, pulling his head down onto his shoulder and running a hand through his hair. Brian closed his eyes.

"He's safe now Brian."

It took too long for Debbie to open the office door, a smear of Justin's blood on her forearm. She pushed her hair back off her forehead and sighed.

"I've done all I can," she said and Brian pushed past her. He heard her muttering to Mikey as he knelt by Justin, taking his hand in his own.

Justin's fingers were cold, almost as cold as his own and Brian pulled them to his mouth, pressed a kiss to the knuckles. Whether he was ready to admit it or not, he loved this kid. This kid with the bright blue eyes that had stood up to him, the kid with the sunshine smile who had wormed his way into his life and had started to make it easier. Justin's eyelids fluttered briefly and Brian gripped at his hand.

He'd put him in danger and he'd nearly been killed twice. Now Brian had essentially made him a prisoner and Justin had no say over the matter.

Your kind don't give a flying fuck about humans and their feelings.

Linds's words echoed in his head but he couldn't think about that now, he couldn't think about the hell he was going to have to pay when Justin woke up. When, because Brian couldn't even think about if. It was the only way he knew to keep Justin safe. To keep Justin with him.

Justin was all that mattered.

It took two weeks for Justin to wake up. Two weeks of Brian snarling at anyone that came near him except for Debbie who had taken it upon herself to be the personal nurse of both Justin and Brian.

Brian had Justin moved to his apartment, a wide expansive loft that let in a huge amount of light. Something which Mikey had frowned at when Brian had bought it, but Brian had ignored him, wanting to feel the sun on his face sometimes, even though it made him weak. The loft connected to the club via a covered walkway over the alley outside and Brian had extended iCustodia/i to incorporate it. Debbie bought him blood from the butcher when Brian refused to leave the loft, leaving the club under Mikey's watch for the two weeks.

It had given Brian a huge amount of time to think. To watch over Justin and think. About what the hell he was going to do when Justin opened his eyes, how he was going to explain to Justin that he had made him a prisoner.

Roman hadn't hung around but Brian knew he would be back. There were thing's he still wanted to do with the Pitts, the coming out, the meeting that had never happened but for once he had chosen the right thing to do and left. Brian couldn't help but think it had something to do with Brian threatening his life, and that Roman was no doubt nursing his rage, letting it stew under the surface, waiting for just the right moment to let it out.

Brian looked out of the large window, the lights of the city burned below, people getting on with their lives and if Brian listened carefully, tuned out Justin's even breathing, he could hear the thump of music from the club.

He felt it when Justin stirred, felt Justin coming back and he moved across the apartment in no time, falling to his knees by the bed as Justin's eyes fluttered open. His fingers twitched against Brian's and Brian grasped them gently.


"It's ok, I've got you Sunshine."