Looking Back

A/N: This one came on a very sudden stroke of inspiration last night at dinner and I'd love to hear how you guys think it worked out.

Dear Brian,

By the time you read this I'll be in the air headed for New York. I know you'll be thinking, 'headed to his new life,' right about now. Stop. It's not my new life, it's a branch off the life I have now in Pittsburgh where everything is. Everything Bri. I'll be in New York for a few months probably. I do agree with you that my art will take off here more than it could back home (yes, home, where you are standing right now), but don't you dare illusion yourself into thinking you're rid of me for good. The second I'm established as an artist my bubble butt is going to be right outside your door faster than you can say 'holy shit'. I'll be calling you every night starting tonight, and if you don't answer I'm leaving a ton of annoying messages on the machine and your voicemail. I also expect you to visit me at least twice a month while I'm here unless you want a pissed off blonde banging at your door in the middle of the night.

We all clear on the ground rules? Good. Now I can get onto what I actually started writing this for.

Last night you told me to go off to New York and never look back. I know that that was simply one of your many methods of self-preservation to not get hurt (I am so onto you Kinney), but let me tell you now Brian that it's a load of bullshit. First of all, I'm coming back, whether you want me to or not. I am sure you do. Second of all, every mile of the way there and every day that passes there will not be a second I won't think of you. And there's nothing you can do about it. HA!

Truth is though Bri, I'm never going to be able to stop looking back. I always have. When we first met and you tried to get rid of me I looked back to see if you really meant it. When I ran off to New York that first time I waited and looked behind me to see if you were chasing. After the bashing I looked back to see if you still cared. Even when I went off with that lying jackass of a fiddler I looked back to see if you missed me, which I knew you did.

It's going to be no different this time Bri, and for the rest of our lives for that matter. Whenever I take a few steps or strides forward, I'm going to be checking behind me to make sure you're not more than a step behind. And even if you're falling behind from time to time I'm going to be waiting patiently for you to catch up, and occasionally going back to drag you along when you're being your stubborn Kinney self.

I'm always going to be looking back for you Bri, because I'm never going to stop loving you, ever. Get used to it.

Brian read over the note he had found on the counter after he had woken up without Justin. With every passing line his small smile grew a bit bigger until he reached the last line and reached for the phone.


"I'm right behind you Sunshine."