![]() Author has written 14 stories for Harry Potter. LATEST UPDATE It's been 7 years since I've updated my stories or my profile, and I thought it was about time. I've lost all the original plans I had for stories, but I'm still gonna do it :) I hope that 26 year old me's writing is SLIGHTLY better than 19 year old me! Thank-you to all who have continued to review my stories LONG after I have updated them, so I best get into it! PS I'm leaving all that embarrassing stuff below that I said so long ago because it's like a hilarious time warp... Fun life updates: I work in publishing I didn't go to the UK I'm still writing my book *SQUARE ONE HAS BEEN UPDATED* I WILL BE UPDATING EVERYTHING SOON. I WILL NOT DESERT ANY STORIES. THANK-YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE REVIEWS I'M STILL RECEIVING.* Hey everyone :) Give me a challenge! I wish I could meet my fellow fanfictioners! That would be amazing. I realise now that I haven't changed my profile in about two years.. so I'm doing that now! I'm 19, I study writing and directing, and I'm writing a book.. which you guys can read one day and say 'I read her stuff when she just wrote fanfiction' - seriously I'm going to be mega famous! Anyway - hang around, read my stories - I'm trying to update a lot more now - its one of my goals this year (: Want to know more about me/follow my life? Hit up my blog . . . Its pretty strange.. and pretty emotional, but here it is: http:/// - it has pictures and stuff on it for fics as well as my random ranting about liife. Pictures From: Square One. I'm from New Zealand:D But will be doing a gap year in England once I've finished uni:) I LOVE HARRY POTTER!! My favouritest book series ever. But I also love: Disney (as in the classic cartoon movies), Pink - the colour, not the singer, uhm, singing, playing the piano, drawing annnd reading and writing (: TOM FELTON IS A BABE ON BABE TABLETS!! Seriously! WOW. And he sings! Fliiip! I just . . . LOVE HIM!! I love the Next Gen Fics! (: I'm definitely a Rose/Scorp Shipper, as in Obsessive. And I like the canon pairings, Ron/Hermione especially! Harry/Ginny, its so cute how they all end up being one family!! But then theres Luna/Dean and Luna/Neville, I think they'd be adorable. I also love Fics when Al is in Slytherin, and is Scorpius's best friend. I don't think he actually would be in Slytherin, but I like the idea of it anyway (: I just wish J.K Rowling would write about the next Gen, but for now I'll be happy with FanFic. I hope you like/read my attempts at stories! I like: Square One the best. (Coz it's Scorpius and Rose) (: Potty X Quootes: "Because that's what Hermione does," said Ron shrugging, "When in doubt, go to the library." Harry: So light a fire! Fred: Oh get out of the way, Percy. Harry's in a hurry. Ron: Right, you've got a crooked sort of cross… (consulting "Unfogging the Future") That means you're going to have 'trials and suffering' -- sorry about that -- but there's a thing that could be a sun… hang on… that means 'great happiness'… so you're going to suffer but be very happy… Ron: Don't talk to me. Fred: He can run faster than Severus Snape confronted with shampoo. Harry- "Death's got an invisibility cloak?" Clothes from fics: 'Happy Birthday Caitlin' Caitlin’s Dress: http:///Product-25946-SaintJamesSJ110.html Caitlin’s Shoes: http:///Product-24844-SirenTearaway.html |