Author has written 19 stories for Brokeback Mountain, Brothers Grim, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Jaws, and Gettysburg. Okay, well, hey everybody! I never ever know what to write here but my name's Katie and I'm a small town girl from the Isle of Wight, England and I adore writing, drawing, having fun and more writing and drawing I write more fan fiction than original stories but I do love writing original stories too with my own characters etc but it's a lot easier with fan fiction (most of the time! XD) Anywho... I hope you like the stories on here. Thanks to anyone's who's commented and read - always, always appreciated - I love you guys :) Here's a link to my Livejournal if anybody at all is interested: http:/// Oh and here's another one (the one for anything other than Brokeback Mountain fics basically !) - http:/// Favourite Fan Fiction Fandoms: Brokeback Mountain, Brothers' Grimm, The Dark Knight, Donnie Darko, As The World Turns, Queer As Folk, Torchwood, Harry Potter, A Knight's Tale, Star Trek 2009 (I'm toying with the idea of writing something based on that...) and Sherlock Holmes 2009 (that too! :) ) Favourite Couples: EnnisxJack (Brokeback Mountain), LukexNoah (As The World Turns - they're just adorable!!), HarveyxBruce (The Dark Knight - I have a serious growing affection for them which is kinda scary...), JokerxBruce/Batman (The Dark Knight), JokerxHarvey/Twoface (The Dark Knight), BrianxJustin (Queer as Folk), JustinxEthan (Queer as Folk - don't shoot me but I adore this pairing - they're so cute together ), WillxJake (Brothers Grimm - ahhh Grimmcest - scarily addictive...!), DonniexFrank (Donnie Darko - not much of that unfortunately...), JackxIanto (Torchwood), WatsonxSherlock (Sherlock Holmes 2009 - they're growing on me fast! XD), Chekovxanybody else in Star Trek 2009 (I don't know - I just think he's adorable!! XD!), ButchxSundance (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - so little of this pairing but they're so cute together!! ), HenryxJohnny (The Sting - what a sexy pairing!!) Current Stories: The Power of Love (Brokeback Mountain), The Sweetest Relief (Brokeback Mountain), One Night At The Inn (Brothers Grimm), True Love's Kiss (Brothers Grimm), Brothers In Arms (Brothers Grimm), Masquerade (The Dark Knight). ...I really shouldn't write stories at the same time Oh and there's also a lot of one shots coming up too unfortunately... I can't stop writing fan fiction XDDDD Well, don't be scared to message me or anything if you want! I don't bite! XD |