Author has written 4 stories for Twilight, and Prison Break. I'm a 40 year old female from Ohio, USA. I started writing fan fiction for Prison Break in 2007. Writing has become a creative outlet for me. I love to explore my characters and their lives. Prison Break I have one completed multi chapter fic called Moving Forward. It was my first attempt into the world of fan fiction so if you read it, please be gentle. ;) It is a pure romance story and a little different than what is usually found in Prison Break fandom. But if you are a fan of the Michael and Sara relationship you will enjoy it. I've also had a few of my friends that were not fans of the show read it who, other than a few references they didn't understand, liked the story. Twilight I have one completed multi chapter fic called Perspective. This story was challenging for me in ways my previous fics hadn't been. My goal was to give those who are were wanting a realistic story dealing with the weeks leading up to Bella and Edward's first night on Isle Esme, their passion, exactly what we all missed in the books. Other than a few liberties, this is very much a cannon story and could fit into the saga without much effort. This is not a story filled with smut but one full of sensuality, love and desire. I've set up a discussion thread of Twilighted where I post teasers for upcoming chapters. If you'd like to ask a question, this is the best place or you can always PM me. I wrote a one-shot titled Goodbye, which is presents a 'what if' Bella hadn't gotten pregnant on their honeymoon and she had to come back to Forks and say a final goodbye to her father. I no longer write fan fiction. If you'd like to check out my published work, you can visit my website at http:///. You can also follow me on Twitter at Sherri_Hayes. For all the latest information on new releases, sign up for my weekly newsletter at http:///J4vDb. Thank you again for your support. |