Author has written 2 stories for Slayers. New!^_^HELLO, Everyone!! Well, assuming any fans haven't given up on me completely after just short of a year, there is FINALLY AN UPDATE OF SLAYERS: REVOLT! Please enjoy! And sorry for the horribly long delay, all. Chapter 8 went through about a dozen versions and revisions before I even found my stride with this one, and a busy school year didn;t help. Now, depending on the speed I can get my primary editor to do her thing, there should be rather more regular updates. --Old-- Now, Slayers REVOLT is the first of three planned novel-length tales. Expect updates every week or so until May, then a break while my summer research season takes me far away from the Internet! In "The Calm Before": The Slayers world has seen a lot of changes since Lina and company came on the scene. But has it been too much, too fast, for some? The gang is about to find out. An epic fantasy! Part 7 of REVOLT is the last regularly scheduled/weekly update before the summer... but it's only that 'regularly scheduled' part that matters! I hope to post at least a couple times each month, so keep visiting! |