![]() Author has written 3 stories for Tomb Raider, and Monkey Island. IMPORTANT: changed my pen name from OveractiveImaginer to Artisa as of Dec 5th 2013 Hello visitors! Uninspired-doctor-come-wannabe-animator here just moved to England! How are you all today? :) I don't post a lot of stuff LOL It's not that I don't get ideas for fan fictions, I do! But every story idea I come up with either sucks, goes nowhere, has a random Mary-Sue thrown in, all of the above, or I simply lose the initial inspiration for it and it ends up collecting dust in my documents folder :P See I have this thing where I simply don't upload anything unless I'm sure I can finish it (because we all know how annoying it is when we read an awesome fic only to see it never finished) which is why the only thing I HAVE up so far are a couple of one- shots, but hey! I've seen some pretty awesome fics around here so I'm just loving being a reader just as much! I've got like an obsessive-compulsive disorder when it comes to certain games. My first one was the Monkey Island series - THAT lasted me for like, over 10 years or something. Incredibly, my love for Monkey Island got replaced with PSYCHONAUTS! Now THAT is one BRILLIANT game!! (But it doesn't look like there's gonna be a sequel anytime soon - aw poo!) I'm also really into Tomb Raider (though I've got mixed feelings about Crystal Dynamics and now Square Enix taking over the production, but anyways). I've gone through a Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji), Megamind and Rise of the Guardians phase, and now I'm back on my Monkey Island phase thanks to finally playing Tales of Monkey Island recently! Also have deviantart account that I hardly use! XD Check it out if you want but it's not all that spectacular - I'm known as daydreambeliever88. It's also my Skype name, so if anyone wants to talk about fandoms then by all means! :) (but tell me first or else I'll just assume you're some random annoying stalker or something :P) Over and out! Artisa. (aka OveractiveImaginer) P.S. I made my first Monkey Island fanvideo on youtube! :D If you finished Tales (because it's got a HUGE spoiler in it) please take a look and tell me what you think! :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDz3aez6Aaw |