Author has written 29 stories for Lord of the Rings, Faculty, Homer, Les Miserables, Young Guns, Mediator, Misc. Movies, Phone Booth, Harry Potter, Robin Hood, Peter Pan, Pump Up The Volume, and Angel. Name: Lea of Mirkwood (this one is getting old, but I won't change it for obvious reasons), Kit Age: Eighteen Height: 5'4" Occupation: high school graduate, workaholic, fanfiction writer, thespian, perpetual daydreamer, member of deleterius. Likes: Lord of the Rings, Young Guns, Gundam Wing, Les Miserables, Kiefer Sutherland, 24, Flatliners (Go read my fanfic under "Wildcat Wells"), Tuck Everlasting, Peter Pan, King Arthur, Horatio Hornblower, Phantom of the Opera (but I'm not in the fandom, you people scare me), Lostand music. Qualifications: I own LotR book, the Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales. I have read the books. If you look down at all my fics that do not specifically say COMPLETED you will see that I have a shitload of work to do, and need to get my ass moving on finishing them. Eventually I will finish what I started, I promise. I also have many WiPs I have to work on. LiveJournal: (http:///users/laurelin_kit) Other accounts: NOTE: If you are here because I reviewed your story and you didn't like what I said, tough. I don't flame, I give opinions or constructive criticism. If you use the first amendment on me, I'll use it right back and call you a dumbass. If you behave maturely and really want some help, I'll give it and I'll be really nice. We might get along, actually. But if you come in screaming and fighting back and insulting me, gloves come off. Be warned.Other fanfic not on this account: |