Anamaria looked at Norrington incredulously, the otherwise romantic aspects of the moment unable to quell her disbelief. At Anamaria's countenance, Norrington was speechless, unable to even sputter a question. She sighed and looked at his hand, the hand now tentatively held her own.
She silently laughed, amazed at the man in front of her. This man commands a fleet, she thought, and still he is standing here terrified.
Norrington looked down at Anamaria as she inspected his hand. After what seemed an eternity to Norrington she turned her gaze upward, staring straight into his eyes and searching for something he could not discern. At her intense gaze he nearly took a step back; it was now his turn for disbelief. What the devil was she doing? he asked himself, unwilling, or perhaps unable, to break away from her eyes. More crystalline moments passed, and despite his fear, Norrington was grateful for the contact with AnamariaÑeven it was only holding her hand.
Yet soon Norrington could take the apprehension no longer.
"Anamaria" he nearly stuttered. He tried to think of something that the Commodore would say; yet Norrington could think of nothing. He cursed himself, can't you think of anything to say, you fool? He tried again, this time his voice was barely above a whisper.
She hushed him and picked up his other hand.
"What I'm trying to understand," she said, "is how you can be so strong when it comes to everything else" she paused for a moment.
"Except" she hesitated again, feeling the irony of what she wanted to say as the same fear of rejection rose up in her stomach, "Except
Norrington recognized the hesitation in her eyes like his own and smiled softly.
"This?" he asked as he brought his lips to her own. She pulled him into an embrace.
Cheers from inside the house caused the two to pull back from their kiss abruptly. With Anamaria still in his arms Norrington looked sheepishly at the doorÑbut to his relief, no one had seen them.
He kissed her again, ignoring the cheers that rose from the house once again.
Coincidence, they both thought.
---------------------------------------------Author's Note:
It's been about six or seven thousand years since I posted this story; why add this on now? Because I realized that I shouldn't leave things unfinished, and you can't end a story with pirates without at least one really good movie kiss.