Reviews for The Woe of Aftermath
Guest chapter 3 . 7/21/2012
*'proud', rather than 'prideful'

Otherwise, very good.
Kuri333 chapter 1 . 3/15/2012
Do you think that almost 10 years after publication is too late to leave a review?

I got curious about the stories about Remus and Tonks' relationship after OotP and before HBP was published. I couldn't see that coming and I feel an anourmous amount of respecto for people who could.

I like your story very much and I'm off to chapter 2.

Sonya Rivers chapter 1 . 9/6/2011
Wonderful story! Thanks for writing!
wouldsomebody chapter 2 . 5/19/2010

. . .Anyway, now that I've calmed down from that fit of giggles you just gave me, I'd like to say this is very good. Considering you wrot it before the canon RemusxTonks came into the picture. :3
Owl Emporium chapter 6 . 6/2/2008
I loved this; great, great job! :) The story was overall sweet and very nice.

mitdemadlerimherzen chapter 6 . 12/5/2007
sequel! sequel!

it was great, the story!

awesome writing style!
Princess Persephone chapter 3 . 7/26/2007
"It's a shame. I've known Remus for a long time, and if there's anyone who needs a good shag every once and a while, it's him."

Ah ha ha ha! Molly is hilarious!
Princess Persephone chapter 2 . 7/26/2007
And for the first time in Remus's life, he felt as if the stars were aligned perfectly, and the hand of God was protecting him in this moment of moments, and the night was his for the taking.

Oh! That line caught at my heart. I love Remus dreadfully, and you've done a great job with him and Tonks in this story. 'Kay, going to go read more now... :)
rEckLeSsLy.cOnFIneD chapter 2 . 7/7/2007
"You know, I'm writing this, and I finally see the attraction so many women have towards Lupin- he's possibly the only male character in modern literature who understands the dreadfulness of the monthly curse... "

I think I laughed for about ten minutes straight. Hahahaha!

Um, anyways...back to reading...

Great story by the way, now I must finish it before bedtime!

nif chapter 1 . 5/20/2006
Brilliant. I really like it very much - and want a sequel!
purebristles chapter 6 . 5/1/2006
This was very fun. Not too much angst, just love. Wonderful.
jwoods471 chapter 6 . 3/12/2006
I loved this story. Great job.
Bardlover chapter 6 . 12/7/2005
Good story.
MMADness chapter 5 . 10/3/2005
before you read my other review... I think a sequel would be spiffy also!

Written as an Afterthought,

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