A/N: Well, this is the last chapter of plot. Thank you to all of my reviewers and readers. There is one more chapter to go, and that is only a long author's note and an applicable song or two.
A/N #2: Spot the cameo!
Kindle My Heart
Lea of Mirkwood
--- --- ---
Faramir brought the Lady of Rohan before the Warden and beamed, linking his arm with hers.
"Here is the White Lady of Rohan, and now she is healed."
The Warden looked at her and saw no falter to her step and her arms seemed to move more freely. The color had returned to her cheeks and a smile graced her lips.
"Yes," he said softly. "Yes, she is healed. I release from my care...to yours."
Faramir put his arm around Éowyn's shoulders and they left the room, only to be met by a halfling.
"Merry!" cried Éowyn, all the memories of the past several days rushing back into her mind. "Oh, Merry!"
He held up a hand and she fell silent. Looking up at her, she could see all the pain he felt etched into his face for a split second, but then it was gone.
"I am glad you found one another, Éowyn," he said, and smiled. In that smile he looked almost happy – if you didn't look in his eyes. In his soft eyes was a deep pool of pain and hurt that looked as though it would never be erased. But through it all he still loved Éowyn, even though the love was as painful as a knife in his heart, he loved her still.
--- --- ---
Out of doubt, out of dark, to the day's rising
He rode singing in the sun, sword unsheathing.
Hope he rekindled, and in hope ended;
Over death, over dread, over doom lifted
Out of loss, out of life, unto long glory.
Merry bent down and plucked a small blossom of simbelmynë from the green mound. It shone a bright white, like a star in a field of darkness. As the song of mourning rang out over the hills, Merry found he could not join in their song. His heart was too heavy. Joy and then pain, joy and then pain; that was what came here for him. Joy and then pain. The notes of the song swelled up, and some dam in him broke. He cast the flower down on the grass, fluttering like a feather, and fell to his knees. He buried his face in his hands and wept, feeling like the pieces of his broken heart were shattering further. When the song ended, he lifted his head and looked about at the mourning. Éowyn was weeping on Faramir's shoulder, and Merry's heart ached to see them. He cast his eyes about and saw the people of Rohan weeping, their eyes bright with tears. One woman had also fallen to her knees and was weeping inconsolably, her hair falling over her shoulders and spilling over onto the ground. Merry rose again and looked down at the burial mound, tears streaming down his face.
"Théoden King, Théoden King!" he cried brokenly. "Farewell! As a father you were to me, for a little while!"
His eyes met Éowyn's, and for a moment it seemed they wept together, alone, both weeping for a lost father. Merry wrenched his gaze away and looked up at Edoras.
"Farewell," he finished, pain clouding his words so they were little more than a whisper.
--- --- ---
When the feast of Éomer's coronation was near over, the new King arose and spoke to all.
"Now this is the funeral feast of Théoden the King; but I will speak ere we go of tidings of joy, for he would not grudge that I should do so, since he was ever a father to Éowyn my sister."
Not now!
cried Merry's heart. I do not wish to hear it!"Here then all my guests, fair folk of many realms, such as have never before been gathered in this hall! Faramir, Steward of Gondor, and Prince of Ithilien, asks that Éowyn Lady of Rohan should be his wife, and she grants it full willing. Therefore they shall be trothplighted before you all."
Faramir and Éowyn linked hands and held the clasped hands so all could see.
"To Éowyn!" cried Faramir. "My wife and love!"
The crowd cheered and drank to the two. The cheering and banter between Éomer and Aragorn was simply noise in Merry's ears. He knew nothing until suddenly the voice of Éowyn rose into his mind as she spoke to Aragorn who was next to him.
"Wish my joy, my liege-lord and healer!" she said to him. Merry dimly heard Aragorn's reply, but all of his mind was focused on the shining gold of Éowyn's hair. Then she was in front of him, clasping his hands in hers. Merry had hoped some of his pull towards her would have lessened, and his heart would not ache as profoundly as it did. But none of the pain was gone, and he looked up into her grey eyes, so like the sea.
"Will you wish me joy as well, my dear Merry?" she whispered, only understanding half of his hurt. Merry smiled thinly.
"I wish it with all the pieces of my broken heart, Éowyn. Faramir was right to call you the loveliest of flowers, and Aragorn to call you fairest in all Rohan. I wish you so much happiness that you will never hurt again," he said brokenly, and lifted her hand, pressing his lips to her palm. Stunned by the tender gesture, Éowyn at once understood.
"Oh, Merry," she whispered.
--- --- ---
Saying farewell to Éowyn was the most painful thing Merry had ever had to do, save watching Théoden die before him. Éomer, once speaking words of farewell to him, stepped aside. Éowyn knelt before Merry and pulled out a small and ancient horn, wrought of silver with horses carved about it and winding from the mouth.
"This is an heirloom out our house. Eorl the Young brought it from the North, and made by the dwarves. He who blows it shall set fear in the hearts of his enemies and joy in the hearts of his friends, who shall come to his aid. This I give to you as a memorial of Dernhelm."
Merry smiled at the memory and looked into Éowyn's eyes. "If I had a gift to give to you as grand as this, I would give it to you, my lady. But the most valuable thing I have already given to you. I would give my life for you, as I have already demonstrated. All I can say to you is to remember me from time to time."
Éowyn nodded wordlessly, tears glistening in her eyes. Merry smiled.
"Remember the Houses of Healing, Éowyn."
Finally Éowyn spoke, her voice choked with tears. "I do remember. I will always remember. Here, dear Merry, is my memorial to those sweet days."
Éowyn gently touched the side of his face, and then cupped his face in her hands. She softly kissed his lips, a kiss so sweet and poignant tears sprang to both their eyes. Merry's heart, in one instant felt mended and then broken again, shattered. He pulled back to look into Éowyn's eyes, and smiled sadly at her.
"It was only a dream, Éowyn," he said slowly. "This is your happiness. This is your life."
He pushed back a lock of her golden hair.
"You were never mine to lose," he said, his voice breaking. They embraced tightly. Éowyn kissed his forehead and rose to her feet. Merry lifted her hand and kissed it for the last time. Then they stepped away and parted for that time.
--- --- ---
Merry was back in the Shire, back home. Time had passed. Éowyn was wedded to Faramir. Aragorn was king. Everything was changed. He looked up at the moon shining up in the sky. His heart still ached for the life he might have had, with Éowyn. But what life would it have been? No one of her people would have understood that he was a halfling. He was also only a soldier of the Mark. Éowyn was the sister of the king. What life would he have had? Bringing her back to the Shire would have been no better. A Brandybuck, wedding one of the Big Folk? Never. But this- Merry sighed as he looked up at the watchtower. He didn't like it. Sharkey's men had built it to watch over the hobbits in Brandy Hall, and now some of the hobbits had taken up residence in it, to watch for more ill favored characters.
This he could have. This he could love freely. The pain was still fresh in his heart, but he knew, like he knew that Rohan would recover, and that Éowyn would most likely forget him, that the pain would dull. It would fade, and soon only be a memory.
He turned away from the tower and walked back off into the night.
--- --- ---
The next night Merry came again to look up at the tower, and came back each day. The moon faded and then on the night it shone full once again, Merry made a decision. He stepped out into the torchlight below the tower. Clenching his fists, he tilted his head back and looked up at the top window.
"Estella!" he bellowed. "Estellaaaaaa!!!"
A shadowed head leaned out of the window, and long dark curls were clearly outlined by the moonlight.
"Who is there?" cried a high voice.
"It's me!" cried Merry. "Merry Brandybuck!"
"Merry!" cried Estella. "What is it?"
Merry laughed hoarsely and felt tears sting his cheeks. "I think I'm a little in love with you, Estella. Could you come down so I can ask you to marry me?"
He heard her gasp and then laugh joyfully. "Yes!" she cried, and ducked her head back in. A moment later she flew out the door and threw her arms around Merry's neck, her lovely blue eyes glistening with tears of joy.
"Now, Estella," said Merry, holding her tight. "Which question did you answer with a yes?"
"No. Wait."
Merry got down on one knee and looked up into Estella's eyes, taking her hands in his. They were soft as flower petals, except for the palms, where calluses marred her soft hands. He knew his were hard and rough from wielding a sword, and had felt his skin snag the soft fabric of her sleeves. Her lower lip trembled as he looked into her sapphire eyes steadily.
"Estella Bolger," he whispered. "I come here to tell you a few things. I am sure you have heard rumors about some heartache from which I suffer." He paused a beat, trying to push away the image of Éowyn's stormy grey eyes. "It is true. My heart is wounded, Estella. But I would be honored if you would be the one to help me heal my heart. I do believe, as I said before, that I am a little in love with you. Estella, would you marry me?"
The hobbit woman burst into tears and fell to her knees in front of Merry. She reached for him and took his face in her hands, sobbing and laughing at the same time. Merry managed a choking laugh and they each tried to dry each other's tears away, but they kept falling like rain.
"Yes!" she cried, kissing Merry furiously, all over his face, on his cheeks, his forehead, his nose, his eyelids and his mouth. "Yes, I'll marry you, Merry Brandybuck! I love you! I love you so much!"
A heat grew in Merry's chest and it felt as though his heart was about to burst with joy. He threw back his head and cried out to the moon, "She says yes! Yes!"
Their laughter was carried up to the sky and to the moon.
With your heart kindle my heart.
Did you find the cameo? Planning new fanfic...heehee...fun.
Erk, cried writing this too. Cry, cry, cry.
Am I the only Théoden fan? Am I the only one who reeeeally likes him?
How did you like the ending?
Review and tell me!