Author has written 5 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Harry Potter, and Twilight. Thanks for stopping here. It was kind of a waste of time. Sorry? This is a page full of info? Maybe? Addiction: Updates - I will finish this one day. I'm still alive if you were wondering. (Jan 2018) I'll hop.) Tips I find helpful when writing: I wanted to create a list of all the things anyone has ever told me to remember while writing, or things that I have learned, in case anyone else wanted to read it. If you find anything useful, or want to add anything you think is useful after reading, feel free to let me know! Remember your character when writing personalities. A lot of times I'll be reading a story that has very advance thought for the age or mental age of the main character. I think it's important to avoid making your characters perfect, especially in HP stories with a young Harry/any other characters. It's just not plausible for any 10 year old to be as advanced in thought as someone who is much older. It does happen, but it's not likely. Plus, who wants to read a perfect story with a perfect character and a perfect ending? Create a tentative plot before writing anything. You don't have to write up a detailed table of contents, though this has helped me several times. I would recommend creating a plan for what you want to happen throughout your story. This can also help you from getting writer's block. You don't have to write in order, just publish it that way. It's okay to write dialogue that occurs later in the story before you reach that chapter, I find it often helps me a lot. I'll have great ideas for conversations that I want to happen later in the story so I write them down before I forget them. Always have a reason for why things happen, even locations. If you have a certain location in your story, give it a reason for why you're basing your story there. Even if it's a shallow reason, it's better than "I picked it 'cause I like it". Give depth to your characters. Create little one paragraph summaries for all of your characters and refer back to it if you feel like you're losing the essence of your character. This will help to keep a deeper level to your story as well as to help keep your characters true to how you want them to be or how they are in their original stories. Always re-read your chapter at least once and on a different day than when you wrote it. A lot of times ideas seem really good the first time, but kind of lose their spark the second time through. |
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