Author has written 6 stories for Naruto.
I'm discontinuing all of my stories, just because I lost the inspiration in continuing..
I made a new account though, http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/2380084/The_Name_Is_Aza
I don't know if I'm gonna make any more Naruto fics, but who knows right?
My writing has improved, I think, so it'd be nice if you drop by :)
I just want to thank y'all for the support, the faves and alerts, and especially the nice comments :)
[..`mysticblue05 OUT!!!..']
Hello! I'm mysticblue05 or just call me Yuuri-san...
I'm an anime addict, sorta athletic, loves drawing, and i'm pretty good at math...
You can go to and my deviant name is also mysticblue05 [MOVED]
I was born in the Philippines, and I moved to Canada recently...
I was formerly a Literary worker in the school newspaper until I moved...
I make Naruto Chatrooms! My name is BlazingYuuriSan in youtube! [DISCONTINUED]
I make killer NaruChatRooms! I'm workin on a To-Be-DeiSaku one!! [DISCONTINUED]
I love anime especially NARUTO!!
I like almost every crack pairings with Sakura in them because she is friggin' awesome!!
I don't like Karin-pairs, Ino-pairs, Hinata-pairs, yaoi and yuris... I found them disgusting...seriously!
NaruHina is okay but no one else goes with Hinata for me...
and for Karin and Ino... they're whores and I hate them! not even a single pair for both of them...
and for yaois and yuris- why do people even make these?! it sucks!! and disgusting!!
My Fave SakuPairs...
1.HidaSaku- crack-ish and funny as hell!!
2.DeiSaku- very, very SMEXY!!
3.TobiSaku- cute, adorable and fluffy
4.SasoSaku- Sasori was sooo flirtin the whole battle!
5.ItaSaku- it's great to see the oh-so-great-Itachi rivals his brother
1.NaruSaku- full of fluffy love!
2.KakaSaku- the smexiest team7saku pair; who says age matters?!
3.SasuSaku- i lovehate sasuke but he makes a great lover for sakura!!
4.SaiSaku- crack... lots and lots of crack...
1.GaaSaku- one of THE best pairings evah!!
2.KibaSaku- puppy love!!
3.NejiSaku- real romantic!
4.SuiSaku- i don't know, they're just look awesome!