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![]() Author has written 2 stories for Bleach. DAMMN!! Ichigo is the hottest strawberry ever. He's so sexyy! Name: Sarah. Age: 21 Above all, there is a matter I would like to bring up in what I don't like to see in fanfics: ICHIGO UNNECESSARILY BEING ABUSED BY RUKIA. I mean it's true she's more than often yelling at him in reality, but in true form she's only actually whacked him about three to four times in the entirety of the whole manga. Never once did he get scarred/ bruised/ swollen to a point where he needed band aids. I notice a pattern in lots of fanfics who are too ready overuse this trivial act. They go wayy too far sometimes, and it really, really pains me. I DO NOT like Ichigo getting bruised and swollen all over just because of Rukia's temper. It's really illogical if you give it some thought. End of rant. Sarah's Description: Dark shoulder length hair, dark brown eyes, olive-skinned Spends her days: Daydreaming (Ichigo involved ;D), running, drawing, writing: songs, fanfics, poetry, my own stories, Drawing and Sketching, chasing after her dog, Max, who loves stealing her sneakers! Hobbies: Reading, music, sketching Anime, making IchiRuki AMVs, hanging out with friends, music festivals, concerts, bazaars, photography. I listen to: Imogen Heap, Barcelona, Simon Webbe, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, David Archuleta, Jason Mraz, Lilly Allen, Marie Digby, Enrique Iglesias, Evanescence, Chris Brown, Avril Lavigne, YUI, Incubus. Sarah has a fettish for: Ichigo Kurosaki (If i get any crazier, it's the Psycho Ward for me), writing, sketching Ichigo HAHA. I'm obsessed with the Strawberry! Japanese People, anything Japanese related, Anything German related, TOKIO HOTEL, TOM KAULITZ, CITIES, lights, and loud noise. JAPAN and NEW YORK!! O.O Rocky (strawberry flavoured), Baskin Robbins, taking photos of weird sign boards, putting popcorn in people's hair (hey, if the movie sucks, i say ENTERTAIN YOURSELF), Grinning and shoving peace signs into security cameras no matter who's watching. Sarah likes sporks. She makes people laugh and thats all that matters. Sarah wouldn't be caught dead: Insulting Ichigo, anywhere with her annoying brother who does nothing but bully her, in my HOLE-y Pyjamas (no one gets to see them but my Ichigo Plushie) I read: Jodi Picoult( I LOVE HER BOOKS) J. K. Rowling (once again, utter brilliance) Dan Brown Roald Dahl Michele Jaffe Lauren Myracle Christopher Paolini Arthur Golden Diana Wynne Jones Kim Harrison Tite Kubo Masashi Kishimoto Jean Ure CS Lewis ( ALOT, hell i'd go on forever) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Well, hello there! I'm an IchiRuki maniac and Ichigo fangirl. I'm ever-so-obsessed with the couple. They are made for each other. Ichigo is MINE. I will only share him with Rukia though. Not Orihime and DEFINETLY NOT Senna. (I hate Senna just a tad more than Orihime) GAH! I mean just watch the first movie, JESUS! The woman was all OVER Ichigo. MY Ichigo. And duh, i am a girl, as i don't know any guys who would sit down and write and read IchiRuki romance, if you do know any, please do introduce me ;P If they happen to uncannily resemble Ichigo Kurosaki, all the better :D Major Warning: Said guy might not survive my delirious reaction(s) I am also an unadulterated fangirl of Ichigo's. I absolutely love every bit of Strawberry! I do so wish i was Rukia sometimes! I love, love, LOVE Ichigo Kurosaki and am still in denial over the fact i well never actually meet him. Hmph. A girl can dream, right? I have an Ichigo plushie! Does that help? anyway... enough fangirling. I like Bleach and Naruto. But i'm taking a break from Naruto, so Bleach is my new phase! I guess you can tell how i am through the way i write, right? =s I tend to stick up for others, even if its none of my buisness XD And I LOVE CHOCOLATE! So me Ichigo have some things in common, YAY! I spend most of the day wishing I was Rukia, or for Ichigo to step into my room (like how Rukia did) and make me into a Soul Reaper and live in my closet XD (Told you I'm NUTS) I am learning Japanese. I can understand most words, but i'm a little slow at stringing a sentence together. Same goes for german. Ich zu lernen, deutsch du sprechen XD Current fave song at the moment is It's My Life/Confessions by Glee Cast. Music is a very important part of my life. I would say i'm addicted. I listen to everything under the sun. Every genre and language you could think of. Music helps to write and sketch. I love sketching and making AMVs during my past time. I've made loads of IchiRuki AMVs on Youtube. Feel free to check out my account, rest assured you wont be dissapointed if you love IchiRuki as much as I do. My account name was NarutoGaara259, but that acc was recently deleted. My new Youtube account is IchigoRukiaforever. IchiRuki Youtubers should know me, as I am known to have IchiRuki AMVs pop out of the wazoo. Well thats all for now =D Oh P.S, for people who like to read fanfics on Warriors (some cat thingie), pls feel free to check out my cousin's account, she's WolfWarrior5. (Her stories are awesome!) She has written two stories for it so far: Damaged, and its sequel, The Fire Of Bloodclan (GO SHADOW!!) Jaa Ne =) |