Reviews for Pocketful of Miracles
Ai chapter 14 . 7/10/2016
Please update this because its a great story!
jobananasan chapter 14 . 4/17/2016
I know it's been over 8 years since you've updated but I'm holding on to hope that you'll return someday soon and finish this wonderful IR fic
JoTerry chapter 14 . 7/25/2015
OMG! You so need to continue this. I know it's been seven years but you still have to update this. Please!
Guest chapter 14 . 6/1/2015
Nice! Can't wait to see how they develop
Guest chapter 14 . 4/17/2015
Hahaa 11 pairs of legs ready to kick your ass if you break her heart
Update? After YEARS? Pretty please?
eri.hikaruaddict chapter 14 . 1/15/2014
i read all your ichiruki fanfic, and this is my fav one! too bad u dont continue this fic, sigh..
NarutoLuver896 chapter 14 . 5/19/2013
Omg. YOU. YOU are an amazing author, I love your stories like no other, thts why I wish you would either update or make a new story. But no pressure, it would just be lovely. :)
09ice chapter 13 . 9/14/2011
you know, everytime I'm just bored and wanting a good romance, I'll either watch Castle or read one of your fics. They're amazing stuff, no lies.
atelophobic chapter 14 . 7/3/2011
I can't help but to review to tell you that you're story is amazing. Just... amazing. You captured them so perfectly and really, I enjoyed reading every last word. The dialogue is amusing, and I just can't get over how godly you made their characters seem.

I love how their relationship is natural and friendly and slow, but not in a totally cheesy cliche way. I just... I love it all. And even though you haven't updated in like five years and probably forgot all about fanfiction, I'm begging, BEGGING, you to finish this story. Please, if you ever read this.

It really is a gorgeous piece of writing. Hope that you continue it.
Calang chapter 14 . 7/1/2011
OMG your stories are so awesome! after reading the first chapter I wasn't able to stop! 3 I wish that you would update! ~
Anne Estheim chapter 14 . 6/15/2011
God! You're such an amazing writter! You write your stories in a way that you totally wrap me! And force me to keep reading! I've read 15 minutes of reality mm aa the other story Amm falling is like this and 20 minutes your plots are amazing! Literally! I really love how ichigo and rukia deal with each other and how sweer they can act! Hahahaha you totally got me with the part when ichigo is sick! And then rukia helps him tO put his scarf! And then they act as if they were married! Hahaha love it! I wonder if you will continue writing? You stopped writing long ago! And i really wish that you would continue this amazing stories! You just updates falling is like this on june 4 th so are you back? You totally must continue this amazing stories pleaseeeeeee! I BEG YOU! now i will PM you!
09ice chapter 14 . 6/3/2011

pssht, looking at the date, I doubt you'd even read this. So in case you do, just know that I think highly of you and all of your works are too amazing to be left unfinished.
Bibliolympian chapter 14 . 1/31/2011
It's some hiatus you have here. I'd love for this fic and all the rest of yours to continue.
shiftingshadow chapter 14 . 1/31/2010
please please please update!

i'm begging here(:
Hekka chapter 14 . 9/25/2009
I like your idea. Only something of new heads is not visible... It is not good.

In any case it so is interesting. And I will hope nevertheless for continuation occurrence. Successful work!
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