Author has written 12 stories for D N Angel, Daredevil, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Rise of the Guardians, Ironman, X-Men, Misc. Comics, Avengers, Avengers, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and King of Bandit Jing. Hola people faces! I come to you from a far of land of myth and legends where own the sky and the Naga have free reign on the land the Vetala haven't claimed for their own. I contact you to unleash the active beings of my imagenation upon you. I love to write and I know I'm not a grammer nazi like I know some of you are so my spelling and grammer may make some people cry. (I ask of all the grammer nazis who read my stuff to inform me if anything in my story made your brain scream in agony) Now for any of you who actually read my hot armpit on wheat bread (A.k.a my stories) and are truely interested in the origin of my characters, or other stories that have NOTHING to do with anime, books, video games, or the like might want to look out for my account on (Coming soon, or when ever I get to it... Which might not be so soon at all...) Another small thing for my readers, however few there may be, if you find any of my stories are moving at an agonzingly slow pace and you a willing to track me down and give me a swift kick and the (Insert any body part you find apropriat to kick here) then you are merely to complain at me in you're chosen for of comunication and simply knowing that people take the time out of their day to read my stories shall spur me to write the next chapter, or just put if up if it's already writen. Now it seems my must leave you for the Shiisaa are digging up my yard again. I must go. The shisa are digging up my yard again. To my readers who pay read profiles. I'm sorry for the lack of updates but my computer has recently decided it hate this site so I haven't been able to up date any of my stories... or the one story I've actually been working on. I promise I'll try to get you something somehow. Till then try to bear with me :3. |