Reviews for My Challenge 2: The Diary
QueenTakhsis chapter 10 . 4/25/2011
This is a reall really amazing story, are you going to continue this?
Angel Protectress chapter 10 . 6/19/2010
Wow... wow... I think that's all I can say right now! lol

Great story! I love it. This last chapter was so touching!

Great job!

Red-angel-wings chapter 9 . 9/28/2007

Damn. Nice touch; the suspense is KILLING me!

But I like this story so much. Sorry I haven't had time to email you just yet. I think I fell off the planet for a while, you know how that goes. But I will re-read the story and tell you what I think of Jean... ;)
LilyHellsing chapter 9 . 9/22/2007
Jeez! About time! :\ I had almost given up on the story. Good I suppose, the chapter I mean.
LilyHellsing chapter 7 . 7/3/2007
Grr! Why havent you updated? D: Sob sob.
LilyHellsing chapter 8 . 6/14/2007
SUSPENSE X_X I hate cliffhangers D: Such a good plot . *tackles* Update soon or..._ I'll send...Logan to...hunt you down? XD lol
Lily Sparrow chapter 8 . 6/10/2007
Wow! Its rare to find romantic Charles/OC fanfics and outa them all, I think yours rocks! D: But dont stop writing, add more chapters! Im on needles and pins...or..._ I just wanna read more! _ Please? XD

Email me or write another chapter plz :B It awesomeness.
Red-angel-wings chapter 7 . 2/1/2007
I reaally like this story! I love the nonmutant character thrown in with the rest of the gang. She is a lovely character, insecure but at the same time very self-assured, since she's an activist. A beautiful dichotomy. ;)And I've never read a Professor love story. Great job!
apocalypse90 chapter 6 . 8/20/2006
sorry i was too lazy to login, but im really digging this story...xavier's always getting ignore in fanfic and in shows/movies...he's my fav character
Red-angel-wings chapter 6 . 6/26/2006
I love this chapter! I always like to see the kids having fun and it speaks volumes about their personalities. Dance was a great idea! I also like the blossoming reolationship with the Professor and Scarlet. It seems like you don't hear about people pairing the Professor with anyone very often. This is a nice change of pace. Good work!
The Uncanny R-Man chapter 6 . 6/24/2006
Tee-hee. This is great. Dancing mutants. Hee. More soon, please.
The Uncanny R-Man chapter 5 . 5/29/2006
Hurray! Update!

Oh, Chuck. Seducing the ladies with your sexy chess games. Hee-hee.

God bless Kurt and his food. Heh.

Scarlet seems to be getting on well here. I can't wait to see more from you.
Agent-G chapter 4 . 5/22/2006
Ah good I was hoping to one day see another chapter of this.

Nice to see her getting around a bit more although a little more personal touches could be good I mean I feel like I barely know her a little background or something like that now and then couldn't hurt I suppose.

Plus a little more character interaction would be nice by now, it's more like she's just observing them instead of even living in the mansion. The most she's done in this was with Hank.

That was uh...kind of fast there in one part they come in, one question and then just leave? Not much intereaction there. You should really just relax and take your time and not rush through things.

Although I don't see how Kurt could get stuck like that since he coudl just port away again and never thought Rogue would act like that from just a touch from Scott again a little OOC there. But there is guy on the team with fire powers the only one like that is Amara.
The Uncanny R-Man chapter 4 . 5/22/2006
Yay! Update! Who are you, and what have you done with the real Sam? Hee.

What do you mean that Hank USED TO be a handsome man? He still is! _

Why the heck would Kurt teleport in-between the walls?

I'd LOVE to see Kitty in action. *snickers*

Ooh, I wonder what the assignment is that Xavier has for Scarlet?
Agent-G chapter 3 . 7/30/2005
YAY! You're back! I was afraid you quit, well I'm glad you're getting back into writing, loved the new update and I can't wait to see what the next chapter brings when she starts to get to know the kids more and talk with Xavier.

Also liked that little way for Kitty getting back at Kurt, that was funny.
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