Poll: Would you like to see a companion story or prequel to College Daze that focuses on the goings on in England? Vote Now!
Author has written 46 stories for Power Rangers, X-Men: The Movie, Roswell, Now You See It..., Lost, Twilight, and Arrow. Hello, My name is Rebecca, but I mostly go by Becky or Becca. Along with the stories you see below, I also write a lot with a good friend/writing partner that I've been collaborating with for over ten years, DarkBlue86. I've included a link to our joint account. Statuses Kept From Destiny: Fandom: Twilight, Pairings: Alice/Jasper, dark Alice/James, James/Victoria, Carlisle/Esme, Emmett/Rosalie College Daze: Fandom: Twilight, Pairings: Alice/Bella friendship, Alice/Jasper, Rosalie/Emmett, Carlisle/Esme (Edward/Bella later on in the story) Touch: Fandom: Power Rangers Jungle Fury. Pairing:RJ/Fran To save time, lets just say anything else that's incomplete beyond these three is either on indefinate hold or I have no intention of continuing them. AWARDS PR Couples Awards: 1st Place for Best Weepy Story for "Let Her Cry" PR Couples Awards: Tied 2nd Place for Best Tender Moment for "Let Her Cry" OTHER LINKS: My livejournal (no longer used much) Stories by DarkBlue86 and myself Story by a friend of mine and myself (The Tribe) My Original Work (some poems and original short stories I've written) |
BloomingViolets (36) Dannie Tomlinson (43) Dark Goddess1 (114) DarkBlue86 (18) Honour Nature (8) JTrevizo (48) Lalina (6) | Mezzanottex3 (11) Navy-Thunder (20) NeoVenus22 (99) obsessivemuch (2) PrincessBellePrinceAdam (167) rmcrms5 (10) StarTraveler (340) | Step2stepgirl (2) Tarafina (575) TerrierLee (91) The Antimatter (0) Tori Bradley (23) Vespera (18) |