Authors Note: Alright, so I should probably put this in there, saying that I don't own any of the X-Men characters, but I do own my idea and Kira Sabers, plus any random people that are not a part of the normal series. That's a kinda given right there, but hey, you never know. I am having Kurt speak in a WRITTEN accent, which takes longer time to right, but it's still pretty self-explanatory about what he says. I will have a little key at the bottom for some random German words I put in there, for reference.

Also, I know Kurt Wagner is spelt with a 'W', but to get the proper pronunciation, it'll have a 'V' at the beginning. Don't eat me; I know what I'm doing. I might go back to the other chapters and fix a few grammatical errors I found, but nothing major will be changed, so don't worry about it I also saw the idea of having a quote before every chapter, and I liked it, so that's what I'm doing now. Not my idea. I might also do that for the other chapters. Ummm...dondondum.....nope, nothing else. XD Thanks to those who reveiwed, but I don't think anyone had rated yet...and if you did, will you tell me how to see said rating? Please?

AHH! I lied! One more thing: Logan seems really, really mean, but believe me when I say there is a reason for it. It might seem OOC, but I'll explain in a later chapter, so don't get mad!

Chapter Three

And my powers are...?

~ Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement. ~ Jim Horning

Professor Xavier lead Kira down several more passages, and she wondered if she's ever be able to find her way back to her room...or out of the same corridor. They then came to a large metal door which was crossed like an 'x'. Professor typed something in the keypad next to the door, and it whooshed open, revealing tons of electrical equipment, with a huge super computer in the middle of it all. As they walked, their footsteps made an echoing sound. Someone was bent over the computer, typing quickly, engrossed in their work. The person was large, and even from where Kira stood she could feel the dormant strength of muscle in his body in the pounding of the keyboard.

"Hank?" The Professor called out. The typing stopped, and the person turned around. It took all of Kira's self-control not to scream in horror, although the hairs on the back of her neck and the sudden stiffness of her muscles proved her anxiety.

The man was not really a man, but more of a gorilla. His long arms where covered in thick blue fur, as was the rest of him, but his blue eyes where full of tenderness and intelligence. He was tall and muscular, but he held an air of gentleness that could sooth any soul. Except for Kira's. Terror reined through her body. When she thought of the word 'mutant' Hank was the exact image she drummed up. The only difference was Hank seemed gentler than she imagined, and the animalistic eyes she feared was non-existent. The Professor must have realized Kira's discomfort, for he spoke to her in her mind.

'Kira, Dr. Hank McCoy has been a teacher for several years, and was forced to leave because he turned to look like this. He also has the mind of a genius and has a heart of a very gentle man. He wouldn't harm a fly; he's a pacifist. Give him a chance. He also has the oath of confidentiality, being a doctor. You can tell him anything. He will help you, if you'll let him.'

"Hank," he continued vocally. "This is Kira Sabers. She's a new mutant here, and she doesn't know what her powers are, and I can't tell her. Is there anything you can do?"

Hank hummed as he looked at the young woman. Kira shifted under his studious gaze.

"Well, I can do a diagnostic on her blood and see if anything comes up. Kira, would you follow me please?" Hank beckoned her to follow with a wave of his hand. She gave the Professor a terrified look, but his calm eyes did little to sooth her. Heart thudding in her chest, she followed the gorilla-man. He pointed to a small metal table, and she sat, glancing about at the miles of technology.

"Kira, where are you from?" The doctor asked casually. Kira groaned inwardly. The worst thing she hated about doctors and dentists is they all did the same thing. 'Here, as I put you in plenty of pain, lets talk about random things about your life that really have no meaning what-so-ever.' Not wanting to be rude, she answered.

"California; Los Angeles to be exact." The doctor pulled out a huge needle looking device. Kira felt her palms start to sweat.

"You're a long way from home. It must be uncomfortable to be here." It wasn't really a question, but once again, she'd rather be polite, that, and she hated long, awkward silences.

"I guess so. I was planning on moving out soon anyway, so it's not that bad. It's more uncomfortable to be here with so many, um, different students."

"I think you'll get used to it. Once you're able to see your powers, it won't be so hard to feel like you fit in." He turned to her, flicking the device, as Kira's jaw dropped. He smiled at her knowingly. "Would you like to look away?" He asked. Feeling quite ashamed, Kira closed her mouth and looked the other way. "It's brave for you to be here by yourself with someone that scares you." He said calmly. Kira felt her cheeks burn.

"I apologize for being so rude. I know I shouldn't base one off of appearance, but you are the first mutant I met that doesn't look human." She whipped around, realizing she could've offended him. "I'm sorry, I just meant—" He put up a hand, and Kira noticed that the syringe had her blood in it, and her arm had a band-aid. She blinked. Normally she was very acute about what happened to her body, and not feeling the needle puncture her skin came as a shock.

"I understand. Believe me, it's difficult having to look like this when I used to be human." He cut her off, and a sad, reminiscing look passed through his eyes. Feeling guilty, Kira put her hand on his large arm.

"What counts in what's on the inside. What you do for these mutants is amazing, this whole institute is. Making people feel welcomed even when they're different. Even when they don't look like human—like something of this earth. You give them a second chance. And that's what matters. Not what's on the outside, but what's in your heart." She poked the doctor in the chest, pointing to his heart. "Even though you scared me at first, I know that you of all people I count on." A small grin crossed her lips and winked cutely. "Besides, humans are lying, despicable creatures. I'd trust a mutant over a human any day." Hank smiled a smile so heartrending; Kira thought he would break into tears in a minute. Instead, he turned away. She did, however, see him wipe at his eyes with his big furred hand.

"You are free to go Kira. I'm going to do a diagnostic on your blood, and when the results are done, or if anything should come up, I'll send for you and the Professor." With that he retreated to a scientific portion of the room. Kira hopped off the silver table and exited. The doors closed with high-tech sounds emanating from it. The girl felt her lips twitch in amusement. This whole place was like that. Like a huge, super-scientific, high technology computer. Then there where places like the dorm rooms that held nothing special. It was different, like it's occupants. Knowing she was going to get lost in this labyrinth anyway, Kira set out with no particular destination. Up an elevator, around some corners, down many hallways, just aimlessly wondering. Eventually she'd run into someone who could give her directions, right? And that's exactly what happened. Well, sort of. Someone clasped her shoulder, spinning her around sharply. When she caught sight of Logan, she gazed at him curiously.

"Come on Princess, you're going to the Danger Room. We'll see what you can do." Then he spun around and stalked down a hallway. Kira sighed and followed.

"Let me guess, the Danger Room doesn't have fluffy pillows and cookies, does it?" She muttered sarcastically. They stopped in front of yet another 'x'ed door, and when it opened, Logan stood to the side. Kira looked at him in horror. "Wait, I'm doing this by myself?" She cried. With a grin, Logan pushed her inside.

"Whadda know; you're catching on." He waved as the door slammed closed. Kira took a look around herself. It was a pretty blank, metal room, but there was a circular podium that had a bar sticking out from it, like the ones used for people in wheelchairs. Everything was oddly still. Thinking the podium thing was the best place to start, she took a step, and suddenly, everything became much brighter, and several gun-looking things popped out of the wall, and a silver octopus-looking device sprung from the floor. Shrieking in terror, Kira made a run for it. The guns shot off in red blasts, and she dodged the 'arms' of the metal octopus as best she could, by hiding behind whatever shelter she could find.

"Logan!" she screamed. "Make it stop, please!" she wailed, which turned into a scream as another shot of a red beam zipped past where she was hiding. She closed her eyes, hoping it would end soon, and Logan was done with his sick game. Then she heard a distinctive noise, one she could only describe as a sort of 'bamf', and the smell of brimstone. Suddenly, she had arms around her, and in another sound of 'bamf', she felt as if she where everything and nothing, and she wasn't surrounded by all the noise of the guns, which where oddly muffled, and with a noise of a powering-down machine, they where completely gone. Kira's head spun, and her stomach was doing flips, which where both drowned out by the intense feeling of adrenaline. Gently, the arms around her set her down on the cold floor.

"Oh, come on Elf, she was fine. I wasn't going to let anything happen to her." Logan's grunt was distinctive, and a bit uncomfortable.

"Logan, you know better zan to let dis Fraulein do such a high level. She knew nozing about her power or about what was going on. You scared her." A very rich German accent came from her rescuer, and for the first time, Kira looked up. Logan was getting scolded by a younger looking man, around Kira's age. He had a pair of jeans and a tan short-sleeved jacket, with a long-sleeved red shirt. His indigo hair about the length of his shoulders, with cheek length bangs. His hands where on his hips, and she noticed a weird looking watch on his wrist. He was pale, and his blue eyes where as friendly as his tone as he glared at the older man. Logan crossed his arms, looking away from the boy, mumbling something inaudible. Kira shuddered, her heart still hammering wildly in her chest. She felt herself cough, which gained the attention of her rescuer. He knelt down beside her.

"You are safe now, Liebchen. How are you feeling?" He scanned her over, as if looking for any injury, before landing a worried look to her eyes. "Are you unharmed?" Captivated by his accent and his eyes, Kira could only nod, before her brain took hold again. She shook her head quickly to clear it.

"Y-yeah—I mean yes, I'm fine." She shifted so she could sit up, and she grabbed a nearby chair, hoisting herself to her feet. Her rescuer stayed close to her, keeping out a guiding hand, just in case.

"Sorry for 'porting so suddenly. I figured it'd be best razzer than trying to fight the contraption off. Are you sure you are not feeling queasy?" He asked, worried. Kira smiled slightly, although she was dizzy, and a little incomprehensive, she was pretty sure she wouldn't be sick.

"No, no, just a little dizzy." She mumbled, still clinging to the chair.

"Alright. Oh, how rude, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kurt. Kurt Vagner. I teach drama in the school every now and zen." He made a show of bowing, even in the small control room, which Kira soon realized that's where he—what did he call it?-'ported' her.

He grabbed her hand and brought his lips to it in a light kiss. She smiled. It was nice to have such a lighter air around her, instead of the judgmental one Logan gave off. Speaking of Logan, he seemed to have taken advantage of the dramatic German's overture to slip away unnoticed. Ignoring the brute's leave, Kira couldn't help but feel grateful to this young man. Wanting to play around a bit—and not wanting to think about what had just happened—she bowed back in slight mockery.

"Oh my great savior Kurt Vagner, will you accept the gratitude of a lowly being as myself?" She grinned as Kurt started to laugh. She liked how it seemed to tumble from his chest to his throat, almost like a purr. As she straightened, Kurt put a finger to his chin, teasing her as she did him.

"Hmmm, I might have to zink about zat." He smiled, and she noticed his canines where sharp, like fangs. The twinkle in his eyes told trouble, but the easygoing man held an air of security. If they where going to get into trouble, he would protect her anyway, Kira was almost positive of that. "Maybe if dis lovely Fraulein would accept an invitation to see the good doktor about de results he came up wid?" He smiled knowingly as the girl gasped.

"He's got them already?" she asked, astounded. That was faster than she thought. Maybe something came up before he could do a diagnostic? she thought worriedly. Kurt nodded.

"Ja. Ze Professor wanted me to find you. He said somezing about 'looking for someone who seemed lost'." He shrugged before shaking his head, and then rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably, like he was having trouble explaining. "I don't know why he would not speak to you telepathically. He probably didn't want to scare you by talking to you mentally. Said somezing about 'freaking out'?" Kira felt herself flush a dark shade. As far as she could tell, she hadn't been too freaked out over the Professor in her brain, but could it possibly be that was what he thought when she had been so terrified of Dr. McCoy? Did he think she was scared of the mind controller too? Deciding nothing would happen if she stayed, she smiled at Kurt.

"Well then, we'd better go, huh?" Kira almost purred herself, her eyes glinting mischievously. A smile twitches on the Germans' lips, and he nods. Bowing again, he gestures her to the exit with his arm. Giggling, the girl follows, and not even a step behind, Kurt shadows her. As she goes to open the door, the boy grabs it first, opening it for her. Amused she plays along, thanking him with a small bow of her head. Normally, his 'chivalrous' act would have annoyed her; girls can open doors and get things for themselves. But it seemed like a one-time thing, and therefore, she allowed it. He lead her down a couple hallways, and she recognized the turn up ahead, which lead to the elevator, and down two more corridors she would be at Dr. McCoy's laboratory. Even though she had told Kurt she knew the way, he just shrugged and stayed with Kira.

"Besser safe dan sorry." He replied.

Soon, the crossed doors came into view, and opened as she came close to them. The Professor was already there, with Hank, towards the middle of the room. When the doors opened, they looked up expectantly. Charles smiled, and Hank was beaming so brightly it was as if he had just figured out a way to stop the earth from moving. Although, with his ingenious mind, he probably could.

"Ah, there you are." The blue beast spoke. "Come, I have discovered something very interesting." With no more than that, he whipped around, first to the computer to type some things in, and then to the back laboratory. Throwing a confused look to the Professor, Kira followed, Kurt her shadow. Hank had stopped at a microscope...thing, and adjusted the lenses. "You see Kira, when I originally set out to discover the secret behind your power, I only expected to see some sort of mutation in the blood, which all mutants have. Normally, a mutant's ability comes from the mind, not the body. When I say that, I'm talking about the median on which they pass. All mutants' mutations come from the DNA alteration, but that's not the point. There are special cases, of course, like if one where to turn invisible, it would be controlled by the mind, but the skin itself refracts the light or takes on the image of their surroundings to seem indistinguishable, or for an animal shape-shifter, their entire body changes based off of the animal they choose, the bones, muscles, organ placement, all of it changes into that animal. But when I looked at your blood," he trailed off, pulling out the little piece of glass from beneath the scope. He showed it to Kira, and she stared at it, confused. No spot of blood was on it. At all. "I realized something was defiantly different. The first spot of blood had vanished. I had only turned my back for a second, to go get a file out of the computer—your patient record portfolio, for background knowledge—and when I came back, the blood sample had disappeared. The glass was there, but not the blood. Baffled, I put another drop, determined to see what had happened."

He pulled out a little bottle of blood that had her name, age, date, and etcetera on it, and put a little drop on the glass. He then put a little plastic sheet on it, and motioned for Kira to look through the microscope. Furrowing her eyebrows, she did as proposed. The little blood that had been stuck seemed to be moving and shrinking at the same time, mending, changing shape until it finished disappearing. She looked at Hank, wanting an answer. He was beaming from ear to ear. "Fascinating isn't it?" He practically purred. "Once I realized no human eyes could catch what was going on, I went to technology." He moved to in front of the computer. "After running a couple different tests, I knocked out everything that had to do with organic or physiological. Your abilities, my dear, are molecular." Kira stared at him blankly. All she got out of that entire speech was that she was different from other mutants because her power wasn't controlled by something or other. After a pause, the doctor tried to explain another way. "What I mean is, you can change your molecular structure to match whomever or maybe even whatever you come in contact with." Kira felt her jaw drop, her eyes glowing in delight. Now that is a cool power.

"So, wait, I can, like, turn myself as hard as diamonds?" She asked, looking at her skin as if it would start changing right then. The doctor shrugged.

"I have no idea how far you can go with these powers, only that it is molecular based. Another question I have is why the blood in the container hasn't taken that particular shape, or molecular structure. I don't know quite yet. It could be possible that your blood—when in larger doses—takes more time to 'mold' into that shape. If that is the case, though, that also brings up the question of how you can adapt ones abilities so quickly. For every answer I get, I end up with about twenty more questions." But instead of looking tired, or worried for his workload to come, Hank seemed to be ecstatic for the challenge Kira's blood had presented him with. Not quite sure what that had in store for her, Kira could only give a weak smile. Could there really be so many different exceptions and rules to her power? That could be difficult to understand, control, and even remember. Maybe, eventually, it would come naturally, but for now, it seemed like a jumbled mess. How could she remember something important during a battle? Almost instantly, the answer came to her mind. Painful experience. She gave an inward shudder. That wasn't going to be pleasant, at all. But it was necessary, so it must add up to something, right? A small light bulb went off in her head as the scene from in front of her house played over again. That was how she saw Donavon coming over to pay a visit. She had absorbed her mom's power when she tried to grab Kira's wrists.

After thanking Hank and leaving him to his work, Kira and Kurt exited silently. He had not said a single thing during her discovery of her powers. When he did speak, it wasn't anything about the doctors' breakthrough.

"So, you vhere in school before you came here, ja?" He asked. Blinking, it took the dark haired beauty a minute to realize what he asked.

"Oh! Uh, yes. I was a senior. My mom did this whole thing so I could get my diploma early. She can be pretty convincing." She chuckled, remembrance of her mother and father now alone making a small pain in her chest. But that is how life goes. You can't stay at home forever. She wondered absent-mindedly what they would do now that she was gone. Her parents where reasonably young, her mom 38 while her dad was 40, so if they truly wanted, they could have another baby. Kira couldn't describe the feeling she had. It was almost jealousy, and she pushed the upsetting thought away. Kurt continued on, a little sad now.

"So zat means I von't be seeing you around ze school much sen..." he trailed off, defiantly depressed now. Kira felt a little twinge in her heart. It surprised her how much she had liked Kurt's company. But she wasn't in school, therefore, she couldn't see him.

"I guess that's right." She mumbled sadly. Kurt shook his head like he was banishing the thought.

"It von't be zat bad. You could come to mein classroom, ja?" He looked at her hopefully, and Kira smiled in response. That could work, right?

"Of course. Maybe I could even watch you teach." She giggled. Kurt smiled brightly, and she noticed for the first time that Kurt had sharpened canines, like fangs. She couldn't help but get a strange feeling. It was cool to have something like that, but she looked completely normal. Well, human. Who could say what was normal anymore? Shaking the thought from her head, she stretched her arms in front of her.

"So, what all do we do around here?" She asked the man. He stared into her eyes, and almost instantly, she looked away. It was courteous and respectful to look into ones eyes while speaking, but it was strange to have someone do the same to her. Most teenagers looked everywhere but the others eyes. Then again, Kurt wasn't like most teenagers.

"It depends on vhat you enjoy doing. Sometimes students vill play around or hang out, but zen again, zey are young. Ozers, like most of the X-Men, vill train in spare time, or if zey are upset about someting. And zen us teachers have grades to give out. So I can't really say 'vhat ve do around here'." He air quoted the last part, smiling at her childishly.

It sure seemed like a busy place. But that also meant that Kira would have a LOT of free time, since she knew no one and most people her age where teachers. Her lips twitched in a scowl. Well, she could go and frolic around in the town, or do some housework around the place. That could work, right? Yeah, for about three days. She thought bitterly. The thing was, Kira got very bored, very quickly, and would bounce around different things to keep her occupied. And since she didn't really know how to train, she couldn't just burn a few hours working out. Well, maybe a half-hour. That decided it. She needed a job. Kurt suddenly straitened and sighed. Confused, Kira gave him a look. He smiled apologetically, and said with remorse,

"Ze Professor needs me, so I must take leave for now Liebchen." He dipped his head in farewell and vanished with a 'bamf' and a cloud smelling of brimstone. She coughed, waving away the musty scent with her hand. Sighing, and now with no one to talk to, Kira once again took to wondering around her new home.

Kurt appeared in the Professor's office, seeing Logan, Jean, Scott, Storm, Rogue, and Kitty gathered around. Charles crossed his hands, gazing over Kurt with smoldering interest.

"Nice to see you Kurt." The older man smiled. Kurt shifted on his feet.

"Vhat is dis about Professor?" the German asked, unable to wait for long. Normally he was much more patient, but a certain brown haired, hazel eyed girl was floating through his mind, and he wanted to see her again as soon as possible, even though he had just left her...and met her, really. Charles blinked, a little surprised at Kurt's abruptness. Instead of questioning, he went straight to the point.

"I wanted to discuss our newest student." He said bluntly. Kurt immediately stiffened, feeling defensive. What was there to talk about? Instead, he merely watched the reactions of his peers attentively. Kitty looked like she'd rather be anywhere else, bored out of her mind, and a little confused. The Professor rarely spoke about the other students unless necessary, so speaking of one shortly after they arrived is unheard of. She straightened a little, also paying more attention. The southern belle known as Rogue turned her steady gaze from the window to Charles, curiosity making her pay special attention on the topic at hand. Ororo—more commonly known as Storm—was completely calm, but then again, she and the Professor had always been especially close, so it wasn't surprising that she had probably already spoken with Charles before the meeting began. Scott and Jean where confused, but thoughtful, open to whatever the Professor asked. Logan had crossed his arms with a sneer. He didn't like the girl for some unbeknownst reason. That, at least, was obvious. Charles continued. "What do you think of her, and be honest; I'd rather not interrogate your minds at this point." His lips twitched in a small smile. It was sort of an inside joke. He really had no need to say 'be honest' for he could just as easily read your true thoughts, but he had known these people for a long time, and trusted them as well. Kitty grinned.

"She, like, has guts. She seems okay, but really uncomfortable, like, she'd rather be just about anywhere else." Charles, Storm, and Jean nodded, while Logan's sneer deepened.

"She has a good soul, from what I can tell." The African goddess put in wisely. "Mature, that's for sure." Logan scoffed, and Storm threw him a look of distain. Jean spoke with an 'She seems okay.'

"When I spoke to her, she seemed really lost and alone, but she handled it well. I mean, I don't think she really could grasp that she's a mutant, when she couldn't see her powers. She felt like an outsider to the outcasts themselves." Scott added; it seemed like he was trying to include a couple more things, but couldn't find the words. Charles nodded in understanding, and everyone turned to Logan. Kurt felt twitchy and nervous. If Kira had made a bad impression on Logan he would not forgive easily; the man was known for holding a grudge. When Wolverine had not said anything, Charles prompted him by calling his name. With a growl, Logan reluctantly answered.

"What can I say? The girl doesn't want to be here, and that makes 'er dangerous. The kids are here to improve their powers so they can 'fit in' to normal life; they've already been scorned and hated. She has not. And she doesn't like mutants either. She's prejudice, spoiled, and something just isn't right with her." His stated absolutely, glaring at everyone as if daring them to disagree. Kurt felt his mouth drop open and a reply fall from his lips before his brain caught up.

"Zat's not true." Wolverine's heated glared snapped to him, and Kurt scrambled to find something to add. "She just...doesn't know how to handle being different. None of us did when our powers emerged. It doesn't help zat you won't give her a chance to prove herself. She just got here and you're making a large impression for such a short amount of time." Kurt wanted to say more, but his peers where giving him very strange looks. At least Logan had not taken his outburst the wrong way. He was studying Kurt with narrowed eyes, but he didn't look angry, just interested.

"Well Elf," the large brute grunted, using the nickname he gave the man years ago, "You seem to have taken a liking to her, haven't ya?" His eyes glinted, and Kurt felt his face heat up dramatically, which would show much brighter because he still had his holographic image inducer on. Trying to push away the burning in his cheeks, he snapped back at the thug.

"Zat's not de point. You are all judging her before you even know her. Ve of all people should know not to base zings off of appearance or past relations." He shot a glance at Rogue, inwardly feeling horrible about pointing out the southern girls' difficult time finding that her place was with the X-Men. He knew he would apologize later and seek forgiveness. Possibly even repent in the Church later. Rogue didn't meet his eye, but he heard Logan chuckle deep in his chest.

"Alright Elf. Lets make a deal. If you can prove to me that she not only accepts other mutants for who they are, but can accept that she is one herself and join the X-Men, then I'll admit that I was wrong to judge her so quickly." The glint in his eye scared the younger adult, but he would do anything to get a second chance for Kira. When he was about to agree, Logan held up a hand, signaling he wasn't through. Perplexed, Kurt stared at him. "And that means," he continued with a smug smile "that she has to accept you in your true form." Kurt felt himself gasp, terror and hurt coursing through him. All his doubts flooded into his mind as his past experiences flashed before his eyes. How would she react? What if she wouldn't want to be in his company anymore? What if she rejected the school because he looked that way? Could she really accept someone so different, when she was practically normal herself? Could he be able to show her what he truly looked like? He had to. For her sake. He had to believe she would accept him the way he was. He had only known her for a few minutes, but he felt that she wasn't the type to base judgments off of appearances. Then again, he didn't have anything close to a normal appearance. Raising a shaking hand, he clicked off the inducer. His blue furred tri-fingered hand reached for Logan, while his tail flicked nervously behind him. His pointed ears twitched, and his golden, pupil-less eyes narrowed in determination. He wanted to bounce on his bird-like feet, to get the worry out. As Logan clapped their hands together, Kurt hissed,


Smirking, Logan left the room, not bothering to wait for the Professor's dismissal, which he gave afterwards by saying 'we will talk about this tomorrow.' Kurt stared blankly at his hand, his terror and doubts enveloping him again. Only one thought ran through his head.

"Mein Gott, vhat have I done?"

Mein: My

Gott: God

Liebchen: Love or sweetheart

Germans prnounce their 'w's as 'v's, but I think it still made pretty much sence. Comment or message me if there are any questions!