![]() Author has written 8 stories for Legend of Zelda, Tekken, My Little Pony, Ib, Naruto, Shugo Chara!, and Fire Emblem. I haven't been on this since 2008, holy hell! I'm ready to restart and update things! :D I'll probably mainly write about Anime, with the occasional games thrown in :D Current anime obsession: FullMetal Alchemist Current Character(s) Fangirling over: Selim Bradley/Pride, Roy Mustang, Maes Hughes, Jean Havoc and Kiba Inuzuka. Favorite Pairings - Most likely to write about ;) ShinoKiba (I love Shino being ontop of my Kiba) - Naruto ShikamaruIno (BECAUSE I TOTALLY BELIEVE THEY SHOULDA GOT TOGETHER!) - Naruto KakashiSakura (No Judging.) - Naruto RoyRiza (Because please, they totally bang out side of the office. Roy wants her.) - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood SheskaMaes (Now before people jump at me, i mean, she loves him, one sided love people. I CAN SEE IT! In these stories, he WILL NOT feel the same. HE'S MARRIED PEOPLE!) - Fullmetal Alchemist (I see it more in the 2003 series) KibaHinata (BECAUSE THEY SHOULDA GOT TOGETHER! BAH!) - Naruto RoyEd (Chances are, Ed will be female, because...he looks like one sometimes, kay?) - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood TadaseAmu (I love these two, there's one i want to work on actually :D) - Shugo Chara JoshuaNeku (Because Joshua totally wants Neku) - The World Ends With You CraigTweek (Because i love these two! SQUEEE) - South Park OlivierMiles (I don't even know how this happened. It just did. Similar to Roy and Riza in my opinion) - Fulllmetal Alchemist BrotherhoodThinking of working on a series for my Naruto Next Generation i have :3 we'll see how this one goes :3 W.I.P alongside the ones already uploaded :D Sheska's love for Maes Hughes - Have a one shot in mind for this one, I'm hoping to start it soon :D A dark FullMetal Alchemist story - I don't want to give too much away for this one, as for the first chapter, i'm hoping to keep the characters a secret, just for the chapter :D A dark Shugo Chara story - Another dark one i know right? xD But seriously, Tadase goes missing for 5 whole years :O Only to return suddenly. :O Intense! No more information on that story front ;) A CraigTweek story - Sorta dark, not as much as the other two, but still, dark. Ops. But no, involves blackmailing! :O Scandal!I'm still working on the others, maybe a possible 'Not Always Forever' sequel that a lot of people want :O. Sleepless Nights will still be my number one to do since it's so popular :D. On another note, i have a Fictionpress and would love you guys to go look at it, i'm working on a big Werewolf story, i've been told it's amazing, pretty pwease go look? FictionPress: https://www.fictionpress.info/u/947929/ |