Spade Flamel
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Joined 07-09-09, id: 2001333, Profile Updated: 02-18-14
Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and Castle.

UPDATE 2/18/2014

Before anyone kills me, I finished Over My Head! Go read it! Thank you so much for the overwhelming number of PMs I got, they motivated me after two years.

Here's a little bit about me:

Name: Shannon

Nickname: Spade, Shanny, Shanoon, Shannoninom, Shannom, and any variation of that.

Birthdate: Sometime in April.

Current Location: In the Time Vortex

Eye Colour: Green.

Hair Colour: Very dirty blond.

Height: 5'6

Weight: Slightly overweight. Not getting into details, except that it involves an over active thyroid.

Piercings: 2

Tattoos: Treble Clef

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Single

Vehicle: Ford

Overused Phrase: "Don't talk, you lower the IQ of the whole street"


Food: Chick-fil-a

Pub/Disco/Restaurant: Chick-fil-a

Candy: Three Musketeers

Number: 2

Colour: Green

Animal: Cat.

Drink: Pink lemonade half and half.

Body Part On Opposite Sex: Hands.

Perfume: Air.

TV Show: Sherlock

Music Album: I'm a musician. I'm not allowed to have a favorite.

Movie: I don't have one.

Actor/Actress: Jeremy Renner/Bennedict Cumberbatch/ Martin Freeman


Pepsi Or Coke: Coke

McDonald's Or Burger King: McDonalds. Duh.

Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.

Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Neither.

Kiss Or Hug: ...Candy or physical touch? Hug on both.

Dog Or Cat: Cat.

Rap Or Punk: Punk

Summer Or Winter: Winter. We don't really have one here, though. We have summer, hurricane season, rainy season, and spring.

Scary Movies Or Funny Movies: Funny.

Love Or Money: Money


Bedtime: Whenever I end up falling asleep.

Most Missed Memory: My childhood.

Best Physical Feature: Eyes.

First Thought Waking Up: Shiiiiit...

Ambition: Get through college

Weakness: Books

Fears: Spiders and needles.

Longest Relationship: Two years


Cheated On Your Partner: No.

Ever Been Beaten Up: Yes.

Ever Beaten Someone Up: Yes.

Ever Shoplifted: Yes

Ever Skinnydipped: Nope.

Ever Kissed Opposite Sex: Yes.

Been Dumped Lately: I don't think so?


Favourite Eye Colour: Blue

Favourite Hair Colour: Depends on the person.

Short Or Long: Depends on the person.

Height: Taller the better.

Style: What suits them the best.

Looks Or Personality: Personality. No use in you having good looks if I can't stand you.

Hot Or Cute: Either or. Don't really care.

Muscular Or Really Skinny: Right in between


What Country Do You Want To Visit: Wales

How Do You Want To Die: Peacefully

Been To The Mall Lately: Yes

Get Along With Your Parents: Most of the time.

Health Freak: Not really, but I lived with a health freak of a mother, so I eat healthy and exercise anyways.

Do You Think You're Attractive: Not particularly.

Believe In Yourself: To do something I already know how to do? Yes. Quantum Physics? No.

Want To Go To College: In it.

Do You Smoke: Yes

Do You Drink: Sometimes

Shower Daily: Yeah. More like two times a day. I like being clean.

Been In Love: Yes

Do You Sing: Yes. A lot.

Want To Get Married: Not anytime soon

Do You Want Children: Maybe in the future. The very distant future.

Hate Anyone: Yes.


Stories I'm currently working on:


Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Over My Head reviews
When detective Ryan stumbles upon a major human trafficking ring, a price is put on his capture- dead or alive. And Esposito will make sure he does whatever it takes to get rid of it. Slash. M/M
Castle - Rated: M - English - Romance/Mystery - Chapters: 10 - Words: 26,257 - Reviews: 70 - Favs: 82 - Follows: 70 - Updated: 2/18/2014 - Published: 12/19/2011 - Javier E., Kevin R. - Complete
Defensor reviews
Dru Carney is in trouble when she stumbles upon some dark wizards. George Weasley is in trouble when he stumbles upon Dru. Full summary inside. R&R
Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Mystery - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,688 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 5/15/2011 - Published: 5/8/2011 - OC, George W.