Author has written 5 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender. I'm 29, I'm from Alabama but live in Atlanta, I'm a Medical Assistant, and a kid at heart. My husband is my best friend in the world and our kids are the epitome of cuteness, and I freakin LOVE football. Roll Tide! ;) I love to play the piano and I want to learn to play the guitar. I would like to write my own music at some point. Most likely electronic music. This is actually where the 'trancey' in my pen name comes from. Trance= trancey. I think music that doesn't express it's message through words can teach you the most. It touches your soul in a positive way. I'm totally eclectic when it comes to music. I believe everyone has a good story to tell through their music. It's just more fun to listen to when it's something creative that you can groove to. I like to doodle, I'm not so good at likenesses, or faces, but I have drawn abstract and random things with some success. The more you expose yourself to the arts, the more fulfilling your life is. :) I love this keeps my imagination alive. I mostly enjoy Avatar: The Last Airbender FanFiction here. There hasn't been a show that has grabbed my attention like Avatar, I don't think, ever. I love the spiritual and moral aspects the show presents. What beautiful concepts to include in a childrens' show! The fact that we are all connected, that everything is connected; that we are all one people; that the whole world is one living thing breathing together; that meditation is good for your spirit; that we can grow spiritually by understanding each other and learning from each other. Though they may not understand at a young age, these are things we should all teach our children and continue to encourage as they grow. If more parents spent time teaching these values instead of preaching self-motivation and prejudice the world may be a different place. I know, I know, keep dreaming. My favorite episode is 302: The Headband. When Aang says, "dancing isn't something you think about. It's a form of self-expression that no one can ever take away from you," I was like YES! My sentiments exactly! I spent the latter of my teen years and early twenties at colorful, all-night dance parties in New Orleans dancing to the aforementioned electronic 'positivity-emitting' music, and having experienced that, I completely agree with Aang's statement. If you have never experienced dancing to music when your inhibitions totally disappear and you connect in a certain, unspoken way with the hundreds of people around you, I highly recommend you find said environment. It totally changes your outlook on life. So now that you all think I'm a total hippie... Enjoy my writing, sporadic as it may be, and don't forget to leave some constructive feedback. :) I always return the favor. |
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