Author has written 6 stories for Death Note, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Pandora Hearts. Hi people hoi-hoi! Ok So you probably wanna know info right well lets see... Name: Sorry can't tell ya Age: 17 Occupation: Junior/Childcare providers assisstant Anime's I like: Durarara!!, Prince of Tennis, Bleach, Trinity Blood, Naruto, Inuyasha, Venus Versus Virus, Death Note, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, One Piece, Yu Yu Hakusho, Kamen no Guy Maid (I don't really know much about that show though since I just started watching it), Mar there's more but I can't think of any Anime guy's I like: #1: Chad, Eiji, Shizuo, Izaya, L, Near, Shikamaru, Miroku, Dino, Youko Kurama, Kurama, Hiei, Gokudera, Syuuske (Shusuke), Alviss, Luffy, Sanji, Oishi There are more but they're from the shows I didn't mention. Pairings (normal, anime x-overs, and yaoi): MirokuxSango, SangoxHiei, SangoxInuyasha, SangoxBankotsu, ShusukexEiji, EijixRyoma, MomoxRyoma, OishixEiji, TezukaxOishi, HieixKurama, ShikamaruxNeji, TsunaxKyoko, DinoxHibari, GokuderaxTsuna, YamamotoxGokudera, SasukexSakura, NarutoxHinata, KibaxHinata, ShikamaruxHinata, NarutoxSasuke, SasukexHinata, SasukexShikamaru, AlvissxGinta, GintaxSnow, SangoxSasuke, TezukaxShususkeand possiblyT many more hoi-hoi!! Other than that my life is boring...except I have imaginary friends!! (yea I'm that pathetic) My imaginary friends are Hibari, Dino, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Reborn, Lambo, Bianchi, Fuuta, Belphogor, and Tres!! And My favorite japanese bands are D'espairsray, Chariots, Girugamesh, Flow, Maximum the Hormone, Orange Range, and Cherryblossom. My favorite japanese singers are Yui, Kotoko, and Osami Masaki. |
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