Author has written 5 stories for Naruto, and Final Fantasy VII. I am very much a character-focused writer. Plot for the sake of plot goes over my head; I find it much more interesting to probe the changing psyches of my characters, be they canon or not. Their motivations for their choices and the consequences, intended or not, make up the meat of my writing. Also, I find shades of grey far more interesting than black and white, so there is never a clear "good guy" or "bad guy". All of my stories within the Naruto universe are based off of a single map (which I have developed in detail with roads, rivers, forests, mountains, weather patterns, village buildings, and other bits of geography worked out), whether they are part of the same AU or not. I tend to reuse my minor OCs, so if you spot someone in Beast Wars that sounds familiar, it's probably because you met that character in Karma's Web or vice versa. My main motivation with this is to show that very small changes can spiral a universe onto very diverse paths, but still leave it essentially the same universe. Must recommend Mushi-shi and Natsume Yujincho (both anime and manga); they are both under-appreciated series. Baccano and Durarara!! are also awesome. I discovered Homestuck by Andrew Hussie at the prompting of a cruel friend, who knew that I would become addicted to it. Funnest webcomic ever. Ever. Read it. And yes, as many of you probably guessed, my name comes from Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series. Pending Posting Karma's Web- (Naruto, 2005 - present) A lengthy AU fic. Watch karma corrupt, ninja perspective shatter good intentions, and characters discover how humanity is capable of interpreting things any way it pleases. Being viciously edited. Yes, I'm still working on it as of 2015. Manipulator- (Naruto, 2009 - present) In the works and hopefully spanning only twelve chapters. Mikoto and ANBU-centric. Very cynical at the moment. I have some research to do before this braves the Internet. On hold as of 2015. Beast Wars- (Naruto, 2011 - present) A more realistic look at how the circumstances surrounding Kyuubi's attack could have prompted Konoha to react. Being written and edited. This story is my main focus for the moment as it is getting really interesting. Completed The Danger of Missing Calls- (FFVII) Have you ever had one of those moments when you're just wondering about something innocent, like a cell phone call and how when you call home no one ever picks up because the caller ID says "unknown caller", and suddenly a story pops into your head? This one is very brief, but that's basically how it happened. It's very scary and very sad as far as I'm concerned. One shot. Duality- (Naruto) Mikoto questions the impending coup, quietly. A symbolic piece of nothing done simply to get a better handle on Mikoto and the feelings behind Uchiha rebellion. Losing Battles- (Naruto, KW-centric) A little one shot on Snake-28, the Sandaime, Kakashi, and the nature of loss. |