![]() Author has written 5 stories for Death Note. Hello! Call me Chibi. I live in the world and I am an age! I enjoy anime and manga. My favorite anime/manga is Death Note. Other animes/mangas that I have watched/read: Chibi Vampire Favorite pairings: MattxMello 12 Best Death Note Characters, in any order: 1)Matt 2)Mello 3)Beyond Birthday 4)L 5)Light 6)Matsuda 7)Near 8)A 9)Ryuuku 10) Remu 11)Watari 12)Naomi Misora Have you read a five/seven fic before? Nopers Do you think three is hot? How hot? Oh yesh, he ish very sexy... although like no one knows what he really looks like XD expect for meh :D What would happen if six got one pregnant? Mello would kill them both XD Do you recall any good fics about four? yesh :D Would seven and two make a good couple? Not really... Four/eight or four/six? four/ eight is slightly better, but not by much D: What would happen if seven discovered three and eight in a secret relationship? He would most likely already know and probably be fine with it. Is there such a thing as a four/two romantic fluff story? possibly, but I have never seen one. What kind of plot would you use for a three/one fic? ummm... I wouldn't write one in the first place! XD If you wrote a songfic about number five, what song would you chose? ummmm Vicarious, by Tool If you wrote a two/three/six fic, what would the warning be? warning: murder and gore because of B XD What pick-up line might eight use on five? I have no idea XD What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and four having sex? He would run away in terror!! Does anyone on your friends list write or draw six? nopers Would you write Two/Four/Five? No o.o What might seven scream at a moment of great passion? ummmm I don't think he would scream XD When was the last time you read a fic about Five? a few days ago What is Six's super-secret kink? He is secretly... really smart! Would eight shag one? Drunk or sober? no... never... If Three and eight get together, who tops? B!! Because he's a top... an aggressive top XD If you're one of those people who get excited when you see just one review, paste this into your profile. 92 percent of teenagers would die if Abercrombie and Fitch told them it wasn't cool to breathe. Put this in your profile if you would be part of the 8 percent laughing your arse off If you wish that a fictional character was real, copy and paste this to your profile. If you're against animal cruelty (horse slaughter, bear baiting, dolphin hunting, chimp slavery etc.) then copy this into your profile! If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have your own little world, copy and paste this into your profile. I don't suffer from insanity... I enjoy every minute of it. If you are insane, enjoying every second, and proud of it, copy this and paste it into your profile. If you hate obnoxious snobby people, PLEASE copy this into your profile. If you think that Sasuke from Naruto completely has to have the nick-name 'Chicken Butt Hair Dude', copy this to your profile while laughing your ass off. If you've ever copied and pasted something into your profile, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever pushed on a door that said pull or vise versa copy this into your profile If you have ever felt the undeniable urge to slam your head into something, whether it is another person or not copy this into your profile A large percent of writers don't know the difference between "to" and "too". If you're one of the ones who does know and wants to slug them, copy and paste this into your profile. If you don't watch Laguna Beach or the O.C.C. or The Hills, never have, never will, and are proud of it, put this on your profile. 98 percent of teenagers smoke or have tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2 percent who hasn't, put this on your profile. If your obsessed with fanfiction, copy this on your profile. You know when you live in 2008 when... 1.) You accidentally enter your password on a microwave. 2.) You haven't played solitare with real cards for years 3.) The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is they dont have a screenname or my space 4.) You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the buttons on the TV 6.) Your boss doesn't even have the ability to do your job. 7.) As you read this list you keep nodding and smiling. 8.) As you read this list you think about sending it to all your friends. 9.) You were too busy nodding and smiling to notice number 5. 10.) You scrolled back up to see if there was a number 5. 11.) Now you are laughing at yourself stupidly. Put this in your profile if you fell for that, and you know you did. Don’t knock on death’s door. Ring the bell and run. He hates that. I understand that Scissors can beat Paper, and I get how Rock can beat Scissors, but there's no way Paper can beat Rock. Is Paper supposed to magically wrap around Rock leaving it immobile? If so, why can't paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors, why can't paper do this to people? Why aren't sheets of college ruled notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they attempt to take notes in class? I'll tell you why, because paper can't beat anybody, a rock would tear that crap up in two seconds. When I play rock/ paper/ scissors, I always choose rock. Then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper I can punch them in the face with my ready made fist and say, oh, I'm sorry, I thought paper would protect you, asshole! Some say the glass is half full, others the glass is half empty, all I want to know is who's drinking my water! Silent is golden but duck tape is silver TGWF: Thank God We're Female Good advice: not introduce self as role playing character in public. not talk to fictional characters in public. not answer fictional characters in public. 4. Do not talk to inanimate objects in public 5. Do not go out in public. 6. Disregard above note.Perform numbers 1 to 4. 7.Note expressions. 8.Don't die alone. Take many people with you. 9.Floor is slippery when wet. 10.Lake is slippery when dry. 11.Only talk to strangers you know. 12.Strangers you don't know are spies... Kill them all. 13.For legal purposes be sure to delete above note. 14.Tell people about the spies that are trying to kill you. 15.Kill them for security purposes. 16.Crying does not solve anything. Try violent mood swings. 17.Make a scene whenever humanly possible. 18.The men in white coats are not your friends. 19.Ask them for a room with lots of sharp, pointy objects. 20.When that doesn't work, ask for a designer jacket. 21.Chicken soup, although good for colds, is not the best cure for drowning. 22.Flammable and inflammable mean the same thing. 23.Unlike fine wine, milk does not get better with age. 24.Always remember, um... um... Damn. 25.Train an army of flying monkeys. 26.Goldfish don't like milk. not maim people. If you already have, kill them to avoid lawsuits. 28.Find out who invented the word "pianoist". 29.People are staring at you. act insane. 31.People are weird, but not as weird as me. not taunt animals at a zoo. They have feelings... And teeth. 33.Little people are aggressive. Stay away from little people. 34.Going through other people's stuff is a bonding experience. Do this as much as possible. 'll sometimes notice shadows late at night. Don't worry. It's only me... Bonding. 36.Never pet a burning dog. 37.Never make eye contact with a naked man. Especially if you are wearing a parka. 38.Naked men dig parkas. 39.Beware the naked man who offers you his parka. know what would look good on you? 41.Immolated cockroaches. 42.Don't worry. It's only a harmless pimento bug. 43.The size of Danny DeVito. 44.Making an amusing facial expression. Like this. O~O 45.Numbers are evil. Count in clovers. 46.Stalking is fun. Do it more. 47.Make a large sign saying, "Look at me, I'm a gumnut tree!" matter what anyone says, there is a way to get to your fantasy world. 49.That way is rum. 50.Constipated people don't give a sh-t. cannot kill the snow. 53.The snow can kill you. 54.Grass can also kill you. 55.The leprechaun on the cereal box said I can't get his lucky charms... 56.Catch and castrate leprechaun. 57.HE is real... No matter what the men in white coats say. 58.Staple paper in the middle of the page. case of blank looks, laugh maniacally. are not haxxor l337 or an uberhacker or anything like that. 61.Pretend to be so around teh n00bs. not go out with voice #7. He is a sadistic, soul sucking demon. 63.Disregard last note. Go out with demon. Who needs a soul anyway? 64.Ask Senior Diablo for a bigger pitchfork. 65.Remember to kill HIM... 66.Tell the small children in Toys 'R' Us that the dolls have an insatiable thirst for blood. 67.Note reactions. Avoid parents. 68.The blood of infants gives unholy superpowers according to Jhonen C. Vasquez. Test theory. 69.Scream, the doctors don't like it, they'll give you a shot of something nice. 70.Hide the bodies, otherwise people ask embarrassing questions. the evidence. 72.But not if it's broken glass. 73.When in the presence of someone much wiser than you, point in a random direction and yell, "Look, a distraction!" Then run. not tell children that Santa is fat because he eats kids. 75.Disregard last note. 76.Note reactions. 77.On average, 100 people choke to death on ball point pens every year. 78.Stock up on ball point pens. 79.Learn to fly. Tell no one. 80.The secret to flying is throwing yourself at the ground and missing. not stick fingers into blender. 82.Blender... Bad... Ouch. 83.Blood loss is bad. 84.Find way to re-attach fingers. 85.Scream as much as humanly possible at 2AM. 86.Answer every question with a question. 87.Ask people what gender they are. 88.Note reactions. 89.Refer to people as "mortal". 90.The Seagull From Hell is out to get me. 91.Kill all enemies in most disturbing way possible. 92.Start by drowning them in fire ants. 93.Find the creators of pop-up messages. 94.Kill them. 95.Brutally. 96.Teachers don't like finding notes on world domination. 97.Dunk head in boiling water. 98.Disregard last note. Was written by Voice #7. (Yeah, I'm stopping with 98. Got a problem with it? I didn't think so...) |