![]() Author has written 19 stories for Sherlock, and Avengers. Pointless facts: 1. My name is Bethan, and I'm in Year 11. 2. I live in the UK. 3. I write FanFiction. 4. I promised my sister that I'd learn all the words to 'Jenny from the Block', but I still haven't. 5. I have a serious thing for coats. I mean, it's really bad. Which leads onto point six- 6. I adore Sherlock. 7. And Benedict Cumberbatch. And Martin Freeman. And a lot of thirty-something actors, which is seriously inappropriate for a fifteen year old girl. 8. I'm attracted to oddly beautiful men. Benedict Cumberbatch, whilst gorgeous, is not conventionally attractive. He looks a bit like a horse. A damn sexy horse, but a horse none-the-less (Just to clarify, I'm not into bestiality. When I describe him as "a damn sexy horse" I get weird looks, quite rightly I suppose). Also, look at people like Cillian Murphy, Russell Howard and David Tennant. Not really sex symbols, but whatever. 9. I don't want pets, I just like naming things. 10. Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss are gods in human form- no arguments. 11. I like films, but I was ashamed to find out that I've only seen like 10% of the Empire Top 500. I'm trying to watch them all before I die. 12. Favourite slash couple? Sherlock/John, though I'm partial to a bit of Mystrade. Oh, and if we're talking het, it has to be Fran and Bernard from Black Books. Those two are made for each other :) OH, and I forgot- I absolutely LOVE Green Wing. I've only just gotten into it, but I'm doing so religiously XD So, from the Green Wing-verse, my favourite pairings (brace yourself) are Mac/Caroline, Guy/Caroline, Mac/Guy, Martin/Caroline, Sue White/Guy, and last but not least, Statham/Boyce. So, just about everything really. AND I KNOW I SHOULDN'T LIKE THAT LAST ONE, BUT IT'S TOO FREAKING ADORABLE. 13. I have a not so healthy paranoia about, well, just about everything. Heights. Drowning. The likelihood of them cancelling Sherlock/Doctor Who and finding something else to devote my life to. 14. I enjoy making lists. 15. Whatever anyone says, smoking is cool. If it wasn't for the health risks, I'd so be there. 16. I have a serious retro crush on Michael Palin. I know, it's weird, but out of the Pythons, he was the good looking one. 17. I have an irrational hatred of violinists. I have many friends who play the violin who are lovely people. I have no idea why I hate them, perhaps it's because they get all the good parts in music. Cellists are the sulky greb kids who sit in a corner and sneer at them. Aaah, how healthy : ) However, I half wish I'd learned so I could be one step closer to Sherlock Holmes. Yes, my dream is to play a duet with a fictional character on an instrument I don't actually play. Again, very healthy :) 18. I have a hideous height complex. I'm 5'1. I've been the small one all my life. 19. I'm crap at sports. Seriously, not in the way that most nerds are, in an extreme way. Example: Whilst playing Rounders, I was asked to bowl. I managed to hit myself in the face with the ball. FML. I'm also clumsy. Not just regular person clumsy. I am astronomically clumsy. Example: I ran across a field to someone, tripped and headbutted them in the chest. FML. 20. I hope you enjoy anything I write. If not, tell me how I can improve. http:///- Save Arthur Conan Doyle's house! Please paste it to your profile! :) |