Author has written 42 stories for Star Wars, Heroes, Doctor Who, and Torchwood. I'm really just someone who should probably be saving the whales or some such thing when she's writing/reading fanfiction. I write fanfiction for Doctor Who, Torchwood, Heroes, and KotOR. I also write crossovers, as you may have noticed from reading my fic. I don't like character bashing and I enjoy parodies. I also dabble passively in the Man from UNCLE, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: 2009, Babylon 5, the Authority, and Harry Potter fandoms. I'll try to finish my WIPs, but... don't go holding your breath either. The only one I'm actively working on is The Walker Tracking System. Pairings I support: Kotor: Carth/FRevan, Visas/MExile, Atton/FExile Heroes: Matt/Mohinder, Peter/Elle, Hiro/Charlie, Peter/Niki, Noah/Sandra Torchwood: Ianto/Jack, Tosh/Owen, Gwen/Rhys, Ianto/Lisa, Jack/Ianto/Gwen, Jack/Ianto/Lisa Authority: Mi-Lin/Jenny Sparks, Habib/Jenny Quantum, Apollo/Midnighter Babylon 5: Susan/Marcus, John/Delenn, G'Kar/Lando Doctor Who: Jack/Rose/Nine, Ten/Rose, Donna/Lee, Jack/Donna, Martha/Tom, Mickey/Jake The Best Paragraph Written Ever: After the Great Kitten Debate of 1996 died down, class went rather smoothly. During the debate it was generally agreed that Minerva could not have kittens. Or that if she did they would have to be fathered by another cat Animagus and that in the unlikely event of that happening the kittens would be super-intelligent, diabolical genius kittens who would take over the Earth with an army of tabbies, which they would control with poisoned cat-nip and mind-controlling feather toys. ~From Just A Random Tuesday, in my favorites. |
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