Author has written 6 stories for Ranma. Hi! What can I say about me? I love the Ryoga and Ukyo pairing so much! I discovered the pairing in one of the Ranma/Akane centered fanfics and fell in love with them. It just made perfect sense why they should be together. So, I started reading fanfics about them and, eventually, I started writing my own, which are mostly based on the anime. Just the best pairing ever! I simply love them, as a couple and as individuals. I'm totally attracted to Ryoga in every way, he's such a complex character to work on. And Ukyo just thrills me, she's every little thing Ryoga needs. They are so alike and different from each other at the same time. How can you not love them? Well, that's all... If you read my stories, please review. Thanks :) Update (Jun/20): I'm glad to know you guys are still reading! I'll be updating soon! |