Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. Author's update (022015) はじめまして。 If you stumbled upon this page, then I guess you're checking whether or not I'm still updating any of my stories. Well, the thing is, I'm not really sure if I am ever going to finish any of it anymore. I honestly don't have the time... or the energy to continue. I guess this is sort of like my transition from Neverland. I grew up and so there are things I have to leave behind. Right now... I am on an indefinite HIATUS. I 'MIGHT' finish this one day... but I know it won't be anytime soon. Do not fret though. I have the ending of everything and I got it all planned out (complete with the outline and all). If you're really that desperate I can narrate the ending or perhaps send an unfinished draft? I dunno. Maybe. Since I don't write that much here anymore, for those who are reading my stuff for the first time, I AM WARNING YOU RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW! I write terrible English. I am fluent in four different languages but English is not one of them. I've had my fair share of unforgiving flamers/critics who bitched about it on my review board despite the fact that I don't accept FLAMERS. I already know my faults, hence the disclaimer in each chapter, but if you're one of the flamers who, despite the warning, continued bombarding my review page, then you're also at fault because you are a terrible reader. 'No Flames' means 'NO FLAMES'. I don't understand why this isn't clear since I'm sure I wrote that in ENGLISH. Anyway, I want to wish you all a great day! A special thank you also to the 62 awesome people who placed me on their favorite authors list. I haven't checked this in forever but the outpour of love is really overwhelming. Thank you. Until the next inspiration kicks in, I hope we get to meet each other again soon... In writing that is. じゃね, Mya. |