A/N: This came upon me during an English lesson, and I thought I might as well give it a go. Please review, you know how much I love them :P. Incidentally, if anyone knows of particularly good Lily/James fics, let me know- I've run out of things to read!
Chapter One
The New Home
Lily stared at her trunk with resignation. Her few belongings were piled into it helter-skelter, books mingling with clothes and vials of potions ingredients. It seemed as though as soon as she got comfortable, she had to leave again.
It was two weeks into the summer holidays, and Lily's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had just ended. Ever since her parents had been murdered two years ago, Lily had been shuffling between different foster homes and orphanages each holiday. And now it seemed as though the Ministries department for homeless wizards had chosen to move her to yet another foster family. This one was rich, apparently.
Well, it would be a nice change to go to a house that had all the necessary appliances and more. Most of the foster families were well off, but none so much as the one she would be traveling to that day.
She hadn't been told their name yet - she never was. Some load of crap about letting them introduce themselves.
With a sigh, Lily slumped down on her bed. She wished her parents were still alive. She wished she could stay with her friends. But her best friend Margaret was overseas for the three months, and her other friend Chloe had four siblings, meaning there was no room for Lily as well.
"Lily? The car's here," a voice called down the hallway. "Time to go."
Lily got to her feet determinedly.
"Let's see what this family's all about," she muttered.
James Potter lounged on the sofa in his family room. A magazine lay in his lap, but he was staring through the wall-length windows onto the grounds instead. Yes, the grounds, not the backyard. The Potters owned over 30 acres of land, so the area surrounding their mansion was…extensive, to say the very least.
Mrs Potter was bustling around the house nervously, inspecting the cookies she had baked especially for the occasion, and plumping cushions up on all the chairs.
"Mum, would you relax already?" James said exasperatedly. "It's all going to be fine!"
Mrs Potter nodded distractedly.
"That's nice, James," she said, obviously not having heard a word he said. "Very nice."
James rolled his eyes, looking back down at his magazine. Who would have thought that the arrival of one teenager would make such a fuss? Well, maybe their guest wasn't just any teenager - a foster child from the Ministry - but still! If they were homeless, then they wouldn't care what the house looked like, so long as it had a bed, right?
James had to admit that he was a little excited about the foster child himself. He had been an only child for all his life, and it would be nice to have some sort of sibling. He knew it was someone from his year at Hogwarts, but he hadn't been told his/her name. Some foster home policy about introducing oneself.
"James! They're here!" his mother's shout came from the front hall.
James sighed and got to his feet.
It was time to meet his new houseguest.
Lily gasped as she got her first view of her new home. It was huge! Gorgeous gardens and parkways stretched as far as the eye could see, all belonging to one family. The house was at least as large as half of Hogwarts, and she had heard that only three people stayed there. Instantly, Lily began to feel insignificant. These people would be snobs, she could tell. What did they want a foster child for?
The Ministry car finally rolled up to the front door, and Lily clambered out of the back seat. She went to haul her trunk out of the boot of the car, but the chauffer was already there. He smiled at her and lugged the heavy trunk to the door for her. Then he sat back in his car and with a whoosh, disappeared down the drive.
Lilt took a deep breath and raised her hand to knock on the door. Just as she was about to rap her knuckles against the hard wood, the huge door swung open.
A thin, brown haired woman smiled at her. Lily's heart leapt to her throat. She had the same look in her eyes that Lily's own mother had had. She instantly knew that she would love this woman.
"My name's Lily," Lily mumbled, not knowing what else to do. There was a clatter in the hallway behind the woman and then-
"Lily Evans!" a voice cried.
Lily peered around the woman straight into caramel-gold eyes.
James Potter.
"Uh, hi?" she offered.
But James was dumbstruck. It was going to be an interesting holidays after all.
A/N: So, how was that? Any suggestions for the rest of the plot? I need first names for James' parents as well. And should his dad be thin or fat? Review for me please! Ten reviews and then the next chapter, yeah?
Luv, Jaizar