Poll: Which Finger do you snap with AKA thumb and which finger. Vote Now!
Author has written 15 stories for Giver, Fruits Basket, Prince of Tennis, Ultra Maniac, Bleach, Dragon Age, and Inception. There isn't much to say about myself, except that I have an ego the size of a small country, and that I enjoy writing. I also eat my pizza crust first, and am not left handed. I am a terrible speller, enjoy cleaning, typing, and organizing. The sport that I am currently enthralled with is rock climbing--it builds strong muscles, like milk, and gives you awesome bruises that makes your muscles easier to show off. I have this idea that I live in a world full of super-people. Not everyone may have an awesome super power like Superman or the Flash or Jean Grey, but everyone has a super power, regardless. (Please allow me to live in this fantasy.) My lame super power is that I am able to fall asleep at any place, at any time. If I had to pick one word to describe myself, it would be "genuine." If I had to pick two, I would pick "The Best." I am a college student, and thus prone to sporadic updating. Between work, play and schooling, there is little time for writing. It leaves me in the dumps too, but sleep overrules pretty much all other needs. I think I am one nap ahead of narcolepsy. (I recently underwent a mass cleaning of my stories. If there was a story of mine that you liked, but I deleted, I apologize. I am a minimalist and will probably never have above twenty stories published on this site.) |
Elizabeth Reins (1) KitKatAttack (1) | Lady Maeror (46) LazyLilies (3) Mai x Mai (9) mikinataka (6) | nalanna (12) NewSlove (7) Princesscupcakes (15) |