Author has written 48 stories for Akazukin Chacha, Harry Potter, Prince of Tennis, Death Note, One Piece, Get Backers, Dynasty Warriors, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Tales of the Abyss, Mentalist, Inception, X-Men: The Movie, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Sherlock. Hi. You're looking at the profile of Yukirei, otherwise known as Cosmiko Ling outside I write mostly one-shot fanfiction (mainly because I'm too lazy to continue my work otherwise, until a long time after), which is archived here (on as well as on my fiction journal, Hidden Writes (username: cosmiko_ling) on . Fanwork archived there may be unedited. I also draw ocassionally. Most of my current art are fanart. These can be found on my personal website (which also archives some of my fics), Hidden Dreams or on my art journal, Doodle Ling. While I feed on canon fodder and inspiration to write, reviews (especially constructive criticisms) are boosters that are always much appreciated. If you have left a review, know that I'm grateful. Thank you. Favourite characters: Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban series; including Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice): Miles Edgeworth, Klavier Gavin, Phoenix Wright, Daryan Crescend Pairings I ship: Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban series; including Phoenix Wright and Apollo Justice): Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth (GS1-3 OTP!), Daryan Crescend x Klavier Gavin (GS4 OTP!), Diego x Mia, Gumshoe x Maggey Current fanfic-reading obsession: flitting around |