![]() Author has written 2 stories for Evangelion. Well what to write here, i've always been pretty terrible at things like this but i'll give it a go. Sex: Male D.O.B: 01/12/86 Where I come from: England Favourite Anime/Manga: Neon Genesis Evangelion - My favourite anime of all time, truly great. Think the characters and the story are awesome. Have to say that my favourite characters have got to be Asuka and Shinji and surprisingly enough (not) my favourite pairing is Asuka and Shinji. Don't like the manga quite as much as the anime but its still good. Trigun/Trigun Maximum - Good anime Brilliant manga. Vash is a great character, he has so many sides to his personality just when you think you've got to know everything about him he unveils a new layer. Also like Wolfwood he's so much like Vash but at the same time so different, like two sides to the same coin. Made me quite sad when they killed him off in both the anime and the manga but at least the manga death was worthy. Pairings: Vash and Meryl, they go so well together Berserk- Average anime, Awesome manga. If you've watched the anime but haven't read the manga then you should, the anime is a severely watered down version of the manga both in plot, action and character development. Plus the fact they have only done a small portion of the actual story anyway (i think at the moment its about 50/50 on the actual released volumes in Japan to what the anime has used and the manga is still going strong) Guts is an incredible character, you learn about his past and see it shape him in his adulthood. Throughout the story he develops immensely but at the same time remains unchanged. Pairings: Guts and Caska, they go so well together and it took them so long to admit it then it was taken away from them in the worst kind of betrayal. Guts has every reason to feel murderous Battle Angel Alita/Last Order- Almost non existent anime, Good manga. Good but takes to much time explaining everything in extreme amounts of detail. Pairings: don't have any really Hellsing- Average anime (but Hellsing Ultimate is great!!) Excellent manga- Love the manga. Alucard is great, I like it how he is always urging the enemy on, hoping they might defeat him 'Rival! Come kill me!! Come pierce this heart with your bayonets!! Like five hundred years ago!! Like a hundred years ago!! Put an end to the Interstice of this, my dream!! Beloved mortal foe!!' and despite how hard he fights its also obvious how much he hates what he is 'A monster like me, A weak monster that could not go on being human...' really good dialogue. Pairings: once again, none really Naruto- Both anime and manga are great but i prefer the manga more (the filler episodes annoy the hell out of me) Simply great, the character interactions are amazing and the plot is great. 3 friends, 2 are forced to watch the others fall from grace but promise to retrieve him. I'll be honest and say that i totally despise Sasuke but that doesn't mean he isn't a good character just that if i met him in real life i'll probably punch him, lol. Naruto himself is great, it always makes me want to tear up when i see the bit just before he promises to bring Sasuke back, you can almost see his heart breaking but he does it for the one he loves anyway. I think Sakura is really great in the first part and gets even better in part 2, interactions between her and Naruto can be really funny. Pairings: Naruto and Sakura, cant stand Sasuke and Sakura. Got high hopes for my pairing later in the series Theres a whole lot more but too many to list. Books: Afraid I'm going I'm going to have to keep this short because their are simply too many to put here (I've read hundreds and hundreds of books) but i'll put a few favourites down. Wheel of Time Series Harry Potter Series Lord of the Rings The Hobbit Loads of David Eddings books Loads of Robin Hobb books The Sandman Series The Lucifer Series Memory, Sorrow and Thorn Series etc So as you can guess I'm a big fantasy fan Favourite Games: Final Fantasy (pretty much all of them) But Final Fantasy 7 the most (Cloud and Tifa so go together) Zelda: Ocarina of Time (best game on the N64) Kingdom Hearts 2 Phantasy Star Online Armored Core Series Neverwinter Nights Mainly RPG's but with a few others Well thats it for now, i'll add stuff as I think of it :D And this too is another fact that I read from reading another author's profile: Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Shadow929,SweetNCrazieSugarmuffin,The Komodo Dragon Phoenix,Bust_A_Groover, Tecna, Triggonseed, Demonic Dragon Knight, Water-Star, CrazyKidDeath |